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Status Updates posted by Darksword66

  1. Oh boy, Been abit.


    Well not really i just haven't said much i tend to come on and lurk hue hue.


    Anyways we have landed up entering season 2 of the RP that im' running which is kinda funny. Because when the world was selected it was the continuation of the pretty much, very different MLP world. Essentially the new cast has to come from that world, and then move their way out via whatever reason. There are new rules and concepts put into place that me and the other DM's want to make sure they get a feel around. Though so far, they have been holding out pretty well against certain events. The real stuff is about to come up though. They just don't know it yet as it has to be ingame 2 weeks, which will always be alittle more intense then not. But yah~

    I do hope all you have been being safe and having a great time so far!

    For moi personally. It's been special, but i'm pretty sure some stuff will line up and it will fall from being special to being normal once more. I just really need to jump onto the understanding of how to line up some aspects :P Even with all the stuff i know, and have experienced i still need to set up some things so it can work out more efficiently it seems. =D now off to run this first session of today before i move onto planning and rest. They have almost made their trotting selfs to the Steam City, so i'm really hopeful they will make it to it before they die and cause a reset for themselves hue hue hue.

    Huh, i need to figure out what i want to do about my avatar too XD

  2. Just a fun heads up for people and their doggies! Remember that puppies and such can get heat stroke too! It's important to look after our animals just as much as it is important for us to protect ourselves =D So remember to check it out! How%20Hot%20Is%20Too%20Hot%20infographic

    1. EpicEnergy


      Thanks for the heads up!

  3. Oh boy, i need to remember to reign back some of my more interesting traits :P. Not everyone can handle the Darksword66 opinions :P haha

  4. Oh boy Sorry for the vanish. I just landed up needing some pondering time over stuff. But yah i'll get it together i swears! XDD either way going to be watching the next season of MLP with my friend at some point. I hope everyone has been doing well. And being safe~

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    2. Bastian


      It's still more than I got :D

      I surely have! Thanks. :mlp_yeehaa:

    3. Darksword66


      Aww i mean meeting people who like the same show as you can be rather hard. More so with the term brony and how so many people see it. It's probably easier for some people to be hidden smiles then not. That and most people you know don't even give the show a chance.

      Over all though i tend to be rather...persuasive when it comes to such things anyways :P.

      Well, it's good to know i think i saw that you have joined discord =O haha

    4. Bastian


      Yep. I figured to join after so many months. Seems cool so far. :squee:

  5. Oh man, Totally recorded some cover tracks XD Just have to edit and listen to them. See how it works out for me. XD been awhile since i did recording thats for sure. Tom is another session same songs though, lets see how this all pitches out i guess :P and maybe my brain will be like "Not just rp, but your stories toooo" 

  6. That sad moment when like i have to figure out how to fix a current players issue with using magic impulsively. XD

  7. And i'm back~ sorry if it seemed like i just vanished, i mean i sorta did but i was busy with a few things that came up. Which also intruded on my writing and such. Anyways, needless to say, People are getting into politics mode and man am i being accused of so many things it's funny XD. I just have to say that one without going into too many details.

    but yah i'm hoping to being my second chapter and re evaluate that tom if i'm in the mood for it. Then after that i'll be back on track maybe :P I got some permissions too (have to be kind to people who make characters) since i do use certain characters in the series i'm writing. But yah for the most part! The AU should be back in action tomorrow...hopefully i feel that way tom to.

    Well i hope everyone has been fine for the most part. I know i managed to do a weird thing with the Changeling Empire so far in one game i was playing to cool off. Gonna see if that works and i can conquer the Lunar Empire and such :P Then backstab the Crystal Empire killing Sombra hmmm hmm *ponders* I wonder if i can keep Cadance alive hmm...though she did marry him after certain events..well i'll see :P

    Like i said before hope you are all doing great!

    1. TotallyNotNyx


      Welcome back ^_^

      Is this one where Equestria has been divided into three reigions ruled by Sombra, Nightmare Moon and Chrysallis respectively and the factions are always at war. I think I read a fanfiction about such a world before

    2. Darksword66


      @Princess of Hearts 💛🧡

      haha, It's mostly just me playing Equestria at War. Where essentially Celestia seemed to allow Nightmare Moon come into being again, and Sombra took over the Crystal Empire and married Cadance. I was originally for fun going to take the north, and crush Stalliongrad and move into a pincer like tactic against them (Equestria or the Lunar Empire) but now Sombra is like "Let's be friends" and i'm like "hmmmmmmm" XD But yah~ something like that potentially :3

    3. Bastian


      Welcome back! You sure are having fun. :twi: Enjoy it as much as you can!

