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Ionic Sunset

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About Ionic Sunset

  • Birthday 2003-05-20

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  • Fimfiction
    Icy Creation

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  • Interests
    RPing, Reading

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
  • Best Princess
  • Best Mane Character
    Rainbow Dash
  • Best CMC
    Sweetie Belle
  • Best Secondary/Recurring Character
  • Best Episode
    Every Little Thing She Does
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  1. @Blitz Boom A few notes I need to ensure you know about Dragonfly before anything else to clear seeming misunderstandings. I’ll give a proper response after you respond, in case the fun facts I provide give you new ideas or make you reconsider your initial options! Also… Apologies for, what, a month long wait? I think? Two months? February kind of passed me by and I got less and less motivation to write as it went- fortunately it’s slowly coming back lately. Additional apologies for any spelling errors, I’m on mobile, and not even my usual phone! Not used to the apple keyboard… Anyway, fun facts! First of all, Dragonfly- and by extension any other Geode Ponies- aren’t actually made of metal. Not even while they have their luster. It’s just a visual effect from generations of exposure to the extreme ambient magic of Geode. Notably a Geode Pony’s eyes do in fact shift between physical real gems, and the unique environment of Geode means their metallic appearance might be physical in but a hundred years, but as of Dragonfly’s generation the Luster is simply a semi-rare Geodian visual trait. Secondly- soul magic. A much bigger part of what you were considering: Dragonfly has nothing to do with it. That’s something only the Opal is involved in. And further, the only things the Opal uses souls for are reading ponies to learn how to manipulate them, and sucking them in to be shredded into raw magical energy. Thirdly, speaking of The Opal… Minor spoilers if you want even more ideas for starting out with Dragonfly. All these fun facts are to address possible misconceptions and give even more ideas. However, even if they don’t change anything, I still have an option in mind from those you listed. I’ll wait for your response to say it though, in case you come up with an even more fun sounding idea, or reconsider the one I had in mind.
  2. @Blitz Boom Quite happy you don’t remember Icy, honestly. From what I can gather looking back at what doesn’t hurt to read, it was before I’d smoothed the rough edges off her writing. As for Dragonfly (Link to profile embedded in the name) well, this is what I wrote her profile for! There are things not explained there, though. If you want more information on anything in her profile (or not in it) I can give it! Happily, I love explaining extra bits and bobs surrounding or about Dragonfly. There are things I would explain pre-emptively, but it’d be a lot all at once, and/or it’s not all entirely relevant. Like mentioned, I’d love to expand on anything.
  3. @SharpWit Not quite what I meant, never had trouble with a sona of any kind and deciding whether they were me or a character- mainly because I've never tried to make a sona. I made a character of myself once! But, well, not pony related. Not even really related to any Fandom, just kind of a whole original thing I abandoned forever ago since it wasn't very good. But this is a very good warning for me if I ever do decide to try making a ponysona, definitely sounds like the kind of thing I'd get caught up on! Might steal the idea of failed ponysonas being the successful ponysona's 'family' if it ever comes up- unless you'd rather that be unique to you. I love this sentiment too, absolutely. Also sorry for being so long-winded, I'm... I don't really have an excuse or explanation, it's just kind of how I am. Wish I could make this shorter since I already did the whole name explanation thing.
  4. Ionic Sunset was... I don't know, an hour or two of me trying to come up with something pony-ish that was better than what I had? Of course I could have just taken the name of my favorite OC, but that wouldn't have been personal. Not like Chiroptera was. Eventually I came up with this: I have a tendency to write characters that have a few seemingly opposing traits- or physical characteristics- that tie together tightly. Like an ionic bond between two oppositely charged ions. It's also my favorite kind of ship, and rivalry, and... I just love when any two opposites interact well with each-other, really. Ionic! Sunset is simpler. It's my favorite time of day. Both because I prefer the night, but also because sunsets are beautiful. Absolutely not an uncommon opinion, but still. Ponies have just straight colors in their names sometimes, and I was having trouble mixing something with Ionic- the part I was dead-set on. So, in all, now my name's Ionic Sunset! I love it for a pony name, and it might actually stick if I ever end up making a ponysona instead of just actual characters.
