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Old Accnt.

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    The Glimmer Force

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  1. I really regret smoking

    the things group pressure does...

    and i can only blame myself

    I want to stop but it's hard when ever i feel sad i smoke i get in an argument i smoke when i'm bored i smoke when i feel lonely i smoke when i'm waiting for the bus i smoke before eating or after eating dinner i smoke but when i'm depressed i do it even more

    when other people smoke i smoke to join conversation

    when i feel sick i smoke 

    I try to stop and my mind only think of these stupid Cigarettes it's making me depressed why am i addicted to this stuff

    here is a video of how it looks like to be a smoker


    1. O-78


      The best way to avoid becoming addicted to things is to simply never start. I hope you can find a way to quit soon, because that is not a healthy habit at all.

    2. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Please try to get whatever treatment is necessary to quit. It’s for your own good of your health.

    3. AppleButt


      I don’t have any words of wisdom for you, but I do hope you can find it in you to quit.  I believe you can.  Everyone Ive known including my sister who managed to kick the habit don’t regret it one bit, and will never look back, but the process of quitting wasn’t easy for them.  

      Good luck buddy.  *hugs*

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