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Posts posted by Kitty_Cat

  1. Pinkie Pie: “You can come along as soon as youre ready!”

    Ms. Cake: “Youre welcome! Have a great day!”

    Pinkie Pie: “Hey that reminds me, I havent seen Kitty at all this morning. Shes usually up by now. (then she starts talking to herself) Maybe shes still getting ready? Nah, she doesnt really plan things. She likes to flow.” (she walks off in wonder)

    @Dynamo Pad

  2. Ms. Cake: “I think its somepony named Dynamo Pad or something...”

    ”Oh, your order is ready. Here you go!” (she hands him his order)

    (Pinkie runs down the stairs at top speed and out the door, but then she runs back in)

    Pinkie: “Oh hi Dynamo!! I’m so exited to see you later! I have most of my stuff ready, but I need to get something from the castle.”

    Ms. Cake: “Oh so you’re Dynamo? Well, its nice meeting you!”

  3. *Kitty has been pondering all night, and unable to get any sleep. She still ponders even through sunrise. She mumbles to herself, and even if someone were there, the words would be too muffled to hear.*

    (Meanwhile, at the castle, the Mane 6 got enough sleep to get through the day, except for Rainbow. She got a half nights worth of sleep, but shes still as awake as ever.)

    TS: “Oooooh I cant wait to hang out with Dynamo! But first! I must get a list of what to do! (she gets some paper and writes stuff down)

    RD: “I know, right?? This is going to be AWSOME!!!!!”

    (Pinkie Pie is getting some party stuff ready)

  4. *Kitty arrives at her home, sleepy after the battle against the creature.*

    *Aaaaah, home! Well, I should check things up online then go to bed, I’m tired!

    *Wait, I’m talking to myself again, aren’t I? Heheh. I always do that, right brain? *she knocks on her head lightly*

    *after some time, she goes to bed*


    (Twilight and the others are also getting some stuff and then heading to bed, except for Rainbow Dash. She is outside doing aerial stunts)

  5. I love eating the pizza crust... or at oeast used to. I got braces recently... and now pizza sucks w/out the crust! 

    Tbh I have no idea why you guys dislike Pizza Hut so much. I mean, Ive never eaten pizza anywhere else though.

    My wierd pizza habit: I usually eat pepperoni pizza and I take off the pepperonis and then have a cheese pizza and then I eat the pepperonis by themselves.

    • Brohoof 2
  6. TS: “No, thank you for being so courageous; almost nopony else would be so brave!”

    Kitty: *You have truly inspired me! Im actually not as brave as you are, for sure.

    *Hey, maybe I could teach you some magic? You can totally be a cool companion!

  7. TS: “Yeah. I’ve used it before!”

    Kitty: *Ok... I’ve got it.

    *she simply swipes her hoof in the air*


    (The creature is suddenly POOF gone.)

    TS: “I’ve never seen you use that spell before. It’s so.... simple.”

    Kitty: *Heheh. Yeah. It doesnt even use that much magic!

    @Dynamo Pad

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