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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by PlzDelete

  1. I completely forgot about Easter... oops.

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Happy Easter, my awesome friend! :yay:

    2. Astralshy


      Happy Easter!

    3. PlzDelete



      @Astral Soul

      Happy Easter my fellow ponies!

  2. If you don't care about expensive pricing, I would get merch off of Etsy. If you're on a budget, I suggest trying to find something on Instagram sense they allow shops on there now.
  3. Welcome MLPF! I've been on here for a couple years, so I know you'll fit right in.
  4. I need to buy more pony merch! I haven't gotten a single piece of mlp merch for the past 2 years I think. That needs to change asap.
  5. Ok, me and a family member are going to the bank today to see if I can stop my credit card thief from using it as well as get new cards. We're probably gonna have to sit there for an hour or three. I'll update everypony on the subject soon.

  6. The malls back in my old city used to be so cool. Nowadays malls are a bit too dangerous due to world events and robbers. I miss getting boba tea or coffee every weekend....
  7. I know the feeling of disliking hard work. The satisfaction of finishing a project is definitely one of my favorite things ever. lol I can't wait to hit the render button on my first project! @Splashee Thank you for answering the questions! I don't blame you for not wanting to release any of your work to the public. People in the 3d art community are kinda bad at crediting others when using people's work. Plus, if your work has sentimental value, I understand not sharing it.
  8. Flim and Flam are... interesting villains? If I had to say ANYTHING nice about those two, it's that they are a very good representation about what I hate about narcissists. I still love their first song too.
  9. I recently got into 3d modeling in the Blender software. I keep watching tutorials on how to use it over and over again. lol Once I setup my new gaming laptop, I will start working on my own game assets as well as my own versions of 3d model ponies. I know I'm gonna have to remember the hot keys for Blender, so I'll make my own cheat sheet because of my scatter brain. I'm interested to see if anyone else here like to create or support 3d modeling! If you would like to show your work, feel free to do so. Please keep it clean though and please credit assets/models that weren't created by you. Now for some questions. 1. How long have you been using Blender or other 3d software? 2. What was your first project? 3. How long do you work on a project on average? 4. Will you/ have you released any of your work to the public for others to use? 5. What's your favorite part of the 3d modeling process?
  10. I love watching Gab Smolders on youtube when I'm bored. She has a very relaxed personality that helps me sleep sometimes. If I'm not on youtube, I draw anything I'm in the mood to draw.
  11. The fursuit I have from when I was 18 no longer fits me properly nor do I use the character anymore. I don't think I'll sell them sense I still have fond memories attached. If I ever get a new one, I'm hoping it will be of a character I can fully identify as my fursona. My old "fursona" was more of a comfort character.
  12. Time to update my ponysona Mehndi Heart! I'm thinking of changing her mane, tail and possibly her cutie mark. I still want her to be an earth pony though. I'll post her new art soon as I can!

  13. Well, I had a bad day. Someone stole my purse with my phone, keys and everything.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sparklefan1234
    3. TheRockARooster


      I’m so sorry, Pudding.


      I hope you can get your stuff returned to you. :(

    4. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that. :worry: Hope they can find them for you! :rarity:

      *feel better hugs*

  14. Did I order 12 donuts for myself yesterday? Yes, yes I did. 

    Did the order get delivered to the wrong door? YES, YES IT DID.

  15. It's literally one of the most awful and useless apps next to tiktok. I had twitter for about a year or two but then purged everything due to sheer amount of horrible people on there. The moderators let horrible communities thrive on there, plus the politics is screwed up on both sides on the spectrum. I will never go back. EVER.
  16. There was a chunky Italian soup I had back in 2nd grade for lunch. IT WAS SO BAD. Like, it literally smelled like vomit and tasted like it too. Kids sitting around me kept saying "just eat it" but I couldn't physically bring myself to do it.
  17. My only regret is that I didn't precisely flick my booger at the right person.
  18. *Snuggles and huggles you*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheRockARooster


      Awwwww, thank you.

       I’m glad you’re still here too.

    3. PlzDelete


      @TheRockARooster I'm super excited to be active here again. I think I might update my ponysona's design and update her bio too. 

    4. TheRockARooster


      I hope you have lots of fun here again.

      And that sounds awesome. ^^

  19. The wind was going nuts an hour ago, but things have calmed down. I really hope it will be warm and sunny out later.
  20. I believe I joined around 2017. I still see a few pones I knew back then.
  21. I would imagine a really wholesome episode with those two. lol Maybe not an absolute amazing episode but something more chill or cute. I can think of a few plots for them.
  22. You have mail.

    *You open mail*

    *a wild pudding whispers in your ear*

    "I have returned to the pony void!"

  23. I love grimdark stuff! Grimdark and horror have always been a favorite genre of mine. I do understand it's not for everyone though.
  24. I got... BUFFALO WINGS.

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