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Status Replies posted by Literatel

  1. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      I honestly just name anything that is small and cute Mitch these days. :P

      Well, unless you are searching for a game to purchase, at least you don't have to deal with it.

      It's just like a certain metal: Titanium. It sounds special, but it really isn't.

      It's all about the money. :unamused: If PewDiePie even one dollar due to someone else... Yeah...

      What is even humanity these days? All I know is that it is not anything good.

      Either that, or it will get stuck, which is an even more terrifying prospect.

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  2. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      I once had a cactus in a flowerpot; I named it Mitch. :P

      It honestly looked like they just needed a place to put it. :eww: But hey, it's not like anyone uses it on a regular basis.

      It isn't noticeable... for most of the population. Only a few documented people can see 250 (aka 2500) frames per second or something like that, and only 1% of the population can see a big difference when you go above 60 frames per second. But hey, more is better, right? No. And 4k is a stupid name made to market people. 4k is really 2000 h-something or whatever it is.

      It wasn't that YouTube didn't agree with it, it's just that be spreading the message the PewDiePie sucks, PewDiePie was "supposedly" losing subs, money, and thus, YouTube was losing money as well. They made it as serious as if you went to a Walmart and plastered paper after paper on its windows, claiming that their sales suck. :unamused:

      What is even more sad is that if you are not a sociopath or a narcissist, you simply cannot get to the top (mentally).

      Here is the problem: politics followed the metronome affect. Either wing is in power for a certain amount of time before they become too extreme, and the other wing takes over. But never in the history of our world has one side been as oppressed as anything not extreme left wing has. The hero has been silenced. The metronome will continue to swing left, but never right. The plane will continue to go up, up, and up, until it burns.

      And yet, many people see either scenario as equally racist. -_-

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      So, in short, here is the mentality of future/current generations: Nothing has changed since the 1920's. Police brutality against black people is still alive and well, women get paid only two thirds of what men get paid for doing the same job, anything white and/or male is evil, science and math are considered sexual harassment, a man looking at a girl (in any way) is considered rape, a man talking is called "mansplaining" or "manterrupting", anyone who is not an extreme leftist is a Nazi, a homophobe, a bigot, a racists, a sexist, a xenophobe, etc. What a lovely world we live in. :unamused:

      Here is a theoretical scenario that is so realistic that I would not be surprised if it has already happened. A TV show stars mostly cisgender characters, and the fanbase/the public in general demand, say, a non-binary person to be introduced into the show. Either one of the preexisting characters or a new character is later revealed as non-binary (and they are a very relatable, well-developed character), and what do the people do? They claim that the company is mocking non-binary people. The company denies this and they state that they are doing "exactly what the public asked of them". Now the people call the company a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic company because they did not introduce a non-binary character straight up. They give the show another chance and they demand a new character be introduced who is non-binary, transgender, gay, panromantic, black, short, and overweight, and THAT IS THEIR ENTIRE CHARACTER. The company does this, and the public accuses the company that they are not being represented well, and that the company are mocking all these kinds of people. Soon after, the show is cancelled and the company disbands.

      Sorry for the little rant. :blush:

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      People have tried creating alternative YouTube-like sites before, and these experiments have always failed. There is a reason why these greedy, filthy companies run these sites - because they know what they are doing. Did you know that the VAST majority of huge business owners, CEO's, chairmen, etc. are narcissists and sociopaths? They have to be. By not giving an actual f*ck about other people (because they don't know how), they don't allow these emotions to get in the way. They lie, they cheat, they push people down, and they reap the rewards for doing so. It isn't a societal system; this is merely human nature. If you don't give a damn about the consumer (aka the population), then you have a MUCH higher chance of being successful.

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      I just had a bad connection. Hippie. Hopo. I am such a bad person. XD

      It truly is. Think about it. Imagine if you wanted to type in the word "Zebra"; your emotions go on an acid trip. You have to go down (slowly, with time delays between each letter) all the way to the letter "Z", then you have to ascend to the letter "E", then you go up a small bit to the letter "B". What's that? Oh. The letter R is way down, and after you push that, you have to go back to the top to click the letter "A". It's a stupid system.

      I get the reason behind 4k, and maybe even 8k, but above? No. No one is going to care if there is a slight increase in graphics if the pixels are the size of atoms.

      Of course they don't. They only care about money. Did you know that a little kid- a Fortnite streamer-named their profile "PewDiePieSucks", and they got fined tens of thousands of dollars for spreading "bad feedback" against the huge YouTuber. Youtube is like the world now; YouTube is the corrupt government, PewDiePie and other huge YouTubers are the Walmarts, IKEAS, etc., and the rest of us are the small businesses or civilians. If any of us threaten these huge YouTubers through increased view/sub count, YouTube intentionally sabotages your channel in order to increase the amount of money that they get from these huge YouTubers.

