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Everything posted by RDDash

  1. c7c4af15585259d650186cbd5391858b.jpg?res

    She found the protagonist :eager:

  2. pony_contacts_by_chopsticks_pony_ddrb92k

    Contact lenses :confused:

    1. Sovereign Leader Rarity

      Sovereign Leader Rarity

      I don't really have a witty comment for this one. I'm just perplexed. :-D

  3. 2788099.jpg

    :P cute

    1. Sovereign Leader Rarity

      Sovereign Leader Rarity

      This makes me sad. :mlp_rarity:

    2. Megas


      Those were really cute mane/hair styles

  4. __karyl_kokkoro_pecorine_and_yuuki_princ

    I think I need to go and see this. :fluttershy:

  5. large.jpg

    She's cool :P

    1. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      I see why Equestria is in a mess now :derp:

    2. Sovereign Leader Rarity

      Sovereign Leader Rarity

      Hey, mornings are rough, I get it. :rarity:

    3. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      she was never a morning person.....

  6. sunset_shimmer_by_buvanybu_deyasjr-pre.j

    I've only been studying fireball in Princess Celestia school. :P

    1. Sovereign Leader Rarity

      Sovereign Leader Rarity

      I only know badminton. :rarity:

      Good for you, though. 

      Swiss Badminton GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY

  7. saber_ponified_by_digiral_del0xoj-pre.jp

    I do enjoy watching Rail Zeppelin Grace note. :fluttershy:

    It's so very British.

  8. fluttershy_s__the_way_of_stardom_meaning

    The best model :fluttershy:

  9. full.png

    :please: she doesn't have Applejack fantasy 

  10. space_pone__almost__in_space_by_d30_nt00

    Space pone :P

    1. Astralshy


      is a great pone

      I still haven forgotten the Captain Maneway Pic you posted last year xD

  11. FAZL__KVIAEDoMB.png

    I guess that pony celebrity still alive :ooh: 

  12. large.jpg

    Fluttershy talking with you softly. :fluttershy:

    1. Astralshy


      I would have subscribed to her

  13. 2784581.png

    Wild nature :blush:

    1. Astralshy


      a wild Fluttershy :>

  14. 2783560.jpg

    Rarity :P

    1. Astralshy



      @Midnight Danny

      She's looking for ya

  15. large.png


    1. Sparklefan1234


      Doctor Octavia :laugh:

    2. Astralshy


      hehe now i wanna watch the one spidermam movie from ..almost 20 years ago xD

  16. large.jpg

    Get all of that energy :P

    1. Astralshy


      Love it !!

      Im gonna make ppl guess of what we have here xD


  17. large.png

    Pink pony smile is great :fluttershy:

  18. flutter_away_by_gamblingfoxinahat_ddukch

    Ow, a paper cut. :grin:

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