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The Resident Brony

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Posts posted by The Resident Brony

  1. @Blitz Boom

    Invictus was still somewhat doubtful of Vivid Loss, despite her agreeing to help him out of the hospital. It seemed all to convenient, almost as if she wanted something, As far as he knew, Cadance had been opposed to Celestia's decision to send him here. She had wanted someone more relatable to the Guard, like Shining Armor. But, it was now or never at this point. Go with Vivid Loss and risk Celestia-knows-what, or stay in the hospital for a few months while the Solar, Night, and Coast Guards tore each other to shreds over political matters instead of protecting their fellow Equestrian citizens. Invictus sighed before replying,

    "Ok Vivid Loss, lead the way!"

    • Brohoof 1
  2. @Blitz Boom

    "I was sent here because the Guards are constantly fighting for political control. Im here as an unbiased agent to make sure they don't kill each other over political power. Celestia also thought that it would be good to have her former general controlling the Guard."

    Invictus thought that the look Vivid loss had implied that she wanted more details. But what good would it do to tell her everything if she could report my actions to Lady Cadence? Well, whatever.

    "Well, will you help me out of here? I already have housing arranged here. Will you shake on this?"

    Invictus holds out his hoof expectingly.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. @Blitz Boom

    "The Insurgent War was about 4 years ago. Several towns had banded together to rebel against Princess Celestia. It was a very dark time for Equestria. I led the Royal army against the insurgents."

    "Anyways, what's your story? I have buisness to attend to elsewhere, and I would like your help getting me out of here. Whaddya say?"

    Invictus began pacing, waiting for Vivid Loss' answer.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. @Blitz Boom

    Invictus looked at the purple pony like the world had gone mad. He was curious: why was this pony so estranged to him?

    "Peculiarly enough, I don't remember how I became an alicorn. I wasn't an alicorn in the Insurgency war, so I don't know how it happened."

    He got up, ignoring the pain of his injuries, and began pacing the room nervously. Finally, he decided that he should make acquaintances with this new pony. Several times, he had almost collapsed from weakness, but he kept going, partly due to his military training, partly due to sheer willpower. He eventually sat back on his hospital bed and said,

    "My name is Invictus Revel, former General of the Royal Army. And your name is?"

    • Brohoof 1
  5. @Blitz Boom

    Invictus suddenly awoke with a nagging hunger. He was about to get up and froze when he saw the purple pony in the room. 

    "Who are you? You don't look like a nurse or doctor. Leave or i'll call the doctors here to forcefully remove you!"

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Invictus struggled to open his eyes as nightmarish flashbacks for the Insurgent War haunted his dreams. Suddenly, he felt a soft nudge on his right front leg. And with that, he awoke to find he was in a hospital room.

    "Where am I?"

    "You are in the hospital here in Ponyville," The nurse said quietly. "We found you collapsed in the street. You were in terrible condition. We brought you here so that you could recover from your injuries."

    "There is no time. I need to see the people in charge of the Night and Solar Guard. Its urgent."

    "Im afraid I cannot comply. You were gravely injured. Until you recover completely, I cannot guarantee your safety if you leave."

    The nurse took a needle and began to inject Invictus with a drug. He tried to resist, but as the cold, numbing feeling began to travel up his arm, his muscles went limp, and he fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Meanwhile, Invictus was limping down the road towards Ponyville. 

    "What did i do to deserve this life? I've helped so many people, saved so many lives, and now i'm just a retired soldier walking down a lonely road."

    His vision began to blur, he was exhausted. Ponyville seemed so far away as he struggled to put one hoof in front of the other.

    "Some rest would be so helpful right now," he thought. "Once I get to Ponyville, I can rest"

    He limped into Ponyville and collapsed, with everypony gasping in shock. His last thought before he hit the ground and some ponies began rushing towards him was, "I'm so tired......"

    • Brohoof 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:


    Neat. ^_^ We're game then. I'll look forward to replying to what you're tossing about. :)




    Sounds like we're good to go too. :) Have him come to town, and we'll take it from there.