      People have already tried. Guess what happens? Without a dirty corporation running the site, everything goes to shit. People get greedy. Whoever is in charge is constantly harassed. Anarchy ensues every single time.

      According to feminists and current college students, Dr. King was a Nazi. I am not kidding.

      Since the beginning of time? The players are different, but they are playing the same game.

      Here is a perfect example. If a black guy cannot enter a gym because he is black, that is racist and there is no equality of opportunity. However, if he is allowed in and is treated as an equal, that is great. Now, imagine if he can life 150 lbs, but a white guy next to him can lift double. Equality of outcome states that both men should be able to life 300 lbs, and if the black guy cannot, then he is being discriminated against. Or if a white person and a black person study for a test, but the white person gets 5% extra on it (because he is either smarter, or he actually studied harder, or he was paying more attention in the test). The black person accuses the teacher of being racist. :unamused:

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  6. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      But it was not YouTube. Some small companies from way yonder decide randomly to flag people's as their own. (Who finds these channels? Bots.) The original artist would say to them that it is royalty free music, they do not want legal action, etc. However, the company says, "Whatever, we are in charge here now. We are doing this 'for you'." Now, the YouTuber and/or the artist can dismiss these copyright claims, giving the company thirty days to back off and drop their claims. However, for these thirty days, these YouTubers are not making any money from their videos, rendering them useless. But within those thirty days, the company can then legally flag the person for copyright, and their channel is often taken down afterwards. Now, the YouTuber and the artists would then usually go to YouTube and say, "Hey, we don't know this company, but what they are doing is a scam. Please look into it." However, YouTube does not have an actual shit. In fact, they take the side of the company and they say, "Hey, you have a copyright strike, so you did something wrong." It's just ridiculous. AND even if the YouTuber/artist win, the company always comes back around 24 hours later and files the same claim. In addition, no one can sue these bastards because they have enough money to hire a clever lawyer that will sneak around the law and win the case no matter what.

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      I would name one Hippie. :P

      Duhhhhh... :scoots: And did you see the search tab on the PS4? It is incredibly ugly! It has all the letters of the alphabet placed in a vertical line, and in order to get from point A to point B, you have to (very slowly) scroll your way up or down. It is extremely clumsy. But Microsoft and Sony have to make their consoles like PC's, because otherwise the "PC Master Race" will dominate the market.

      Look on the bright side; at least they have vague rules. If they had very strict rules and regulations, then plenty of scumbags could work their way around the system. However, with a system where everyone has a rough idea of what the rules are (but not to an exact extent), then they cannot easily do it. But there is one thing that YouTube lacks in: consistency! YouTube breaks their own rules all the time! If you post a twenty+ second clip of a movie, song, whatever, it will get taken down. However, if you post a reaction video (with the entire video present!), the commentary is enough to say, "This is okay." In other words, YouTube never gives a shit. :unamused:

      According to them, it's progress. Everyone needs to be represented. You can only connect to people who share the same skin color, sex, and/or gender as you. And according to them, white men have oppressed and enslaved every other race out there (and no other races have the same history), thus whites are the enemy. The argument that anything with an "ism" has a history behind it, and whites do not have that history. Not only can you only be discriminatory or prejudice towards whites, but people are now calling it "pro justice" to do so. That is what feminists do; they create cute little words that make the whole situation sound all colorful. For example? Male suicide. They either do not acknowledge it, or they call it "pro justice". -_- Here is how it works in their minds: if you are a left-wing, then you are a saint. If you are not an extreme leftist, then you are a Nazi by default.

      They want equality of outcome. They state that all men and women can do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING equally, and if they cannot, then some form of discrimination is going on. But they really just want more rights for women. For example, they are advocating for girls to join boy scouts, since it is sexist to not include them in. What about boys joining girls scouts? Sexist! :unamused:

      Like just yesterday, I told me dad NOT to throw away a piece of scrap paper on my desk, and I even pointed it out to him. Ten seconds later, he threw it away. I asked him why he did that, and he said he was cleaning up. -_-

      Me too. :fluttershy: Hmm... Do you think that Sci-Twi has a small butt? :P

      Society went to shit. Even mentioning the word "society" has been deemed sexist, homophobic, etc.

      (Okay, cool! Feel free to send me a message!)