  8. I swear i just have ran out of time somehow. so weird. Anyways hopefully i'll have the story (chapter) done by this week. The RP is actually moving rather smoothly. Though we've reached the invasion arc of the universe they are in now. One of the characters actually managed to gain contact of Nightmare Moon. (Nat 20 for them) Which allowed them to talk to her (Keep in mind this is the Nightmare Moon from the RP, and the second form of her. Not the same one per say as the one that is presented in the lore itself. As alterations and such that occur on the world level did indeed occur) Although, it was funny because he tried to talk to Daybreaker, whom would have just killed him. Anyways, it was a funny event i didn't expect to happen (He needed to get a Nat 20 or a 20 for the best result aka Nightmare Moon, and he needed to roll a 1 in order to get Daybreaker, anything else and nothing would have happened)

    But yah fun for sure. XD Hope everyone had a great weekend!

  9. I think the best part about my story, is i noticed that two people disliked it. And it just makes me laugh. i guess some people don't like that content :P Then again it is a rather weird story to some people~ so i guess it makes sense if they are expecting the same old cast as they are used to, and not the different AU version i write XD

  10. Hmms~ maybe i should see about either commissioning or looking for people to draw scenes from the rp/story hmms~ (As that's all my current work/story is. Just the story form of the RP. most of what is said or such is actually what was done or said in the RP. With just a light story touch too it XD)

  11. Oh man here comes the next week and a new start for my next chapter. The RP went as efficiently as hoped so that was good. We are getting back into things which really helps out in it. We are now moving towards the combat like festival so it's time to see how that plays out for everyone in this up coming week :P

    And of course i hope everything went well with everyone this weekend!

  12. Well next chapter will be being worked on starting next week. Just have to finish up some of the brainstorm like key points that i want for the chapter, that i also wrote down from the RP and just work my way into continuing that. Hope everyone is doing ok today too!

  13. Well i guess whoever lands up being interested in it they can just reply here i'll send it to them with the rules saying i can't send it normally here :P

  14. OK, finally finished the chapter. Supposedly after having it checked by Grammarly it's "Clear and Engaging" XD Anyways, should i link it here? I should also say that this isn't the same MLP universe that so many people are used to though XD I wonder how many people will be like "That's not how so-so talks/does things" i know, it's the point XD it's an rp that is based on the concept of gradual consequences and idealism behind the grand effect of reality is effected by even minor choices and thoughts. And the world literally doesn't enjoy the lives of those intruding onto their own timeline. They (the protagonists) are foreign entities and so the world will judge their value based on that :P and it's a dif universe so :P

    Now that i think of it though...this universe is not child friendly hmm...

    1. Bastian


      Why not link it here? Someone might be interested.:toldya:

  15. Well i managed to get to like 70-80% of the first chapter before i had to stop to work on other things XD including RP fun. but yah for the most part all is going well on that. I'll see if i can finish it up on Monday. I don't want to write it as large as my normally works of like 10k words so XD it should be fine wherever i choose to finish it.

    How is everyone else? i hope holding together!

    1. Bastian


      I should fix myself and try to write, all the stories are either on my head or I haven't finished them.:D

      And Im doing great, thanks.:squee:

    2. Darksword66


      haha i know the feeling. I just finally decided it would be a good move to write it up. My friends want to see it anyways so it's like why not. XD plus getting back into writing is a fun creative outlet i tell people to do all the time XD

      I'm glad you're doing fine!

  16. OK, fine imma write the story geez :P haha hopefully i get the first chapter done at some point today hmms. Or tom depends when i get my time to write it.

  17. Well 2 days of RP have now been accomplished YAY~ Though it was mostly to see who would be kept and not, we managed to keep a good portion of our normal rpers as opposed to what we thought. So that's cool. Though i'd have to say "cleaning out" is important it's still not something fun to push people into a different group because of it but it has to be done till they prove otherwise.

    Though today was pretty interesting it was mostly traveling and place locations for us to have a better understanding of the area we may be moving too, just took more time than not. XD Then it was chatting and more planning on the potential aspects of it's location. Looking at locations and lots. Just so much XD Anyways, i hope everyone had a good weekend!

    1. Bastian


      I traveled as well!:BrightMacContent:  But I did it to take some pictures which I posted here, thanks!

    2. Darksword66


      @Bastian Oh that's cool. I'll have to look into it then. Hue hue.

  18. So, It's coming up. :P Time to see if they can even hold themselves together again for the set up and planning to be for the next waves of the rp. it's funny how many people love it, and how much they just want to play it. Time to see if they can hold themselves together~ Oh tom and Sat, how you will test the rper's~

  19. Hmms i guess i'll have to figure out a nice way to plan out my next move. Hmms, we are starting up our rp stuff this Friday and Sat on Vr Chat. So it's time to see what these people will do, and who will be there and who will we need to recruit.

