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Posts posted by CHA0SXIII

  1. Ok, folks, I need your advice. I pre-ordered Cyberpunk 2077 collector's edition to do an unboxing/review, but I don't have a camera with which to record. Any advice on video cameras (not webcams) that would be good for something like this and won't wipe my bank account? I've got till April to get one(preferably a week before April so I have time to get used to it) so, there's no rush. Thank you for your input.

  2. UPDATE: I just bought a really good Chromebook that usually goes for $400-$500 for less than $200 and it should get here Friday/Saturday. I'll keep this open for a few more days just in case, but as soon as I'm sure everything's fine I will be done with this topic. Until then, I will update this when needed, but I think my problems may be over!


    P.S. Thank you @TheTaZe for all the help! :love:

    • Brohoof 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, TheTaZe said:

    Don't expect anything great at the $200-300 price range. There are options like these but it still seems like it would be pretty awful.



    Yes, it has Windows on it but you can easily reformat it and install something like Linux on it. That's really your only other option than getting a Macbook, but Macbooks are expensive as hell, so that isn't going to work. There are chromebooks, but they are basically glorified browser machine since the only thing you can use on it is the Chrome browser.

    I do recommend that if you want to get a different OS that windows than to go with Linux and look into something like Elementary OS or Linux Mint.



    There are plenty of other distributions out there but these two I am the most familar with and are pretty user friendly.

    Basically, I just plan on doing some writing on Fimfiction and need Grammerly (which no longer seems to work on windows) to help, so I don't need anything to extravagant. Thanks for the reply.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Well, because Micro$oft's updates to their OS has completely broken numerous features and apps on my computer - including Grammarly and the brilliant advice Microsoft's help center gave me was that they couldn't help, so I should contact their help center instead (and yes, a real human being told me this), and because I've got too much money/info wrapped up in Microsoft to go through the trouble of reformatting my current PC, I now have to get a laptop.

    I'm not looking for a monster or anything, just one about $200 give or take that uses ANY OTHER OS THAN WINDOWS and is reliable. Any tips or advice (like an Amazon link to a good one) that any of you can provide would be HUGELY appreciated. Thank you.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. 15 minutes ago, Miss H said:

    Aah, yes, I love being able to partake in my favorite past time in video games.


    Though, I'm not sure if I should be worried that I got it from a flying jellyfish. :thinking:


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