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      So house hippos are real? :pinkie:

      Well, to put it into perspective, Nintendo is a unique platform that is deploying a unique marketing method(s). However, them saying no to YouTube is like a logging company refusing to allow vehicles to be a part of their establishment. :scoots:

      It goes deeper than that. Even if you create your own music piece and you upload it to YouTube, YouTube can still give your channel a copyright strike. In addition, imagine if someone is a creator of royalty free music. You ask if you can use their music for your videos, and they agree; they even hand you a license. There have been many recent reported cases of small international companies calling copyright on the person who used the music in the video. They say they are acting on behalf of the original artist, even if said content creator said, "Listen, I don't need your interference. They are allowed to use my music." But then the company says, "We know, but we are acting on your behalf, and you have no say on the matter. We own this music, so unless the YouTuber reviews this music from their videos, we will be taking legal action." :stressed:

      No, it certainly is not a meme. I thought humanity was progressing away from segregation, but now in universities, you have safe spaces for black people, safe spaces for Asian people, safe spaces for gays, safe spaces for non-binary people, safe spaces for trans people, safe spaces for women... Oh, and safe spaces for whites and/or men? Racist. Sexist. Bigotry in the works. :stressed: I mean, I get it. White people have been the sole oppressor throughout history - we are the only race that can be racist and we are the only race to have ever enslaved other races. In addition, men have oppressed women for thousands of years. Yes, all of these issues affect us today. But... To quote the Doctor from Doctor Who, "Humanity never learns."

      To answer your question: Because only whites can be racist, and the vast majority of science and math was discovered and formulated by white men (aka the enemy). I am on the fence on this one; I don't know what side to pick.

      Well, he's that kind of person. :P Tell him something one minute, and he forgets the next. :sunny:

      I just always found it so weird that all their breast sizes are the same. Lol :P Do you?

      Why do you think that (about AJ)? :adorkable: :fluttershy: You know, about her wider hips? And what about her butt? Lol

      P.S. Did you know that a vote is going to be taking place somewhere soon? (This is only a rumor.) The vote will decide if gravity (the force) is republican or democratic. If it falls in the far right, then gravity could literally be deemed as "hate speech/a hate force". -_-

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      "Mommy, look! Over there! By the fridge! See?

      "Eat your breakfast, son/daughter. It's only a house hippo."

      I know exactly what you are talking about. Nintendo actually sees YouTubers (that play their games on said platform) as competition. It's ridiculous. YouTube is free advertisement! Most of the games I play I initially discovered on YouTube!

      Not only that, but anything math/science related AT ALL is considered white culture, which is thus deemed racist. Apparently, many universities are being forced to ban those two courses, in fear of triggering their students. Trigger warnings are real, won't get me wrong, but it's gone way too out of hand. I fear for the generation that is raised on going to their safe space that is filled with crayons, play dough, kittens, puppies, and calming, happy music. :wacko:

      Plus, he doesn't really care about my future. Well, he does, but... For example, I told him I need help in getting an on-line job. My dad agreed and he said the next day that he would stop asking me to find a job in our town, and would help me with my endeavor. The day after that, he said, "Melody, if you ever want to work at the supermarket, they are hiring." -_-

      Maybe. I just see AJ and Sunset having wider hips and bigger butts (only slightly though). ^_^ And I was talking about Fluttershy's breast size being the biggest. :adorkable:

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  10. :mlp_yeehaa::mlp_icwudt::mlp_lie::mlp_smug::mlp_toldya::mlp_wat::mlp_huh::mlp_bedeyes:

    Why does Applejack always get the best emojis?

  11. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      I am still hoping that one day, I might see one wandering around in my bedroom. ^_^

      Hence why I only play games made by indie games, or games that are kind and fair to the consumer. I only play games such as Minecraft, Terraria, Spore, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Skyrim, and occasionally a solo AAA title such as Horizon Zero Dawn.

      A most recent argument was. "Stop spreading facts! Stop spreading your hate speech!" :okiedokieloki: And people wonder why I keep to myself all the time. My dad isn't much help, thinking that I keep to myself only because of my anxiety. I've been trying to get an online job for years now, but every time me and my dad go to the clinic to renew a contract, he says to our family doctor, "The daughter has an interest in writing, which can be attributed to her anxiety," or "The daughter is not exactly a social butterfly, which is because of her anxiety," or even "The daughter wishes to do online work. I believe she wants this because of the anxiety." To him, it's always the diagnosis. :stressed:

      Wow. Just wow. ^_^

      I don't know why, but out of the HuMane 7/The Rainbooms, I always thought that either Applejack or Sunset Shimmer would have the widest hips. ^_^ (Chest wise, it would of course be Fluttershy.)

