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Galaxical Phoenix

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My Little Pony

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    Princess Luna
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    Twilight Sparkle

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  1. @Blitz Boom aahsjsjchwncuhwcuydhfh sorry I haven’t posted lately, I just got off winter break so I haven’t found the time to write anything up (like... all week... heq) but hopefully I can get to that this weekend (And hopefully I won’t disappear for a week again (disclaimer: I probably will ;-;)) That’s a mood Haha I am a Homestuck but not really a Homestuck cosplayer The only time I’ve ‘cosplayed’ was when I threw together an extremely cringey low-budget Terezi “costume” for school on Halloween a little while back (I am a bit of a Homestuck roleplayer, however, even if at the moment I only have like... one ongoing RP with any of my Homestuck OCs.) But nevertheless, Homestuck owo
  2. @Blitz Boom That’s alright, I don’t mind ^^ Yis. This is good I imagine she likes sunlight because warm, but she’d need adequate protection against it before staying in direct sunlight for an extended period of time P: Ah. The inconveniences that come with existing Hehe, I’m glad you find her interesting X) I didn’t want to make her overpowered (I mean, I don’t want any of my characters to be overpowered, but I feel like it’d be all to easy to make a draconequus overpowered) so I just went for “random” XD I’d love to see her and Anomaly interact sometime, even if that’ll have to wait until later. Of course! I’m planning on throwing them in later when they actually come up ^^; Just wanted to make sure they were all good to come in later before I forgot to, haha. And also before I forgot all the little bits and pieces of stuff I thought up for them
  3. Yis. This sounds good. Certainly! This is Tidal Crest. - She’s a hippogriff-pegasus hybrid, which is part of the reason why she sticks with Eventide, haha. - She is smol, and can easily be confused for somepony years younger than she is. Eventide is a little shorter than the average mare, and Tide is half a head shorter than her - Her skin is sensitive to sunlight and she’s probably prone to skin cancer - She also wears sunglasses but mostly just ‘cause they’re cool - She has a few allergies, including a lethal peanut allergy - She’s also kind of a germaphobe - But she’s not afraid to handle critters of all kinds as long as she washes her hooves afterwards - She’s chill and open to people but get on her bad side and you’re dead - She could probably amass an army of critters and fling them at you - Watch her trek through the Everfree Forest for the heck of it - She kinda simultaneously gets the best and worst of everything, so she seems really cool but like half of her life is awesome and the other half is suck - Sometimes she has really cool dreams but she often has intense and sometimes gory nightmares, for example - oop that’s a lot of bullet points Aaaand this is Pseudora Tyche! - She’s a draconequus who... probably spontaneously popped into existence one day and was like “welp, guess I’m here now” - The wing shown on the left is dorsal and the one on the right is ventral, I forgot to denote that (like I did for Tide) - The cutie mark shown is the one she takes on in her pegasus disguise, which she can go into for a limited amount of time (I’m not sure how long exactly) - She’s not nearly as powerful as Discord, mostly using unicorn-like magic and occasionally making small and often not extremely helpful or significant things pop into existence, like mints and potted plants (half the time she doesn’t really even have a choice as of what she summons, as sometimes it’s just random) - She wears a variety of bracelets and anklets - She is the random - She might also be a bit meta and extremely low-key peer through the fourth wall - Usually docile but has the potential to be chaotic - She likes pi - She also likes pie - idk what else - She exists
  4. @Blitz Boom Welp, I tried a thing! I have come here to say that and also to note that Eventide’s also kinda prone to chest tightness and light-headedness, since I was thinking about what kind of health complications one of her friends might have and then was like “oh yeah I do struggle with the occasional thing, I can probably yeet that at Eventide because she’s pretty much supposed to be me but different (and also because she’s a hybrid which isn’t as fun as it sounds)” Speeeeaking of her friends, is it cool if I throw them in here to make sure they’re okay in case they ever come up in-RP? And also because you’re really good at critiquing my OCs and giving me ideas
  5. (Page 413. I’m so happy (for Homestuck reasons)) @Blitz Boom Eventide paced just outside of Ponyville, where for the sake of her sanity she could keep away from all of the more paranoid ponies in it. She couldn’t handle any stares, whispers, or really any other sort of attention from them. Not right now. It was especially good that she had because if she got too close to anypony else right now, her magic—her singing—could affect them. Not that it crossed her mind; she was too into it. Her facial expressions and physical gestures followed the song—and she was very expressive. She was singing something angry. She was probably singing something edgy, but Eventide didn’t care. She was angry, and maybe she was edgy too but whatever. Whatever! She had bigger things to worry about. Like having basically just lost every friend I ever had. Eventide drew a sharp breath, then continued, her voice about as loud as she ever let it get. ♪ “And every second I waste is more than I can take—!” ♪ Besides, it wasn’t like anypony was listening.
