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Thorgir the Mighty

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Posts posted by Thorgir the Mighty

  1. Hello and welcome ponies if all ages!!!

    this is the all new BATTLETHREAD!!!

    This thread is created by me is to discuss our,”who would win” fantasy’s!

    The thread includes different Match Types

    Classic (Standard gear,no power ups or enhancements. Won via K.O)

    No holds barred (No rules,won via K.O)

    Death Match (No Rules,Anything goes. Won via Death)

    Gunfight (Two opponents are placed in a arena with a weapon of choice. Won via Death)

    Normal battle (all powers disabled,and no gear,skill only. Won via K.O.)

    Classuc Duo (Same as classic but with a partner)

    Death Match Duo (same as Death Match But with a partner. Won via Death/last man standing)

    Champion Match (a match against the strongest champion. Won by Death or K.O. Once a week)

    Special Match (Customizable Match by leader)

    There will be 6 events everyday,from Opening to Main Event.

    Ill set the events then everyone will debate on who will win in each match,then as I give out the next events,I’ll declare who won in the previous matches.

    If you like to help me set matches,personal message me!

    *The contestants can range from books,movies,tv,video games,etc. the matches are cross-genre,from Western to Eastern.*

    Match 1 Classic Match

    The Joker vs Leather Face

    Arena: Beef Slaughterhouse (where burgers are made)

    Won via K.O

    Match 2 Duo Death Battle

    Green Arrow + Bullseye vs Deadshot + Domino

    Arena: Abandoned Military HQ

    Won via Death/last man standing

    Match 3 Special Match

    USS Odessey (Full crew) vs Starfox (Full crew,no fighters)

    Arena: uncharted area of space

    Won via Death

    Match 4 Special Match

    Frankenstein (Deathrace)

    Sweet Tooth (Twisted Metal)


    Mad Max (Fury Road)

    Arena: Daytona 500

    Won via Race ending/Death

    Match 5 Normal Match

    Batman (no gear,coms,etc) vs Neo (no powers,bullet time,etc)

    Arena: The roof of Empire State Building

    Won K.O


    The Hulk vs The Preadator

    Arena: A small city near a lush jungle

    No holds barred

    Won via Death/K.O

    Thats all for Today folks! Tune in at this thread at 10:30 to see the results and new matches!

    (Remember,no arguing! Just have a friendly debate!)

  2. Just now, Yamet said:

    But Superman isn't even like the most powerful member in the justice league.  Plus, most villains he fight tends to be around the same level powerwise, so I find the complaint that he's too powerful to be a bit silly. I mean, his archenemy is a powerless human ffs.     

    Also, that doesn't really answer the question.  Yes, he's ridiculously powerful, but that alone doesn't make him boring. What about his personality? What about his struggles to fit in among humans despite being so much more than an human? Etc etc...

    His struggles aren’t really interesting,I hate the whole “Gods among humans” thing

    13 hours ago, Kevin_Tang said:

    You're not the only one, I don't like superhero comics either.

    Edit : you're talking about super hero comics in general or DC comics only?

    Dc only,marvels too good to talk about 

  3. 32 minutes ago, sprinkle nostrils said:


    But Batman? Why so serious? Seriously? If people need a serious superhero they go to Batman =) Being serious is his superpower

    Like BatAffleck is cool and BatClooney is dull

    Teen Titans Go from Cartoon Network actually really funny.


    1. Because it’s pointless to be so serious every time. Not to mention boring. Plus he’s overrated...a lot

    2. Seriously? Clooney did way better than Affleck! 

    3. Don’t go there,TTGO is garbage

    1 hour ago, SaburoDaimando said:

    There are other avenues for DC Super Heroes.  Especially for Batman.  If you're a fan of the more campy Dark Knight, I highly recommend Batman vs Two Face.  It's basically Adam West's final performance as the Caped Crusader, and it also brings it Star Trek's William Shatner as Harvey Dent AKA Two-FAce..

    I’ll have to check this out ,old chum!