      I almost had a nightmare about it. :wacko:


    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      What is ironic is that the message of the advertisement was, "Don't believe everything you hear on the media." It had the opposite effect. For months, an entire generation was wondering if they could catch a house hippo. ^_^

      The issue now is that if these gaming companies cease putting these dirty mechanics into their games, then they could possibly go bankrupt; almost half their profits come from these malicious schemes. What we need is another gaming nosedive, like the one back in the 80's. If you can't beat them, obliterate them. :fluttershy:

      And guess what element she represents? Honesty. Did you know that, according to statistics, many people believe that honesty is a form of hate speech? Honesty is disappearing from not only the world, but the MLP community. It doesn't matter if what you say is true; if someone disagrees with you, then you are somehow a terrible person. :unamused:

      Which one? I know little about meme culture. :laugh: I agree. XD Sunset does have some wide hips in that pic. :laugh:

      Such as... an empty fridge? *Shudders*

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  13. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      Here you go. :fluttershy: 


      Yeah... Today it's almost always about microtransactions, pay-to-win mechanics, and loot boxes. Many games are intentionally made to make you addicted, and thankfully, with many of them, you sense that you are not having fun.

      Blizzard North is a perfect example. The moment the group was eliminated and Blizzard was formed, fan support went down drastically. >_>


      I agree! I can't understand why some say she is the most boring character in the show. Those people just insulted an entire way of life! :adorkable: But personally, if she were real and offered to be friends, I'd say yes in a heartbeat. :fluttershy:"

      Although there is something I am curious about. The show is obviously pg (and rightfully so), but Sunset Shimmer apparently likes horror. What kind of horror is pg? :confused:

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  14. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      Have you seen the American House Hippo commercial? That one was an instant classic. XD I can link you a video to it if you have not seen it yet.

      As I always say: Always support the small indie gaming company until they begin making money. Those selfish, soulless sellouts...

      I agree wholeheartedly. :grin: Still, something about AJ's original outfit just seemed... It seemed the perfect match to me for some reason. At least she kept her trademark hat (of course). :squee:

      True, true. Not to mention that they are all pretty much flat chested and such anyway. :mlp_please: I mean, other than this hip shot (below), it wasn't that different than seeing them in their usual outfits. :P


    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  15. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      But then again, we need advertisements. As annoying as they are, we have to put up with them. No ads = no funding. No funding = no YouTube.

      I think the original designs were simpler because they were "testing grounds"; hence why the newer designs are more complex. But I love Sunset Shimmer's and Fluttershy's new looks. :grin: I miss AJ's old attire, however.

      *Nods* While we didn't see anything non-PG in any way (their bodies are basically like pencils, even their legs/butts), it almost crossed a line. Anywho, I didn't focus in on that issue. I was just like, "Okay, this was them attempting something new. That's alright, I guess."

      Anywho, who is your favorite member of the Mane 6/HuMane 7?

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  16. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      At least no advertisements that pop during a play session of a video game. :mlp_please: I hate listening to calming music on YouTube, with the tranquil instrumental sounds only to be interrupted by an ad for A&W. :unamused:

      I agree! Do you like their old clothing designs better, or the newest ones? I am always in a bit of a pickle. I personally love nostalgia, but I cannot re-watch any of the Equestria Girls movies/shorts where they had their old clothing designs on. When it comes to stuff like that, my mind just goes, "Hey, where is this?"

      Although I do think that they took an tiny unnecessary step with the beach shorts/the beach scene in the most recent movie. :mlp_wat:

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  17. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      If you ever want any tips and tricks (with no spoilers), I would be more than happy to provide you with some. I have over five pages written down concerning the game. :3 But yeah, being disturbed is one thing, but not being able to get immersed into a game because you know that someone will knock on your door is just as bad. And then nighttime hits, and I pass out. :please: Fun fact: I have no watched MLP yet. Shocking, I know. But I am a huge fan of Equestria Girls. :mlp_grin:

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  18. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      Either Terraria or Amnesia: The Dark Descent. :please: The latter one is a horror game, but it's kind of difficult to get immersed into that kind of game when you are being disturbed by family members every twenty minutes, hence why I can only play it at night. :adorkable: And same here, any set of pronouns are good. :darling:

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

  19. Hi there! How are you doing? :rarity:

    1. Literatel


      I'm doing alright as well, just also watching videos on YouTube. I've been wanting to play a PC game though, but as usual, I'm just procrastinating. :P So, um, what pronouns do you go by?

    2. (See 77 other replies to this status update)

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