  20. So totally random status update from moi!

    So basically i landed up helping out my father and such with some of the root issues he was having with his lawn (Aka the roots were attacking the pipes). We were out for like 7 hours just digging them up and then tearing out the main connectors for it, and spreading the root repellent. But i do have to say, i forgot about the damage my lower back sustained and oh man XD my lower back isn't letting me go of that one. But i should be functional in a few days. Just have to like not do stupid stuff till then.

    That...and take medicine before i sleep so i can XD makes me wish i didn't live in the south currently. The cold weather has always been my friend in these times helps me feel better XD. Geh but what can you do, i'll just tough it out as normal. 

    1. RaraLover


      Hello, my friend! :kirin:

      I think is great that you help your father with such tasks. :adorkable: I'm not really fond of doing so myself. I just like to do my own things. :please:

      Ouch, that doesn't sound too good. :sunny: I hope your back will get better soon! *hugs* :kindness:

    2. Darksword66



      Yah i tend to fall into the aspect of doing things on my own. But there are times when it's best to get others help. That would have probably been a 2 day job atleast without me being there. I usually only help those who ask for aid too, as i don't usually go out of my way to help them as it can be something they want to do themselves or such. It's a whole thing. So i understand what you are saying and it's fine! Though i guess it also depends on the friend and how much they are in need to my aid even if they aren't saying it too.

      I hope your day was going well though! and yah onto the next day and my back is still hating on me abit but~ i'm not like as bad as i was so yay on that one. =)

  21. I swear the only issues i've ever had with dogs is the training. XD And it's usually not because they aren't able but because when you are the only one teaching them they can't improve as quickly if everyone else doesn't. All the sad. Still i mean tis the problem of the masses not me.

    My dog loves people (till given other commands not to) and she will snuggle and want to be pet and everything but gosh XD it gets intense sometimes. Poor pups gets so confused when she doesn't know what to do. ( 3 different owners does that to you XD)

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    2. Darksword66



      Funny enough my former dog was that way. She basically would attack people constantly and killed a few dogs to protect her area. But yah it's something that happens. We decided to go a more social route with this one while also getting her trained for her guard dog stuff. it's kinda a fun mix so far.

      Doggie just wants to protect it's pack :P just have to make sure it's ok to approach any dog you know? i'd never approach dogs without consent of the owner. XD (not that i don't want to pet them i just respect that stuff).

    3. Bastian


      Luckily my dog hasn't killed anything... Yet.:adorkable:

      Its nice you are doing good with your current pet.:)

    4. Darksword66


      Yah i can never get mad at my old dog. and i still wont till i die. She did what she needed to do to protect her area. And it's the other owners fault for not having their dogs on their leash as the law states. Their dogs would run up our drive way while we would be like with ours tied up and all good. And It charged at my step mother, and so our dog did her job broke the chain she was on and charged the dog and killed it before it could harm my step mother (to name one event). We fought them over it and won. So she didn't have to be put down (not that we would have anyways) and we basically followed the statement that she wasn't allowed to walk around on the street or anything.

      Your dog is fine i'm sure! always remember that. The best thing to teach or train dogs is by never getting angry at them. Keeping yourself calm and assertive is the best way to go. And they will usually shower you with affection in return. :P atleast in my cases.


  22. Already then, imma head to sleep. Try not to burn down to many places with your burning passions everyone! :P

    1. Oblivion


      Dat pun lol

    2. Derpy Pon-3

      Derpy Pon-3

      Goodnight   :fluttershy:

    3. RaraLover


      Good night, my friend! :kindness:

  23. Ok totally forgot how some of my friends liked to party XD so weird. So who is excited for the whole Valentine's Day fun?

    Edit: By so weird i mean that i forgot their partying fun times.

  24. Oh man. Gotta either conquer Equestria or help it~ what game do i want to play this time around~ Maybe i'll just do another Dread League game again but i heard they have become more difficult hmms~ :P But before that i guess i should drink something XD

  25. Whelp time for an update :P since i went dark for a moment there. So we basically put the RP on pause till March. Though me and the other GM/DM are working about to see if we will just remove or move characters around for when that happens. Though we are taking our time with it. The next part will be pretty simple, us making a move towards the next world.

    Though for now it's time for me to figure out what nation i want to play on Equestria at War, or if i should play Fallout Equestria XD

    Huh now that i think of it i should really see about getting an avatar and such set up XD

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