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The Resident Brony

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Posts posted by The Resident Brony

  1. @Blitz Boom

    Invictus sighs, and calms down, following Vivid

    "I understand that. It's just hard to believe that after all these years, I still haven't CHANGED!"

    His magic begins to flare up

    "After all this time, Im still the same Celestia damned PONY!"


    • Brohoof 1
  2. @Blitz Boom

    Vic looked straight at Screecher, his eyes filled with magic-fueled rage

    "Screecher....if you wish to fight me, go ahead, but I WILL NOT pick up that cursed blade AGAIN!"

    He snarled and turned around

    "I refuse, I will not touch that sword...not until I resolve this."

    • Brohoof 1
  3. @Blitz Boom

    Invictus sighed and turned back

    "General....I don't know how to say this, but thank you. It makes me feel better, knowing that somepony seems to understand the mistake I made, even though I didn't know."

    Invictus holds out the letter, his face holding a hint of a smile

    "Here you go, General."

    • Brohoof 1
  4. @Blitz Boom

    Vic snarled, enraged

    "Thats some serious nerve. Defending my life is RASH in this day and age? Damn, I should've left you all to those rebels."

    Vic looked out, away from Vivid and Screecher

    "General, Do you happen to have any idea of the burden i've been living with since that day 4 years ago? I've had the blood of those ponies on my hooves, and I knew i can't redeem myself for those actions. I've spent the past 4 years asking the same exact damned question of 'what did I do wrong?' Perhaps you know the answer."

    • Brohoof 1
  5. @Blitz Boom

    "Its been far too long, General. I wish I could say I was here to visit a comrade for a friendly shot of whiskey, but that isn't the case."

    Vic holds out a letter that he received from Celestia, which dictated his orders to take control of the Guards

    "Explain this, General. I received this from Celestia a few weeks ago. I've just been told that it was a fake, a plot to frame me for treason. Now, as you can imagine, im not pleased, especially considering the identity of who told me. So you have 2 choices, either you tell me who sent the letter, or I beat the truth out of you."

    • Brohoof 2
  6. @Blitz Boom

    Invictus began to cry

    "Such evil....such cruelty....such corruption. If the Bishop is that powerful, I would try to avoid that as much as possible. Vivid Loss, I thank you...for keeping me away from that THING."

    Invictus is bawling his eyes out now

    • Brohoof 2
  7. @Blitz Boom

    "Im not that arrogant. I know there are forces I cannot defeat, even with my abilities. I know that I cannot defeat the Bishop of Sin."

    Vic sighed loudly and stopped moving

    "I just like hearing everypony's arguments, hearing what they have to say."

    • Brohoof 2
  8. @Blitz Boom

    "Im not normally one to despise ponies without meeting them, but this Bishop you speak of, sounds fascinating..."

    Vic flies around in the air, thinking

    "Hmm, the Bishop of Sin, huh? Sounds bad, even from what you said. I think i may want to look into that."

    • Brohoof 1
  9. @Blitz Boom

    Vic stared in awe

    "There are other creatures that exist here? Thats amazing, even if this is a place occupied by demons and that Bishop you mentioned. What kinds of creatures exist here?"

    Invictus has a face of pure curiosity, his eyes full of wonder

    • Brohoof 1
  10. @Blitz Boom

    Invictus thought about this. He decided that it would be best if he blew off some steam first.

    "Vivid, im gonna unleash some of my anger in the form of lightning, so be cautious."

    Invictus began shooting off black lightning into the air as he let off his anger. 3 minutes later, he stopped.

    "Ok, im calm and ready to meet with the general."

    • Brohoof 1
  11. @Blitz Boom

    Invictus realized he was losing control of his magic, and immediately began to calm down. 

    "I sincerely apologize. This happens whenever I get extremely mad. Since anger is what fuels my powerful magic, large amounts of negative emotions causes me to lose control of it."

    Invictus began pacing unsurely through the air. How would he be able to confront the generals about this without coming around as a traitor? Suddenly, he had a realization.

    "Why would they have wanted me back after all these years unless they had a purpose for me being here? What do they want? Vivid, do you have any ideas?"

    • Brohoof 1
  12. @Blitz Boom

    "Fascinating. This means someone framed me for this. But who?"

    Invictus began to tremble with rage, everything that wasn't "nailed down" beginning to glow black as his extreme anger began to trigger his magic. As he had a realization, everything stopped glowing.

    "The generals! They hated me being in command during the war, so of course they would frame me for this. I plan to confront them for this. Let us go onwards!'

    Invictus began to glow black with his anger against the generals.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. @Blitz Boom

    "Thank you. I wish there was a way for me to ease all the pain inside of you"

    Invictus began to cry, again, as waves of sympathy began to wash over him. He was humbled under their weight and soon, he was sobbing as the words of Vivid Loss' story resonated in his mind.

    "Can we please stop for a minute?  I need to compose myself before my meeting."




    • Brohoof 1
  14. @Blitz Boom

    "As a child, I was just an ordinary unicorn. However, to everyone else except my closest family members, I was the outcast. I was extremely intelligent for my age, but had very little magical power. I was seen as the defective unicorn who couldn't do a simple levitation spell. My parents, desperate for some way to remove that stigma from me, enrolled me in Celestia's Magic School in Canterlot in order to teach me how to control my magic.

    Invictus slowly began to tear up as he continued to recall his painful past.

    "During the enrollment test, a thunderstorm that had raged away from the Pegasi of Fillydelphia reached Canterlot, drenching it with it's cold rain. As I was attempting to lift an object, a clap of thunder shook the room and made me so mad that I suddenly had an Epiphany. I channeled my anger and was able to lift the table that I had been trying to lift for a good 10 minutes. And with that, I was accepted."

