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Rushing cash

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Everything posted by Rushing cash

  1. My favorite non official ships include: Appledash - they are hinted in the final episode but I don't consider it official. I just really enjoy their interaction, their rivalry is intense but not to the degree that I think it can be toxic. It was always mt favorite ship between the main 6. Pinkiedash, rarilight, twidash and raijack are all pretty great too. Too a lesser degree rarity-fluttershy, twijack (the contrast of AJs down to earth attitude and Twi's spiraling) and flutterdash. Startrix is a top tier ship too although I don't mind starburst either. I actually wish we got to see sunburst interact with moondancer.
  2. Well, I have to say that the episode have grown on me, its not a top tier or anything but its a good one. Rarity was at her best here with some classic moments and the interactions between Rarity & sweetie as well as the interactions between the foals were entertaining while also interesting. Seeing DT working with the CMC and not insulting them (despite forcing them to do things they did not want) was a refreshing take on their relationship. My favorite scenes were Rarity snooping in SB's bag and Rarity saying she will destroy her .
  3. One of the better episodes this season IMO, I enjoy these slice of life episodes. Anyway, I always enjoy some Posey content and this one is no exception. I suppose she doesn't have many real friends, maybe only Windy. Pipp and Posey usually get along well enough, although posey can sometimes be unpleasant towards Pipp. Overall, good episode featuring my top 2 favorite G5 ponies. I am pretty sure things will be back to the status quo, and while I hope that Posey remains overall the same I will like to see her more friendly with Pipp from now on. Also, the part at 4:20, is that stick bugged reference (or whatever its called)?
  4. Okay, so there are continuity issues (Sunny's mane and CM), the continuity of TYT is diverging more and more from the continuity of MYM and the movie for that matter (it had some during S1 but it seems more pronounced now), which is fine but it should be more clearly addressed perhaps, to make it clear that they are not exactly in the same "universe" in case someone was unsure about it. Personally not a big fan of the magical explanation on command that been more common lately. Anyway, I feel like an episode about Sunny's mom (and father for that matter) could have been very impactful if not for that 5 minute format. Still, I enjoyed it for what it was, some really cute moments, appearance & explanation about Sunny's mom (I liked her design) with a heartfelt moment. I also appreciate Zipps ancestors cameo's, finally something more about that royal line! I want a deeper dive into their family.
  5. It was alright, but I feel a longer run time would have helped and made it better. I hope they will finally do something interesting with Allura, other than a few cute moments with Twitch she really did not do much. If sea ponies are back I hope we will get kirins too, maybe an introduction to bat ponies. Totally, Izzy basically confirmed it . Not sure when we will see Destiny again, for all we know she might be a one off character but for the time being I totally support this ship.
  6. I wasn't really interested in this ship before, but I did like the episode, it was a lot of fun. 2nd fan favorite ship confirmed, who's next? I liked how the main 6 tried to help, but other than Sunny they were not really helpful. The shenanigans were fun. Its cool that they are trying more romance, lets see how that will play out in the future. I wasn't a big fun of the first three episodes however this one was great, I hope the next few episodes will carry this momentum forward.
  7. I think C6 has more memorable songs because: 1. I personally think the songs are actually better, especially compared to the last couple of chapters but 2. More songs are complete on screen, unlike lets say C2 which had some good songs (IMO) but they were cut short.
  8. What are your favorite MYM songs? My favorite right now is "magic in us", yeah the first time I heard it I wasn't a big fan but it certainly grew on me.
  9. It seems like the dragons are a controversial topic in the new gen, and while I personally not a big fan of their designs and that all their designs are so similar to each other I do like them as characters. Some of them have their own quirks, like fountain being traumatized by dungeons. So who is your favorite out of the new dragons? My personal favorites are blaize and fountain.
  10. Another positive aspect is her voice actress, it was a great performance, possibly the best in G5. It felt like the voice actress had fun and really got into the character. Opaline also had some great and memorable lines during her run. For example her whole "conversation" with Izzy was one big highlight.
