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K.Rool Addict

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Posts posted by K.Rool Addict

  1. This is one of the first games I feel obligated to buy purely to "support" it lol. You see, while Crash Bandicoot was always a "meh" franchise in my opinion (even the originals on the Ps1), motherfucking SPYRO on the other hand... I would die of happiness if Insomniac gave the Ps1 Spyro games the Crash(Ps4) treatment >.<

    Like, imagine playing the Shadow of the Colossus remake AND Spyro 2 Ripto's Rage remake at 4k resolution back to back in the same evening? I would think I died and went to heaven Q.Q

    The only thing that could make my life more complete would be a Super Mario Sunshine 2 remake in Unreal Engine 4 T^T

    • Brohoof 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, Kyoshi said:

    That last bit about avoiding the toxicity, I would love to do that, but it seems you cannot go to any place on the internet without running into it. It brings my enthusiasm down quite a bit. 

    I will still get the X, but by the time it comes out I will probably see enough comments to not have any excitement towards doing so. 

    Aww, thats stupid. No reason to let others make your enthusiasm lesser than it would be otherwise.

    Everyone was telling me Season 5 of MLP:FiM was trash. Then I watched it all in one go to see if they were right. Hell, I actually watched it on Christmas Eve -> Christmas morning. The results? I'll let this image I made several months ago do the talking:


    ^This is ofc, my opinion, but you get the idea lol. 

    With gaming you've gotta remember, the criticism keeps the industry improving. If whiny pc elitists and dissatisfied/ jealous console gamers weren't constantly complaining about how horrendously weak and outdated the base Ps4 and Xbone were, we wouldn't have gotten these mid generation upgrades. If people didn't bitch and whine (and not buy) the Wii U, Nintendo never would have made the Switch. The console wars and toxicity surrounding gaming drives each respective side to bring their best to the table, therefore it is a necessary evil as far as I am concerned. 


  3. Just now, Kyoshi said:

    What does it matter? I mean, according to almost everyone else in this thread I would be buying a useless pile of shit so there isn't much of a point.

    Pfft! What do you care about what the people in this thread say? Don't let that hold you back from having a better experience for yourself! You already told me and the rest of the forums you "don't give a shit about pc gaming" and I believe you also said something along the lines of "I don't care about exclusives".

    ^If you honestly feel this way, then getting the Xbox One X is simply your best course of action! Also, the Xbox One X is certainly not a "useless pile of shit"; it just has one component inside of it that IS a "useless pile of shit" xD Al the other components in the Xbox One X are actually extremely impressive ESPECIALLY considering just how tiny the console is.

    2 minutes ago, Kyoshi said:

    And there isn't much else in gaming except corporate greed and people constantly going on about the absolute best hardware which I would never be able to afford anyways. Can't be excited for anything in this industry anymore. If the companies don't make it impossible to be excited, gamers will do that just fine.

    Well, I certainly cannot deny that. These corporations are real shit suckers lol. But do not fret! It is perfectly "A-OK" to purchase products from a company without having a positive emotional connection to them! I'll buy the Switch eventually even though I hate modern day Nintendo. Why? Because the product offers me a few select things that I value. BotW and Super Mario Odyssey. There will also be a new Pokemon Rpg on it eventually, and I certainly don't want to miss out on an event like that! Nintendo is still on my shit list, but I don't feel like I am "betraying myself" or any nonsense like that just because am "supporting" them. :o 

    With Micro$oft, you should at least be happy that they give their consumers so many good deals and shit. They have been backed into a corner by Sony and this is the reason they keep up with the consumer friendly policies. It's simple business. If Sony were the ones in 2nd place, they would likely be taking the same approach as Microsoft right now. 

    So, what I'm saying is... don't let all the bullshit surrounding these companies turn you off to gaming entirely! If it bothers you this much, I would suggest just ignoring all the hate and toxicity surrounding the whole console gaming space. What matters is what the product provides YOU with, not other people who think it isn't "good enough".



    • Brohoof 1
  4. 15 minutes ago, Kyoshi said:

    I might as well sell my console then. Hell, I might as well give up on gaming altogether at this point. Can barely enjoy it anymore and everything is just shit. 

    ^Lmao! Wtf?

    Dude, you have like 300 games on the Xbox. You bought and Xbox One fat, and got an S too... you might as well get yourself an X considering how big of an upgrade it would be for you. 

    If you have no interest in p.c. gaming nor Ps4 exclusives, get the damn Xbox One X! There is no reason to not get it (unless ofc the money is an issue). $500 is definitely steep for what they are offering here. I think I called it before E3; something along the lines of "If that Scorpio is anything above $350, I'll riot!" xD

    But yeah, dude, as I stated before, you are one of the few people I would actually recommend the Xbox One X to. Can always sell your S would would essentially cut the price tag in half :P 


    Some of us other gamers simply cannot stand gimped CPU's facilitating much lesser frame rates. 30 fps honestly hurts my eyes after playing so many 60 fps titles. Even smooth locked 30 fps like in Horizon Zero Dawn e.e Xbox One X plain and simple AIN'T doing 60 fps locked on all their games. I wish it was, and I wish they had invested the extra $50 into an actually "passable" CPU like around 3 Ghz or something. 2.3 is from the freaking stone ages! (And yes, Sony should be called out for their poor excuse for a CPU in the Ps4 Pro too!)


