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Blog Entries posted by DJ_Vinyl.Scratch_3

  1. DJ_Vinyl.Scratch_3
    I just want to say that every one of you guys are loved. Even though it may not seem like it right now, people care about you. Maybe you don't think you have any friends or maybe you think you'll be lonely forever, but as long as you're always yourself, the right friends will stay and somebody WILL come along and be there for you. It's never the end. 
    Eating some crackers is better than eating nothing. Brushing your teeth for 30 second rather than 2 minutes is better than nothing. Getting dressed in the morning is better than staying in your clothes from the previous night/day. Two hours of sleep is better than none. It's the little things. the small steps that help you get better. Nothing just happens that quickly. If you feel don't even feel like getting out of bed, that is OK. 
    Just remember that you don't need other people to make you happy so don't let other people make you unhappy. I know that sometimes having good people in your life can, yes, make you happy. But that doesn't mean you can't be happy and alone. All it takes is the small steps. Self care. No more depressing music. 
    You are loved. I love you. You are accepted. I accept you. 
  2. DJ_Vinyl.Scratch_3
    "Be careful around combustibles. Daylight burns the quickest" - my sister
    "I scare some people with my existentialism"
    "It smells like food in here"... "That's because I'm here and I'm a snack." - my sister's girlfriend
    "Great things never came from comfort zones." -someone on google
    "Everyday may not be good but there is good in every day." - www.wow4u.com
    "Some people are like clouds, when they disappear it's a beautiful day"
    "If we shouldn't eat at night, why is there a light in the fridge?"
  3. DJ_Vinyl.Scratch_3
    Whenever I'm feeling lonely or like I don't have anyone to talk to I usually go onto the forums actually. But what if you don't have internet, or being on the forums just makes you feel more alone? 
    That's when I turn to my trusty YouTube playlist! (If your playlist is filled with depressing songs then find a new one). Once I've set up my super affirmative songs (ex. This Is Me by Demi Lavato) then I do whatever I want. Usually I'll dance super crazily... You can draw, you can write, you can color! 
    With a lot of free time on your hands you can do a lot of things. This means you can try new things. Maybe you've never baked cookies before! Or maybe you've never made your bed! This is time for you to do all those things without feeling like a piece of crap because your parents get mad at you for not doing them! 
    Have fun being lonely like me! 
    And don't hesitate to PM me if you are feeling lonely!!
  4. DJ_Vinyl.Scratch_3
    My little Relationship Philosophy:
    At least once I just want someone who I can trust even with my anxiety. For once I want someone I can laugh with and play fight without them taking offense. I want someone who knows me, someone I know. I want someone who knows they can tell me their secrets regardless. I want them to be my best friend, I want to be theirs. I want someone who can tell when I'm upset. I want someone who doesn't tell me to calm down. I want someone who I can rant to. Someone I can send funny pictures and memes to. Someone I can hug. Someone who I know will always be there for me. Someone who doesn't lie. Someone who will never judge me. Someone I know actually cares about me. Someone who doesn't forget things that matter, and if they think they might, make an effort not to. For once I want someone who loves me. For once I want someone that I can love. And when I find that someone... I'm never letting go. But I also want to be that person to someone.
    I know I'm young. I know it might take a while. But mine as well start looking. Life is short ...
  5. DJ_Vinyl.Scratch_3
    Currently I'm at home sick so I thought it fitting to post a list of 15 things that always help me when I'm stuck in bed. 
    1. Tea: Drinking tea always calms me down and soothes my throat. Any teas will do, as long as they aren't too harsh. Usually the labels will say the best uses for each tea. 
    2. Heat pad: Whenever I'm not feeling well I get out the heat pad. Put it on your stomach and you should feel better and more relaxed. 
    3. Water: I always drink lots of water when I'm sick. This may sound weird, but you want your pee to be almost clear, not dark. This comes with drinking a lot of water. 
    4. Toast: If you find that you can't keep anything down, toast is always my go to option. ( with butter)
    5. Soup: Like toast, soup is another go to food when I'm sick. Normal Progresso Chicken Noodle is what I buy, but whatever fits your needs.  
    6. Coloring: Being able to do almost nothing is unbearable. One thing that doesn't require much thought or skill is coloring. So get out your crayons, cat coloring books, and lets get started!   
    7. TV: Obviously, watching your favorite shows on Netflix or YouTube is the key to getting better.
    8. Chicken Broth: When I was little, my mom made mugs of chicken broth when we were sick. At the time, it seemed really disgusting, yet it actually helped. I suggest adding some salt to give it some actual taste..
    9. Music: Listening to your favorite jams can distract you from how horrible you are feeling. 
    10. Sleep: Everyone needs rest to heal their sickness properly. Who hates sleeping and skipping school anyways?!
  6. DJ_Vinyl.Scratch_3
    I've never cried like this before. I've never felt like there was someone squeezing my heart so much it hurt and pushing on my lungs so much i couldn't breathe right. I've never cried with audible sobs and gasps for air. My nose has never clogged up and not run. I've never cried like this before; where it feels like the end of the world. I've never cried of a broken heart before this... 11/3/18
    But I don't cry like this anymore. I looked at the bright side. I made things better. At the time, it seemed impossible. IT might seem like that for you too, but I encourage you to find the silver lining. 
  7. DJ_Vinyl.Scratch_3
    Happy New Year! I hope all of you get a fresh start for this new year. Many people don't have a change through the year, but I encourage you to see that now is the time to make amends to things. Whatever it may be. 
    For me, I'm trying to be nicer to my family and show them more love. (they better be nicer to me to though!)
    Make 2019 your fresh start. Good luck to you on your adventures
  8. DJ_Vinyl.Scratch_3
    If you're ever feeling upset or disappointed that something didn't go as you wished just remember that it's only one day and one time. No matter what it is, you can always fix it or find another chance. 
    Like if I have a bad hair day I try not to care because the next day I can do something different.
    Or if I didn't get into the play I auditioned for there would always be other plays.
    This can really go towards any situation . If you think that your situation is un-fixable or so horrible your world is going to end: just tell the truth and change your attitude about the future.
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