  5. Merry Christmas/Happy Hearth's Warming, not expecting a reply today I return! Kind of. I was here two to four years ago? Prefer to just consider this my first time here though, looking back at how I used to write is physically painful. And not just that weird... Fourth-wall-breaking narration? Narrator character I did? Whatever that was? I don't know, but it hurts to read everytime I'm reminded of it. But also because my writing style has changed with time, and I have a new display name and profile picture. Anyway! More relevant! I'd like to get into this again, if there's space. Not using Icy this time though- and definitely not continuing where I left off if that were even possible- as I've come to realize with time she's just not built for long-term RP. And also I have no idea how much she's changed at her basics since last I was here- sorry about just dropping by the way, was very rude of me. If there is room, and you'll forgive my previous ghosting, I'd like to put in Dragonfly. Not my newest- that'd be Astral Veil- and not my favorite- that'd still be Icy, though I love all my characters- but probably my best written and most fun pony I've made. I'll give details when you ask.
  6. [=~ Well, this was an obvious question. "Well, I was just wandering, really. I tend to do that." ~=] I apologize for the time it took for me to respond. I kind of forgot about this.
  7. [=~ At that she tried her best to contain it, and she succeeded in pushing back the tide of reality. Though, likely not for long, considering a frozen tear had fallen and just shattered on the floor, and that the blizzard around her wings was back, and that she had just gotten much, much colder. Cold enough for frost to start forming on her coat. Far below freezing, actually. Below zero on either scale. "U-umm... No-not really..." ~=]
  8. [=~ Midnight? I'm the narrator here, and Icy is the character. Don't bring Midnight into this. ~=] Eh? Somebody call me? [=~ No, **** off Midnight. And hey, I said I'd try, I've been doing pretty good so far, think I'm allowed to do it at least once, alright? Anyway, moving on. He would discover something about Hybrids in return- though not knowing thats what she is- when he hugged her. She is quite a bit softer than a normal pony, except for her wings- made of metal- and her horn- because its a horn. Though I don't think he would feel her horn, at the moment, considering I'm pretty sure that he isn't in contact with it. Anyway, alongside her softness, her body temperature depends on her emotions. At the moment, as is usual, her temperature is about halfway between the average body temperature for a pony, and the freezing point of water. Though it rises slightly over the course of the hug, considering she is still in fact mostly pony. Though her wings are only just barely over the freezing point of water, which is why when she gets excited, or fearful, or generally emotions like that, her wings can go below freezing and cause the snow and frost.
  9. [=~ She looked at him, attempting to push back her fear of warmth, before replying, "S-sure, I guess, i-if you want to..." ~=]
  10. [=~ She looked at him, tilting her head. "Po- oh. Its not a portal, its simply allowing access into the magigen's magic reserves as a physical space, then when it closes it translates everything into magic. When it opens again, it uses magic to translate back to a physical form. And as for that, all I really need to do..." her horn frosted over, the usual faint glow from the ice, and the usual snow swirling around it, before it stopped, nothing visible having been done. "There we go. Just adjusted the timer for how long between all signatures exiting and unlocking the button. Should be fine now." ~=]
  11. [=~ She looked at her, smiling, "Nope, went better than some tests I've done in the past. Alot better, actually. Typically my tail is gone completely afterwards... Think I have a bit of bad luck when it comes to my tail and my inventions." ~=] [=~ At that she laughed, hearing what he had said, "Yeah, it is. The plasma cannon I invented uses an array of needles with plasma generation spells bound to them, alongside unidirectional levitation spells bound to another set of needles to push the plasma out of the tube. All of that is encased in unmelting ice, and powered by a magigen that I invented. Its a device that generates magical energy entirely on its own, to power bound spells. Quite powerful as well, but hard to make. Well, that kind is hard to make, anyway, I have invented simpler kinds. Though they are still probably some of the most complex things I've ever invented... I'm getting off topic, aren't I. Sorry, tend to do that when I start talking about my inventions. Anyway, the plasma cannon was invented solely for self defense in extremely dangerous situations. Like being between a cliff and more than one hydra." ~=]