  4. Ok so I was thinking earlier,”Why don’t I like DC anymore?”,here’s the reasons

    Lets start out with Everyone’s favorite boyscout


    Dont get me wrong,I respect Supes because he was the first superhero,but he’s changed dramatically over the years. He used to be some farm boy with superpowers but now,DC made him Godlike and unkillable. Which made Superman,boring. I think DC should make Supes more vulnerable,because ‘38 Supes was vulnerable,plus he had some crummy jokes


    Oh how the Batman has fallen! Yet he’s a great character,but he’s TOO serious. I’m sure seeing your parents gunned down in front of you would make you a serious guy,but hey,Bats needs to let go a bit. Plus he’s a psychopath,just like Joker,Harley and many others. I know Batman killed before he switched to guns but seriously,GUNS. Batman doesn’t need guns! And that stupid Dark Knight Metal series is pretty overrated if you ask me.

    Wonder Woman

    Honestly,Diana is one of my favorite DC characters,she’s awesome and I can’t really complain.

    Teen Titans/Young Justice

    TT has fallen towards the point of no return and YJ was just terrible! I thinks it’s because I hate Teenage Superheroes (not counting Spider-Man and Co.)

    Green Lantern


    The Flash

    I mean he’s alright,he’s just not the best. Especially Justice Leagues flash,why not get the guy who played in the TV series?

    DCs villains

    I like most of DCs villains,but DC gives the villains too much spotlight!

    Last but certainly the least...


    I absolutely hate this character,I like the classic comic version but after Arkham Asylum,And Suicide Squad,I was upset how they portrayed her every time.

    but other than DCs terrible mistakes,they also had good ones,such as the original DC cartoons,and maybe some of the modern animation.

    but that’s my opinion! I’d like to hear yours!

  5. Nice I’ll try the SNES series first!

    the reason why I used to hate them is because I thought they were stupid. (And the hair) but I never actually understood how it’s so popular,so I decided to actually give it a chance.

    Also I played Chronotrigger which was made by Square Enix,which if I understand correctly was the craters of FF. If chronotrigger is that good I’m gonna give FF a chance

    • Brohoof 2
  6. I was thinking about trying something new,ive always hated Final Fantasy but I’ve seen the remake of FFVII and i want to give it a shot before I start hating it again. 

    A friend recommended FFVI or FFVII. I was thinking about starting from the NES or starting with 6. I appreciate it if you can help

  7. Halo 4

    Mainly because of the art style,the crappy spartan ops,loadouts,odd colors,Forerunners,Cortana,that freakin Sarah Palmer,and 343. Y’know,I never understood the story until I read Halo 4 lore...that’s crap...also the stupid armor! The ones such as EOD,MKVI are fine but the others such as Promethian or whatever are crappy. Alt least the forge is good.

    New Vegas

    Don't get me wrong,I love Vegas! It’s a great game but the reason why it’s here is because my friend overhyped the game for me. I expected sandstorms,trench coats,and more customization. It’s a great game but it was overhyped to me

    The Amazing Spider-Man 2 game

    It was decent,but it had some terrible replay ability and bad dialogue

    Ghostbusters PS4

    This was a tremendous let down! My brother got this for Christmas,but it was boring! Mainly because none of the original cast was there,and just because it was repetitive. Someone please tell me the GOOD ghostbuster games please.

    COD BO3

    Yes I thought about giving the jet packs a chance but boy did I regret it...

    Lego Batman 3

    it was fun for a bit,but it got boring because Lego Avengers was WAY ahead of them. I love LEGO games but LEGO Batman 3 was boring. (Except for that Adam West mission)

  8. 1. Xbox 360 (it had all the halos + offline mode!)

    2. PS4 (it has good racing games + the Remastered Spyro games!)

    3. Xbox 2000 model (this one is just so memorable with amazing games!)

    4. SNES (need I say more?)

    5. PS2 (though it’s sorta inferior to the Xbox,it’s still one of the best)

  9. Mass Effect 3

    Now before I get bombarded with hate quotes,hear me out

    I loves this game! Until my friend ruined the story saying,”Shepherd dies at the end and that none of you choices matter”. That’s why I never finished the game,great story though.

  10. 10 hours ago, Senko said:

    Well that depends Fluttershy likes butterflies and if you're a pegasus perhaps you can cause a typhoon in Saddle Arabia by flapping your wings. :)

    Uh no. I don’t like butterflies 

    And I don’t believe in luck

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