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About StrawberryOverlord

  • Birthday 1996-07-02

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  • Personal Motto
    Do no Harm. Take no Sh*t.
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    Videogames, music, art, Podcasts, MLP, Transformers, Dishonored, Overwatch, Steven Universe, TAZ

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  1. ///you don't have to read this if you don't wanna hear my garbage opinion on discord ships///


    Okay look, I can totally understand why people would dislike fluttercord, but look, hear me out: saying you can't ship them because theyre friends is dumb okay.

    like 1) almost all of them are friends. (people ship the mane six between each other?)

    2) why wouldn't you want to date someone who was your friend, ESPECIALLY if you share similar feelings?

    like what even is the point of a relationship where you're not even friends with that person too?

    also im a hoe for enemies to friends to lovers, you know we all are

    not only that but like, okay i see the appeal of some other pop discord ships but like
    I have some real beef man


    I'm not tryign to start drama I just have very strong feelings about certain ships and I want that to be known.

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    2. ShadOBabe


      You seem to think I'm the one who's upset. You're not offending me. It just seems that something happened specifically that got your goat. So, just in case, I will go ahead and tell you how I deal with those particular jerks. Just in case anyone like that shows up to bug you in the future, assuming they haven't before.

      So you post a picture you made of something you like right? And all is well and good, then some fool shows up who just can't stand you liking a thing they don't. You warn them to back off, and if that doesn't work, you whip out what I like to call the "Fandumb Counter", and you tell them how it works.

      For every time you catch them spewing their bile about something on your page (Tumblr, DeviantArt, whatever), you add another point to the counter. However many times they do it, that is how many pictures you're going to draw of the thing they hate. And then (this part is optional), you credit them in the decription as the "inspiration" for the piece.

      I have a 100% success rate so far of getting rid of people with this trick. Not a single one has been stupid enough to actually push the counter past zero.

    3. StrawberryOverlord


      OH IM SORRY! I have like, ZERO read comprehension lmaooooo

      And that's great advice honestly. i should share it with my boo cause people have been giving them a tone of shit recently about other stuff!

      usually when people bug me, a good one time roasting gets them to leave me alone lol

    4. ShadOBabe


      LOL!! It's all good.

      Please do. I totally get the roasting thing, but that just never seemed to work for me. They'd just wanna debate, and it was a huge waste of time and energy. So I thought, what's the best way to get back at them, that isn't annoying and exhausting...?

      DRAW MOAR SHIPPING!! And then stick their names to it... yeeeeah... :sneer:

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