  6. @Blitz Boom Fair enough. I mean, the lunacorn part is supposed to be based on some other headcanon that... ah well, it doesn’t really change Eventide either way so yeah, it’d probably be best to keep this simple and go for kirin / bat pony owo; That... huh. I’m surprised I didn’t think of that This is yes. And also part of the reason why I made her part bat pony in the first place Tbh I dislike bright areas in real life but I also find sunglasses to be uncomfortable so that’ll be... fun. I can imagine Eventide has something like my sensitivity to brightness but possibly amplified, and almost all the time I also may or may not need glasses, so I guess she could have tinted glasses, but she’d hate them lol This is also yes. This is also part of the reason why I made her part kirin, haha. True, and fair and also yes I guess I could tie in being a picky eater with this. I imagine not a whole lot of pony food would cater that well to a kirin / bat pony hybrid plus just normal pickiness lol Also fair! I mean, even if ponies were chill with kirin, they know next to nothing about bat ponies. She could be a vampire or something!! (Of course, not literally, but fear is indeed a powerful thing.) I can imagine she might have to live at the edge/outskirts of Ponyville, for her own sanity so others don’t bother her so much. Then if she happens to be angry singing one day she might accidentally project that on one of the forest creatures or something... All of that sounds good to me! I, too, like to torture my characters Cover-Up is such a bean That is all This is going to get extra fun if Eventide’s friends ever get involved ajshsjcuhwicuwnnfjshchwhhh
  7. @Blitz Boom Alrighty Okay, so here’s Eventide’s current appearance: As you can see it’s preeeetty different. She’s a kirin / lunacorn (bat pony unicorn... or just bat pony it probably doesn’t matter—) hybrid who’s probably also part not-bat-pony. A lot of the things I originally noted about her are still the same though. There was also the matter with some sort of mind-influencing magic I was considering giving her. I’m thinking she inherently has the potential to use mind-influencing magic, but it would take a loooong time to use competently and at the moment she only knows how to use it to make her voice a bit more impactful when she sings. (Not quite like the sirens, it just intensifies the feels of her songs.) Her necklace might also be enchanted to help her use it (possibly by one of my other OCs, which might explain how she might contact him later... Hehehehe). I think I was originally going to have the roleplay be on the day she committed friendship issues so there’d be a potential for her to get uLtRa SaLtY and... turn evil or something (and I think you mentioned poor Cover-Up might be a good target for mind influencing magics), although chances are I forgot partway through the roleplay that I was ever doing that Tenebris (shadowy being that in my AU/HC corrupted Luna and Stygian) might help along with the evil thing though, if that doesn’t interfere too much with this world’s lore Either way I’m definitely interested in working with her and Cover-Up again ^^
  8. @Blitz Boom [also hugs] ooOOKAY So I was roleplaying with my ponysona Eventide Melody, who at the time looked like this [cringes at old art]: She and Cover Up ran into each other and proceeded to have an awkward conversation because they both look pretty weird by normal pony standards I think the last time I posted in the IC thread was here (yes I went back and looked for it): https://mlpforums.com/topic/110191-casual-stroll/page/364/ I may or may not have gone back to where I was in this thread also and got all hyped over the roleplay again because PLOT POTENTIAL and stuff Of course, by now her design has gone through a few changes and I have more OCs I might want to RP with sometime but that’s beside the point
  9. @Blitz Boom [Deep breath] i’M aLiVe Hi hello do you remember me oh jegus it’s been over a year since I’ve even come on this thread,,,, really sorry about that ;-;
  10. *casually walks over* *sees deadline* ... *screeches* I finished these LONG before the deadline but I forgot to submit them *-* I know it’s way too late now but I figured I’d share them anyway, if nopony minds... I’m looking forward to seeing the winners ^-^ I really need to keep better track of these things
  11. Oh I just presumed that you'd refuse me Oh, no Excuse this common fool his crudity Woah Break this wild horse, I will not fight, 'cause of course I would win And I'd much rather give in and bare it all 'till I inherit nothing Nothing is what I deserve Nothing is what I have earned If nothing is what you have chosen to give me Then nothing is for what I yearn Nothing lasts forever, nothing really matters Nothing never breaks, busts, bends, rusts, upends or shatters. I played a game with eleven fools who told me not to break the rules But when have angels ever helped me yet? And magic isn't real and anyway it doesn't matter ‘Cause no matter what I conjure it could not help be me deflect The angry death of every hopeful thought That I might be a lover or a fighter that I'm not In someones spider web or net I could be caught But I'm too bitter, better off alone, guess I forgot So what? Do you want me to say sorry? Should I apologize, when you ignore me? I didn't ask to be right or to be lonely Or to be hatched into an ugly story
  12. shhhhhhhh It’s smol but it’s still glorious shshshshshshshhhhhshsshhshshhhhhh *patpatpap*
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