    As for your reworks, just pass 'em through here when you think they're ready, and we'll see what we can do with them. :)



    @The Resident Brony

    Hello there mate. :)

    Lemme just go over your char real quick, and we can get on to it: Seems fine, though mind if I ask how well his magical abilities are, and what potential weaknesses he haves? Trust me, you don't want a character without flaws. They get one-dimensional and boring. :)

    An example of what you could do were to - for example - put a time limit on his battle prowess, make him susceptible to illusions, somewhat gullible, or have allergies to things that can be flung or wandered into. Just stuff off the top of my head, but I'm sure we can figure out something that will be to your taste. ^_^

    As for the general angle, I need to inform you that there is already characters in this RP that are leading the Night Guard and the Solar Guard (Coast guard too eventually, but all in due time). You don't need to worry though, as I already have a fool-proof plan on how to make everything fit: Your OC as you said, is a war hero, yes? Simply speaking then, he could well have been in charge of the combined armies of the guards 7 years back, and have the other general advise him from the sidelines. They would be able to see reason in having a prominent figure in front to lift up the spirits of everypony, and to have an impartial figure in the lead of the three different kinds who might have their own plans on how to proceed.

    If so, an angle could be that you went to speak with one of the generals. Perhaps wanting to see old friends, settle old debts, or you know, visited a town and they bumped into one another. Several ways to go at it, but one thing at a time. Let's get your character through the full process first, and then we'll go and have you set for the actual RP itself. ^_^

    As for the rules, I don't know where they are, but in general, just follow a few simple guidelines and you'll be fine. Obvious stuff like No descriptive violence or torture (this is a kids show land after all, though fighting and speaking of death is allowed) No adult stuff mingled in, no real swearing (alternatives like *Bite me royally* is still fine far as I know though, as it isn't technically swearing) and don't godmod.

    In case you are unaware what godmodding is, it is when you take control of actions done by other players characters. Say for example "(OC) tossed (other OC) into a wall and broke his left leg" is not okay, as it controls actions. Same with thoughts, such as "(Other OC) is talking about a war. A war of all things. WHy should he listen to this, or his thoughts on what he had done?". Believe me, noone wants their chars to get dangled along. I'll make sure to help point out a few things if I see it to help. ^^

    Good alternatves by the way, is leading things a little like "(OC) would attempt to pick him up, and if so, would toss him against a wall. Had to be one quick pony to not get caught by him however" Means that your target likely will get caught and tossed, but you have allowed space for a reaction from the real owner of the other character. :)

    As for how RP works, it's pretty easy really. You can see some examples on the main thread (link in the first page of the OOC, just in case) and each have their own way of doing it. Me? I mostly go with less actual talk, and more internal dialogue. Fills pages nicely, and gives some information about your character, even if the characters in the RP itself doesn't hear it. Believe me, having the authors feel a bit connected with somepony, helps to make your experiences more fun, and catches the eye better. :)

    Does this answer your questions?

    thanks m8. that means i have to focus more on developing my character. gonna go get right on that


  9. Setting up chronology sorry


    On 7/27/2017 at 0:42 AM, Techno Universal said:

    TU: I thought I would look fabulous in it! Plus it's really nice cuddly! 


    When T-Sparks appeared...


    TU: Seriously not you again! You seriously got me triggered in that RP back then and I don't want to get triggered here! Just seriously don't do anything to get me triggered here as you know what will happen.


    1 minute ago, The Resident Brony said:

    Meanwhile, Invictus wandered the streets of dimly lit Manehattan, looking for somewhere to spend the night. "Just discharged from the military, saved Equestria so many times I lost count, and i get thrown into this forsaken place," Invictus thought as he unconsciously touched the hilt of his sword with his magic. "what did I do to deserve this," he thought glumly as he began to hear faint piano music. He began to go towards to source of the noise and found the tavern. "Hey, I might be able to get a cheap dinner and room for the night, considering I was discharged and all," Invictus thought as he strode into the establishment, wings spread wide. Invictus walked up to the bartender and said, "My name is Invictus Revel, Chief military advisor for Her Majesty, Princess Celestia. How much would it cost me to get dinner and a room for the night?"

    "2 things. First, we don't permit weapons here. You'll either have to leave it with us or leave. Second, what is Her Majesty's military advisor doing here in Manehattan?"

    "I'm here because i was recently discharged from the military. Celestia was kind enough to pay for my train fare here, but im on my own now. And, im afraid i will be keeping my sword," Invictus' horn began to glow a pitch black as did his sword's hilt. "I don't go anywhere without my sword. Thank you for understanding." 

    The bartender became visibly nervous as Invictus sat down at the bar. He handed Invictus a glass of ale and a bowl of vegetable stew. "On the house," the bartender said. "Go upstairs, first room on the right. Have a good night, sir."

    Invictus nodded as he continued to eat his dinner, unaware of the commotion surrounding him.



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