    3 minutes ago, Zyrael said:

    what kind of name is xbox one x

    didn't the last console just come out?

    Nah, the Xbox One S came out last year. This one isn't coming til late 2017. 

    I actually like the name Xbox One X. Idk, it reminds me of all the "Xtreme" 90s advertisements xD Although, admittedly, it will prolly cause hella confusion. "Xbox One S" and "Xbox One X" sound rather similar when pronounced out loud lol

  5. 2 minutes ago, Tilgoreth said:

    Also I actually have seen some Sofia The First and it wasn't terrible... Then again I am also a massive fan of the direct too DVD Tinker Bell films. But god if that's actually a ship that's creepy as hell! It'd be better if they shipped her with the rabbit!

    Lmao! I wish "that rabbit" would make more appearances. Apparently the voice actor was let go or something Q.Q

    But yeah, Sofia the First is actually quite a stimulating show. It's the closest modern day show I have found to MLP:FiM in terms of writing, character interactions, songs, fantasy elements, overall "wholesome" message, etc. Just a shame the show is a tad juvenile for my liking. It's clearly directed at a much younger demographic than FiM. :o 

    It needs more of the "snark" found in FiM if you ask me :P


    • Brohoof 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, Tilgoreth said:

    That pic you linked too is scary as hell! Why is Diamond Tiara pinned down? Bro their like twelve! :D 

    Lol, I think the scenario was Applebloom fell onto Diamond Tiara "accidentally". You can tell by her rather distressed face that it wasn't intentional (at least, she doesn't want it to look intentional xD). 

    10 minutes ago, Tilgoreth said:

    Actually when I used too be a massive conservative I didn't really like gay ships. Then I realized what a homophobic jerk I was. And that is at least partially why I do like gay/lesbian ships, you know because I'm a massive progressive liberal.

    So, from one extreme to the other, eh? lol I can't say I support homosexuality irl, as I find it rather detestable (whole nother topic lmao; inb4 "unintentional" derail xD). I mean, I agree with equal rights for gay people and the like, I just don't like seeing society pushing it so much in my face practically making it seem preferable to standard straight relationships.

    Anyway, in fictional media, it doesn't really bother me as long as it isn't trying to push some sort of agenda. Ships are always fun regardless of the sexual orientation ;) 



    ^Behold! My all time favorite Disney ship! \(^o^)/

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Looks like Kyoshi-kun beat me to it >.> Was pretty much exactly what I was gonna say.


    Hmm, it appears I do not have much else to say o,o

    Welp, let's try and grasp at straws, shall we? (^.^)/)

    13 minutes ago, Tilgoreth said:

    And keep in mind I'm a straight white dude. I am a very liberal person and would describe myself as progressive, though that's not really why I ship mostly gay ships. 

    I'm a straight white dude too. But I definitely consider myself on the exact opposite political/ ideological spectrum as you. Probably one of the biggest raging conservatives you'll see this side of everyone's favorite angry, racist, jewish hambone. :P 

    That being said, I don't really take issue with the prevalence of lesbian/ gay ships. In fact, I support a few myself: Namely, Rainbow Pie, for MLP at least :o I also kinda like (dare I say it) Applebloom x Diamond Tiara D:

    • Brohoof 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Kyoshi said:

    I felt the conference was a decent showing, but I am not entirely sure how people are getting that Nintendo won E3 by a landslide.

    ^It's called insecurity. These fans see one thing they like and automatically "Oh, OH, you see that! Nintendo just won with that game alone! B-baka, I don't care if you don't agree with me! You're prolly just a Japanophobe!"

    So, let's use Sony's press conference as an example here. I saw two games that I loved: Shadow of the Colossus and Monster Hunter Worlds. Yet, I am able to fully acknowledge that just two awesome looking games do not make Sony's press conference "the best thing evar". If they showed game after game after game that blew me the fuck away, it would be a completely different story. But just those two games aren't landing them a passing grade in my eyes at least. I mean, if you're at Uni, and you score a perfect 100% on two really big exams, does that mean you can get 50%-60% on every other assignment and still pass the class? I sure as hell hope not.


