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  1. mama mia man you gotta read it, it's kinda eh
  2. Personally, I find Rainbow Factory, from what I've read (that being the 2021 remake) to be a story, that although grammatically sound, has a huge flaw in it: the pacing. It is not an effective horror story just because it has gore. It could easily be reformatted to make the abrupt pacing make sense, and even integrate certain fanworks (my personal fantasy for this would be Scoot Hard DX's premise, which takes Rainbow Factory and transposes it over Wolfenstien, and is surprisingly a great game). I also find that most creepypastas can easily be written as what they are: campfire stories. Here's a crack at that. Down the burning wood goes, the greater the fire flew. Small hoofsteps interrupted the bouncing sounds of the crackling fire. One, seemed to limp, moving irregularly. Another pattern was moving quickly. Another, barely moved. The logs to which they sat on were delicate in their making, the ridges final and absolute, long lines, somewhat thickened in form, and presently housing fur on them. The fast one, had eyes of orange, although this orange moved and danced with the fire itself. The one limping had magenta eyes, her brow filled with a dark furrow. The one who had barely moved had eyes of emerald. One took a breath. The air moved slowly into her mouth as she began to speak. "Do you want to hear the tale of the Rainbow Factory?", the one with a limp, orange bodied and rough in voice, seeming like she was about to cough with every word she spoke, spoke. The one with the red, burning eyes looked curious. "Why's ya' limpin', Scootaloo?", she asked. "Cause I was in the Rainbow factory." Scootaloo said with a tone bordering on anger, but never quite reaching it. Silence transpired between the three as they soaked that knowledge in, the fire crackling, the dirt looking like a deeper orange than it truly was. Another breath transpired, loud and audible. "Well, I learnt today that a Rainbow's tale isn't quite as nice as the tale of sugar and spice," "I had failed my flight test..."....
  3. Here's the scenario I'm entailing. Twilight does not understand love in the conventional way, understanding as a grade on a test or something. (in this AU of sorts, that is.) This, causes after Twilight loses her teacher, the main proponent of love, for her to go into a depression. This causes Twilight to lash out at her friends, which makes her lose them, permanently. She goes mad after a few weeks, and becomes a major anti-harmonic force in equestria. This is near impossible in the cannon, but what do you think would happen?
  4. Now, I'm simply asking where active fanfiction communities are.
  5. Okay guys. Coming back to this, I sound like Starlight in the aftermoments, trying to justify themself. In the main post.
  6. What would you add to it? Any funding problems? What would the non-essential episodes be like? Please, give your thoughts down below.
  7. saum22


    Thank you all so much! Basically, I was trying to look if there was anything about MLP and communist theroy that could link up
  8. For me, my ultimate thematic fantasy for any show is for its story complexity to be on par with Gravity Falls or Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated. I think it could work as a sort of huge many author fanfic if people collaborate. Here's how it would go in the broad strokes. Season 1 episode 1 and 2 and the same, except that the elements of harmony aren't explained or introduced. Celestia intervenes before Luna could mess everything up, and as Celestia looks at Luna the first time in awhile, instead of looking with relief or joy, a sort of half-happy half-power hungry stare. Twilight and the rest don't notice, and the viewer may theoretically miss it if they aren't paying attention. The next episode in the timeline, the one where Applejack overworks herself's cause would rather be because of a dare but because of need. When Twilight comes console Applejack, she at first refuses, saying "I have ta', Twilight, Did'nt ya read the news yester'day?". Earlier in the episode, you see Applejack reading the news, "Filthy Rich to import twice the amount of harvest" is the headline. She, because she eventually agrees to fix her overworking problem, loses her farm and has to stay with Twilight. During all of this, Twilight is assigned to learn about friendship and "perfect it" by Celestia's ordinances. A little while later, the focus switches to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy bonding over insecurities they share, like fears of disappointment, fears of failure. Rainbow Dash's government job pays little, and so as a sort of "I need to skip rent cause that's the only thing I can pay for and I can't rely on Applejack anymore", stays with Fluttershy. A cut to the tree of Harmony happens, the branches seem to move, the lighting bolt meeting closer to the butterfly, and the Apple moving slightly closer to the star. Rarity and Pinke Pie both would sort of avoid each other if possible, because their feelings about fun and fashion. Season 2 rolls around, Discord does not escape. Rainbow eventually loses her job because she's too good and it's losing the government money due to most of the other employees not doing much. Rainbow and Fluttershy become much closer while Rainbow overachieves in all her jobs she tries.Apple tries to help Twilight do librarian things, which leads to a goofy episode that starts Apple's job search. Cadence is introduced. She does not become an alicorn, she is only married to a noble, that makes her in this version a "Vice-Royal", aka basically a princess in a normal monarchy not dominated by the theocratic elements that are shown slightly (Like characters saying "Oh my Celestia" and other things) during the early stages of the show. She is kidnapped, and Celestia asks Twilight and her friends to handle this, she asks "How?", Celestia tells her "You'll find out." Season 3 starts, and Cadence is still kidnapped, and nobody knows how changelings work, and Celestia still hides what the elements of harmony are. Twilight and the others start a search, which leads to them to the caves of canterlot, which used to be a mining city. Cadence is found, but it's