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Posts posted by Kitty_Cat

  1. *Kitty glitches again, not nearly as loud as the last one, and she has a solemn face for a moment, then perks up again with her smile.*


    Rainbow Dash: “Aw yeah! That’ll be so cool challenging you! What game do you want to play?”

  2. Is there a way to delete the topics you make in the testing forum? If not, could you do something so we can delete our topics in there? I dont want all of those topics cluttering the board when I dont need them anymore.

  3. @Dynamo Pad

    Kitty: *The person who came to us last night and the one that I explained are not the same person, nor are they connected. In fact, they both are from different dimensions.


    *I can always bring you to another dimension any time you want, Im usually not so busy that I cant bring you back and all that. I can be in multiple dimensions at once, and thats why.

    *In fact, I usually have nothing on my ha- er hooves to deal with, and if I ever do, its very minor.

  4. Kitty: *He didnt use an alicorn amulet. He’s also from another dimension.


    Kitty: *Its not really a spell you can learn... Even if you could learn such an ability, Youd need a power much greater than all Celestia and Luna’s power combined! I simply got it naturally, and thus it is very easy for me to travel.

    *If you were to travel to another dimension and you were still a pony, that would be a good thing. You would be labeled a vistor, and nothing would happen to your code. If you were human, youd be considered a resident, and somce youre not a true resident from that dimension, you cant connect to it like youre supposed to, and thats what causes glitches. This is extremely rare, and my glitches are different and way worse, so dont worry too hard.

  5. Im 3 months away from becoming 15, and i weigh about 84lbs. Im pretty strong for my size.

    Ive always been small. I was born 3 months early and i never had any baby fat, so Im always cold.

    I had a summer growth spurt two or three years ago, and Im going through one now, although it doesnt really do much on size or weight- I just eat a LOT more than I usually do.

    My sister is one and half years younger than I am, and shes an inch taller than I am. Im still trying to determine whether shes slightly lighter, average, or slightly heavier than most others in her age. She is currently 96.5lbs.

    I have no idea how tall my sister is nor do I know my own height.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. *There are multiple dimensions on games, and we get our games from them. Same thing for TV shows. Every game has their own dimension.

    *There is a way to make your own dimension and you can make it whatever you want and you can edit it as you please. This, however, can often only done by Spirits, the creators of dimensions. There is one instance however when an evil being was able to make his own dimension and he enslaved many people. Nobody knows how he got the power to make a dimension.

    *With the timeline thing... there is no possible way for me to see whats in another timeline, except for a few on a rare occasion. There is this one dimension where I can view many timelines, but not in my perspective.


    Twilight: “Oh, that sounds interesting! I’ll see what I can do to alter it.”

    Kitty: *That wont be necessary. I can simply teleport you to a game dimension, if you ever want me to.

    *Do be cautious though. I don’t know if you’ll become human, or if you’ll stay a pony. Im also not sure what can happen if travel to you if you go to many dimensions, as youre not intended to be a dimension traveler like I am.

  7. Kitty: *Yes. There are far more dimensions than I can count, and they are all in one universe. There are, however, multiple timelines; where there are very similar worlds, but some actions can be different than another timeline.

    *For example, In one timeline you couldve picked Squirtle as your starter, and in another one you couldve picked Bulbasuar.

    *Unlike my ability to travel dimensions, I cannot go to or view other timelines. I am often selected to go to a branch of the main timeline, or the main timeline itself, depending if there are multiple selections one can choose.


    *Of course! We’d love to teach you some magic!

    *Often times there is magic connected to their cutie mark. Yours could be the ability to predict moves and you can find a pattern in someones moveset.


    Twilight: “Hmmm I dont think Ive heard of it.”

  8. Twilight: “Of course we’re friends! Youve been great to us, who wouldnt wanna be friends with you?”

    Pinkie: “I totally agree!”

    Rainbow Dash: “Ive actually heard of your gaming skills now and then. Getting to know you more was AWSOME!!!”

    Rarity: “I think its safe to say we all agree with Twilight.”

    Kitty: *Indeed. Youre a great buddo to be with!

    *Now you had a question, right?

  9. Twilight: “I represent the Element lf Magic, the final Element of Harmony. I used to be a student for Princess Celestia until I became an alicorn. I did many studies on friendship and I still learn more about it today.”

    ”Spike the dragon is my personal assistant and he’s a great guy to be around. He’s a really big help around the castle. I got him when I got my cutie mark at a magic test for gifted ponies. It was great!”

  10. Kitty: *I wasn’t necessarily ‘sent’ here, I just came here on my own will, haha.

    Pinkie: “If he bites you, its just for play and since he has no teeth, he can never hurt you.”

    Rainbow Dash: “I’ll go!”

    ”I’m the Element of Loyalty. I always stick to my friends when they need help! I’m a part of the Wonderbolts, the greatest flying team in all of Equestria! Its so cool!”

    ”I’ve done two Sonic Rainbooms. They used to say it was a legend that nopony could ever do one!”

    ”I have a turtle named Tank. He flies with a special magically powered helicopter on his back. The reason I picked him is because he saved me from being stuck in an avalanche during a race and we crossed the finish line together. So cool, right!?”

  11. Kitty: *Yep. Just like one. Its not too personal.

    *You see, I’m from another dimension. Not every thing can connect from my body to the required physics of this dimension, so those glitches happen. Im actually suprised I am actually a pony here, haha.

    *Anyway, tell Dynamo more about yourself, Pinkie.


    Pinkie Pie: “So, I’m the Elememt of Laughter and i think it REALLY suits me! Even the gem looks like a balloon! I make a lot jokes and I bring smiles to everyponys faces, and that makes me really happy!”

    ”I love baking pies and cakes for everypony to enjoy! Theyre really good! I have a crocigator named Gummy. He doesnt really talk much, but he still is a lot of fun!”

  12. Kitty: *Oh yeah Im fine! I glitch like that sometimes. They always happen randomly. 

    Rarity: “Well Im glad youre ok.”

    ”I dont remember what I was going to say... Anyone want to go next?”

    Pinkie Pie: “Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me!”

    Rarity: “Hahah! Ok, go on ahead, darling!”

  13. Rarity: “I represent the Element of Generosity. I make dresses and other fashionable clothes for other ponies to wear! I currently have a shop here in Ponyville and one In Canterlot! I simply enjoy making clothes! I cannot image what tye world would look like without nice clothes! Also, I-“

    (she is interrupted by a sudden sound, kind of like a messed up and broken game)

    (The Mane 6 look at Kitty)

    Rarity: “Oh, Kitty are you ok? That one sounded pretty bad...”

    Kitty: *Yeah, Im fine. I probably need to stretch anyway. *she gets up and stretches a bit, and then sits back down.*

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