  9. The NES was definitely impressive at the time. While earlier games like Super Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda, Pinball (lol), and so on, had much lower quality sprites than we'd come to expect from games on later consoles, some of the games later on in the life span of the NES truly took advantage of the hardware. Super Mario Bros. 3 had some really impressive spritework, almost on par with the SNES launch game Super Mario World. Then we had the illustrious Kirby's Adventure that took out all the freaking stops. That game was my life as a 3-6 yr old xD And I have yet to play even one other Kirby game since then with such an incredible focus on deep, engaging, exploratory gameplay. It is a shame that most Nintendo IPs have been severely dumbed down since the "good old days", although, with the advent of Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, and Super Mario Odyssey, it looks like Nintendo may just be willing to bring back that awesome development philosophy of their earlier games.

    But yes, the NES was quite impressive at the time from a technological standpoint. Previous home console offerings like the Atari 2600, Intellivision, and Colecovision were practically worlds apart. Those consoles could hardly handle rendering more than one screen on individual games let alone tackle the awesome spritework of the NES. Sure there existed some games that did in fact have scrolling environments or multiple screens, but they tended to look even more primitive than the static screen games. 

    ^Oh man... how far we have come xD 

    • Brohoof 1
  10. ^I'm as surprised as you are. Especially when Nintendo released this image:


    Before that, it seems like Nintendo all but forgot about the vast, open levels of prior 3D Mario titles. With Paper Mario, its entirely possibly the will renege on their stance ( I mean, Nintendo is a business; they'll likely cave to the fans cravings eventually since $$$ (or ¥¥¥) is what they want). It is very surprising to see 3D Mario go back to its roots considering how well the linear modern games sold... it makes me think Nintendo makes business and development decisions in a very erratic manner lol.

    Welp, here's hoping the next console Paper Mario will be a true successor to 64 & TTYD. Pretty much all that can be said ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    13 minutes ago, Envy said:

    When was Mario & Luigi last really an RPG series? I thought the series started going off in its own direction after Partners in Time.

    Well, I would still call all the Mario Luigis technical RPGs. Now the inherent quality of each of these titles is certainly questionable, but that doesn't mean they don't qualify as Role Playing Games >.> Imo, Superstar Saga was perfection. Partners in Time was "alright". And everything after that was vastly inferior. I also really, REALLY hate the new artstyle for this series. Particularly, the spritework. The sprites in the older titles were just so expressive and cartoony-looking. Now, it just looks kinda bland...


  11. 47 minutes ago, Envy said:

    Now I hope we'll see a Paper Mario revival sometime soon. The soul was completely removed from that series with Sticker Star. =(

    Considering how we just saw Color Splash released last year, I highly doubt it. Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR11d5I-5RQ

    ^Pretty much confirmed that Nintendo doesn't care about returning Paper Mario back to its RPG roots since they think Mario & Luigi fills the role of RPG and any more dedicated to the RPG genre within the Mario space than that would be "redundant". Of course, we can always look forward to 3rd party devs for some extra diversity. Mario + Rabbids... yay(?) Q.Q

    I just want partners back SOOOO bad T^T I couldn't stand Super Paper Mario for this reason, and haven't felt the need to buy a new Paper Mario game since. The character design in general from Super Paper Mario was pretty lazy (outside the main cast of villains that is; I'm certainly not hating on the illustrious Count Bleck or Mimi-ちゃん~<3) 


    ^The fans get it. Why doesn't Nintendo? >.<


  12. 17 hours ago, joanro said:

    I don't think that necessarily says anything about the hardware itself because it is the choice of the developers, but it makes sense. If the Xbox One X had a higher frame rate than the the regular Xbox One version it would give players an advantage in PVP. 


    The CPU is bottlenecking the GPU. Countless tech analysts have already stated this fact ad nuaseum. The Ps4 Pro has a 2.1 Ghz CPU; the Xbox One X has a 2.3 Ghz CPU. Do the math, it is a negligible difference at best. They are both the same 8 Jaguar core setup the original Ps4 and Xbox had back in 2013 <- And even back then those CPUs were obsolete garbage.

    The Xbox One X has one leg up over the Ps4 Pro in the Direct X 12 hardware implementation. This is supposed to take a load off the CPU for games that support DX 12. So, in other words, games that are pushing out the highest end graphics will run better than games with more simplistic graphics (which is the stupidest thing I've ever heard -.-).

    Obviously the Xbox One X >>> the Ps4 Pro. But at least there is incentive to actually buy a Pro as it has proper exclusives, whereas with an Xbox One X, you might as well get a good gaming p.c. IF you have the money. Like I said before, I think the existence of the XBOX One X is a positive one as it will fuel strides in the game dev studios, and also force Sony to step up their game with the Ps5.

    I really wish Xbox didn't throw away all their exclusives by allowing everything to be on Windows too. They really shot themselves in the foot there, especially since games downloaded from the Windows store tend to suffer from much worse optimization as opposed to games on Steam. Sometimes the difference is upwards of 10 fps :o 

    Also, just wanted to say, the Xbox One X is confirmed to be ALLOWED to do higher frame rates than the base Xbox One or S: https://youtu.be/kQbMbuDH4EQ?t=3m8s

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