too late, she's been drained. Chrysalis messes with the ponies, and at first, their disunion doesn't show. But, Chrysalis preys upon this, realizing that some of the ponies trust specific ponies too much. This nabs all but Pinke and Rarity, whom-st basically hate each other. But, as they soon realize, they can't get out. The two begin bonding slowly, and their elements start to show, Generosity and Laughter, in the forms of rarity making things out of rock for Pinke and Pinke doing great, basically stand up, comedy. Rarity can sudden make objects materialize in front of her, and Pinke can break the rules of physics. They free the rest before Chrysalis feeds and banish Chrysalis back, mainly because of Pinke in this case. Season 4 begins with Celestia granting the Apples their farm back, after it was bought out by the Flim Flam brothers on behalf of Filthy Rich. Twilight and Applejack still hang out often, but relatively less than before, with the both branching out to other friendships, learning things along the way. Twilight and Rainbow hit it on especially, and another crisis is brewing. Out to the east, a radical, smooth talking mare has, on the ideals of something opposed to direct equality by force, made of stallions and mares with great talents, nothing but shells without talent. Twilight picks up Starlight's manifesto, and reads it, trying to understand it. Season 5 begins with Applejack reading the last portion of the manifesto "Workers of the world, UNTIE!" and she is sucked in by this, advocating for what she sees as Starlightism which comes off as some type of mixture of what's already in place with traditional communist views. Celestia panics a little, and decides to send Applejack on an "embassy" to meet Starlight. This in turn, causes Applejack to realize Starlight is super controlling and needs some help. But not before the other Mane 6 members go in and infiltrate the system, losing their cutiemarks to try and help Apple. This, backfires, and causes Applejack's elemental power Honesty, which comes in the form of mind reading, to activate. Applejack tricks Starlight via blackmail to release the people she controlled, and at this very moment, Celestia came to check on everyone. Ending the episode with a comedic "Wait what?" from Celestia. Season 6 shows Starlight going into rehab while the three of the mane 6 who have/had superpowers to this point to start thinking about what in the world is going on. The tree of harmony is shown again, the Apple, the Diamond, and the Balloon are glowing. At this moment, they all reactivate their superpowers, testing them around places, Applejack looks into Twilight's mind, and shudders. Pinke using her space-breaking abilities for Pinke Pie things (like making cakes and pulling pranks) and Rarity makes lavish gifts for most of Ponyville. Twilight begins to investigate, finding the legend of Nightmare moon and the elements of harmony. She starts connecting things in her head, and begins to have a small portion of the speech that she had in the real show at the beginning "You, Pinke Pie, are the spirit of... Laughter, for your amazing comedy skills and the ability to laugh at almost anything, Rarity! You are... the element of generosity, for your willingness in dire times to give what may comfort others, Applejack, you are the element of Honesty, because you are almost always honest about things." Season 7 shows Starlight getting out of rehab an almost reformed pony. Continue from there and give your thoughts below!
  9. I understand. Sorry. Yea. Proabbably should have thought things through before saying these things. Honestly, this post reminds me of Starlight's mode of thinking in beginning of her known appearances.
  10. Equestria is established as a great, wealthy nation in the show with having a monarch at its head. The economy is somewhat privatized and somewhat collectivize (not in the areas which would help the working class, however (Applejack's livelihood being threatened by the Flim Flam brothers is an example), which is something found in fascist states. Most of the show revolves around friendship and harmony, which is mostly populist rhetoric as not much change comes in the system. Then you have to realize that major government institutions having racist leaders is somehow not detestable by Celestia (The friendship board and shit), which implies Celestia is either racist or supports racist (or simply just doesn't care) politicians because they further the idea that Equestria is greater than their rivals (Changeling kingdom, etc). Celestia herself is a strongman, an incompetent one at that (Always having twilight do her work of protecting the kingdom, or rather empire, but without twilight has to use the elements of harmony to keep invaders out) who has a cult dedicated to her due to her strong magical ability being affiliated with godliness. Now, you may be arguing that the show doesn't show most of what I'm saying because there are three ethnicicties (Pegasus, Unicorn, and Earth pony) but these are still the same species, pony (which is closer to an ethnicity in this show because various species represent races (the most obvious one being yaks, who represent Russians, in a very offensive manner). In my eyes, the three groups rather represent socioeconomic classes, with the upper nobility being Alicorns (the lower nobility being Unicorns (rarity and canterlot being the prime examples of this) Pegasi being the middle class (Having government jobs such as weather management that are very important, but don't give amazing wages) and Earth ponies being the lower class/proletariat class (Applejack and her constant economic crisis being the obvious example of this). This gives a disturbing conclusion there is direct racial inequality in Equestria although it is a speciostate in a world of many species of intelligent animals. You may now ask "How is Equestria anti-socialist/communist?", see Starlight Glimmer (Lenin but a bajillion times worse and oversimplified) and that debacle. Discuss further in the comments!
  11. saum22


    Favourite non-mane six pony? Starlight, because of socialistic ideas (while still being a monster during that time) and the trixe shipping (it's hilarious)
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