    Invictus at this point was crying. He was so upset about it, but he was willing to do ANYTHING to gain Vivid Loss' trust, so he stopped till he cleared up.

    "Suffice to say, I was mediocre at magic even by the school's standards. I was close to getting kicked when my true strategic genius began to shine through. I was approached by several bullies that day, and they tried to KILL me. I was able to take them down by exploiting their pressure points, but I took serious injury in the process. While I was recovering, I was approached by several members of the Solar Guard. They said, 'We want you for Celestia's Military School. You have wonderous combat abilities. We want to use them to help better Equestria.' Reluctantly, I accepted, and learned how to harness my physical and magical abilities for combat."

    Invictus straightened up as he reached the end of his story

    "A year later, I graduated from the school, and entered the military, ignoring the wishes of my beloved parents. Shortly after I made it out of basic training, the Insurgent War started. Several border towns began to rebel against Celestia's rule, wanting a more democratic government. Before long, the rebels had arranged an army to siege Canterlot. The Royal Army, with me in it's ranks, was sent to defend it during the siege. Luckily for us, we had evacuated everypony long before the rebels arrive. The rebels broke through the gates before long and gravely injured hundreds of guards as they stormed the streets of Canterlot. They set up camp in the streets and demanded a meeting with the Princess' representative. Being a well-decorated officer, I was sent in to act as a diplomat, having grown up in a similar background. But the rebel's leader, in a desperate attempt to weaken the Royal Army, tried to assassinate me at the meeting. In the mayhem, I panicked and drew my sword. Several of the rebels stormed me at once, and I swiftly cut them down. I soon realized that one of the rebels that had attacked me was the rebel's leader. It forever stained my hooves with the blood of those poor people."

    Invictus took a deep breath and said to finish his story,

    "And then, the rest of the rebels surrendered. The war was ended, I was given my sword, and was made an alicorn at some point. I was given a medal of honor for my actions, as well as an honorable discharge, and was left alone for about 2 years. I was called back to Canterlot, and offered a place on the Royal Guard again. I accepted, and was given a message that Celestia wanted me to keep the guards in line since they had been fighting since the end of the Insurgent War.Then everything has led me here! So, that's my story." 

    Invictus continued to fly alongside Vivid Loss as they continued to walk through the Veil.

    • Brohoof 1
  15. @Blitz Boom

    Invictus sighed hopelessly. He had somewhat actually WANTED to be in a contract with Vivid Loss because it would give him more of a challenge in his mission. But, he hadn't entirely thought out the process and didn't take into account any consequences. He sighed and said,

    "Vivid Loss, if it isn't to hard, I would like to go to the general of the Solar guard first. Back during the Insurgent war, they had the most power and winning them over would be a boon to my cause. Is their some special object or trinket I can use to contact you in case my meeting goes south?.

    Invictus sighed and contemplated his choice. He thought, "Maybe I could be of more use if I provided a bit more of a history for myself before I left this realm." He thought this out and decided this was a good idea.

    "Vivid, would you like to hear more about my history prior to becoming an alicorn?"

    • Brohoof 1
  16. @Blitz Boom

    Invictus chose his next words very carefully.

    "Alicorns are very powerful, yes. However, I am considerably less powerful than Celestia, Luna, or Twilight. I am capable of some advanced magical spells, mostly shields and long-range manipulation spells. I am also capable of some basic attack spells, like Lightning and Fireball. But most of my talent lies in combat with my sword and magical shields."

    Invictus began to contemplate what else he should tell Vivid Loss. Finally, he had an idea: why not help each other? Surely there is something he could help her with, and he could surely use her help to get the Guards to listen to him.

    "How far are we to the entry back to Equestria? Also, Vivid Loss, I was wondering: can we form an alliance? Surely you have something that I could help you with. And I need your help getting the Guards to listen to me. They were always opposed to my leadership during the Insurgent War because they felt that someone my age wasn't fit to lead. With you by my side, they would listen. What do you say?"

    Invictus hoped for a Yes, but was bracing for the worst.

    • Brohoof 1
  17. @Blitz Boom

    "This may seem weird, but I find that amazing. You, a demon mare. One of the most powerful magic users I have ever met, and demon mares tend to be known for their magical prowess!"

    Invictus began flying around excitedly, ignoring his surroundings. Demon mares were thought to be only legend, but here was one, walking right in front of him. He didn't know what to think. But, should he open up more about HIS personal life? Vivid loss seemed trustworthy, and maybe they could form a friendship, but then again, Vivid Loss was a demon mare, and his education hadn't exactly given him much information on them, so he didn't know what they could do. 

    "So, what exactly are you capable of?" Invictus inquired. "I've never met a real demon mare before, and the information about them I gleaned from my training in Canterlot was lacking in that subject."

    Honestly, Invictus didn't expect her to answer his question.

    • Brohoof 1
  18. @Blitz Boom

    "So, Vivid Loss, what exactly ARE you? You appear to be a very powerful magic user, but that's all I really know about you."

    Invictus continued to fly alongside Vivid Loss as they traveled, contemplating why she would agree to help him. Eventually, he broke the silence, quietly singing an old song he had learned in childhood.

    "Order or Chaos? Order or Chaos? What has the world come to? Order or Chaos? Order or Chaos? The harmony's silent today....."

    • Brohoof 1
  19. @Blitz Boom

    "What is this place?"

    Invictus began to ponder. He sensed a strange taint of magic besides what was present after being transported. It was almost as if this ENTIRE dimension was saturated in magic, like a creature existed here. He turned to Vivid for an explanation.

    "What is this place? It's saturated in magic from what I can sense. Is there some sort of magical creature here that you know how to control?"

    • Brohoof 1
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