  11. C'mon, G5 can't be that bad. Anyway, if you really dislike G5 that much you can just ignore it. This is not real life history, its a cartoon about magical horses. Its by no means hurting FiM
  12. I agree, she does have more complexity compared to many G4 villains (mostly because she had more screen time, probably ), I am not sure what the writers had to do to make her more complex though. Make her motivation something different than jealously, pride and desire for revenge? Maybe its just me, but I think this are legit reasons for a villain (as long as a show doesn't overuse it), not every villain needs to have a sympathetic backstory. I am not sure a show like MLP can produce a villain with a sad backstory and not reform them, although that idea is actually pretty interesting and I would love if that happened.
  13. Hard to compare them since they have different amount of episodes, C1 and 3 are just single specials. I think C6 takes the cake, it has the highest stakes, great action, character development come to fruition and everything just came together really well. With the whole thing about the trees, Mistys part in Opalines plan and the dragon fire thingy... It was well executed, Opalines plan was solid and she proved to be a good villain with a satisfying end. The special was very entertaining too, giving more interesting characters and perhaps something to look forward too. C5 and 2 were good too, they had their weak moments and aspects but I had a lot of fun watching them. I think chapter 2 is underrated, it gave us some memorable episodes and most of the other episodes were at least decent. The animation is pretty poor compared to the later chapters. Despite the bad animation in the first special, I think the story was more interesting and engaging than C3. My ranking: 6>5>2>4>1>3
  14. What are your thoughts on Opaline as a villain? I personally think she ended up being a good one, she is relatively successful when she gets going, she is powerful when powered up and manipulative. I think she is pretty entertaining to watch, she is easily annoyed and dramatic which makes her reactions pretty fun. She also got a decent amount of screen time (something many villains in G4 did not have), so we got to know her better. The battle against her was great while her defeat was satisfying and relatively intense. Her actions, from how she treated Misty to how she took everyone's CMs and hypnotizing the dragons were bad enough that the (at least vast majority) of the audience were rooting strongly for her defeat. I do think her arc could have been better if she was more active in earlier chapters, she was an evil but pretty powerless antagonist early on and only became a legitimately serious threat in chapter 6, if she was more of an active threat earlier (for example C4) she could have been a really amazing villain.
  15. I agree, it wasn't easy to choose a top 5. BTW, you don't have to choose just from the poll, the episodes I listed in the poll are the episodes I thought were the most popular ones but if you liked others more you can mention them.
  16. With MYM possibly ending, what are your favorite episodes from the series? My top 5 are: 1. Roots of All Evil part 2 2. Ali-conned 3. Family Trees part 2 4. Portrait of a Princess 5. Secrets of Starlight
  17. We know season 2 of TYT is going to happen with some episodes with normal length. If its the end of G5 than after Allura (and her brother probably) there might be another major villain and thats it. If we get more MYM chapters or a 3D series with a different name than anything is possible. Maybe TYT at some point will become a normal series with 20 min' episodes.
  18. Could be, although a lot has to happen before that. If they do want to do something like this again, I hope it will be different enough that it won't feel repetitive.
  19. Her defeat was satisfying so I hope that she will not return, however as FiM shown us, sealing\trapping\banishing villains is not necessarily a permeant solution, so under the right circumstances (like someone freeing her, the tree accidentally destroyed, the pony races fight again) she could be freed. That said, if she will be freed I think it won't happen soon.
  20. I don't particularly care if its the same universe or not or whatever, but from what I have seen what makes most sense to me is its a universe that based on G4, very similar to it with overall similar history. Theres nothing wrong with it, maybe if the writers decide to go in this route than it will actually be better for this generation, so it won't have to follow the many things FiM did and do some unique things on its own, which they kind off did in the recent chapter.
  21. Some great moments I missed initially: https://derpibooru.org/images/3247636?q=shaking https://derpibooru.org/images/3247645?q=g5 Izzy fooling opaline: https://derpibooru.org/images/3246470?q=g5 Then she tries to commit murder: https://derpibooru.org/images/3246482?q=g5 The picture of elegance: Another case of Pipp being best face maker in G5:
  22. Since it was just purring its impossible to tell, maybe one of them does this on purpose or maybe its some effect allura's magic left on her, maybe she got whatever celestia had in S4 finale. Anyway, even if she doesn't have hallucinations Sunny probably needs a break. Also, Alluras and twitchs designs are better in TYT than in MYM, they actually look good here. Some other great moments from the episode: and:
  23. My favorite chapter, the animation improved a lot since the first special last year. I enjoyed it a lot and wouldn't mind to see it continued.
  24. So... will there be a thread to discuss the new episodes?
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