  12. [=~ She looked at him, tilting her head, "I never said that was a time that I was careful. I was mentioning that as that was when I learned I should be careful. After that I started trying to learn pretty much any shield spell I could find. Even the wierd ones." As soon as the button was pressed, the hole closed. For about one whole second, before opening again, showing Icy looking out the hole, while she was halfway in a hole to her own expanse. She proceeded to go back into- fully- the machine's expanse before walking out of the machine. Though it did close behind her a bit too quickly, taking the very end of her tail off. Looking behind her, a bit annoyed, "Why exactly is it always my tail that gets hurt when something goes minorly wrong? Not my mane, or my, well, me, but always me tail. Kind of annoying. At least it didn't do much to it, unlike that one time with the plasma cannon... That one almost incinerated my entire tail..." ~=] Think they deserve a bit of explanation, Void? [=~ Probably. I know that Midnight told you that she can't cast anything heat related, correct? Well, despite that, she did find a way to bind heat related spells to objects, though only relatively weak versions. Said plasma cannon uses multiple plasma generation spells bound to a pattern of needles inside a tube of ice- the unmelting kind- and then those plasma generation spells were in turn connected to a magigen, something she invented entirely on her own- with a bit of help from studying timberwolves- to generate pulses of magic to power bound spells. The pulse sent to the plasgen spells causes them to do their thing, and then another spell, a pushing force spell, like a monodirectional levitation spell, is activated to send the plasma out of the tube. Good enough of an explanation for you, Midnight? Or should I continue to bore them with irrelevant information like this? ~=] Yeah, thats good enough. Hopefully. And yes, magigen is supposed to be a combination of magic and generator. It is a magic generator. No, she is not willing to give it to anyone, because of the fact that one can create things like her plasma cannon with it.
  13. She laughed at that. "Trust me, I know how to be careful when it comes to my inventions. The blizzjets in my wings?" She raises one of her magimechanical wings as the "feathers" open up vertically to reveal an icy blue glow, alongside a humming sound and snow forming behind the wing. "First time I tested how fast they could go when I'm overcharging them with my magic, I was almost incinerated by the friction with the air. Barely managed to redirect a bit of the magic I was sending into them to myself in a cooling spell," she lowers her wing back down to her side as the feathers close, "Don't really need to be told to be careful... Plus, when has inventing ever been an entirely safe thing to do, anyway?" That last "question" was said in a manner which showed it obviously wasn't a question. As well, this should have indicated that fact, she walked through the device as soon as she finished. "Alright, ready to press the button?"
  14. [=~ She tilted her head, looking at her, legitamately confused. "Did I not explain how it works? I apologize for that. The detector specifically looks for the magical signature of one of the common sapient races on this world. For example, a dragon, or one of the types of ponies, or a changeling, or... Well, you get the idea. It wouldn't lock for something it didn't recognize. If something it didn't recognize was inside, it would just light up the panel. Therefore, I need to enter to ensure that it does in fact recognize what I tried to set it up to recognize." In no way did she say any of that in a offensive tone. More just as if she was explaining it for the first time to somebody, not as if she was having to explain it again. ~=]
  15. @Blitz Boom [=~ As Pop was looking at Benny, Icy had decided to just use a bit of ice as the object. She used her magic to coalesce a bit of air into a ball, freezing it afterwards. Frozen air wasn't that big of a leap, considering in her more fun- at least for me- state, she had frozen fire before. Besides, its magic, don't know why I'm even trying to give you reasons why it makes sense. It dosen't. Its just magic, deal with it. Anyway, having the ball of ice levitating in the air, she proceeded to levitate it into the expanse and onto the "ground" of it. Walking over to the button on the left, she closed it, then switched and opened into another "version" of the expanse, placing a cube of ice in that one. Then she switched back to the first expanse, where the ball of ice was still there on the ground. She levitated it out, before letting it go back to its normal form- air- and switching back to the second version of the expanse. There, the cube of ice was still waiting, which she did the same as she did with the ball of ice with. Then she switched it back to the first version of the expanse. "Alright, works perfectly fine. Can you come over here and operate the button, Pop, while I go inside and test the anti-trapping lock? Need to make sure it works. And don't tell me its dangerous. I know it is. If I do get trapped in there- or erased- after you press the button, though... Well, can't really think of a better way to die than to die to one of my own inventions."
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