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Neon Kitbash

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Posts posted by Neon Kitbash

  1. 12 hours ago, Aurelion Star said:

    Hi neon :D

    Thank you for being the most patient commisioner I have ever had. 

    Finally after a long long time I finally finished your commision.

    Hopefully the wait was worth it and that you love my masterpiece.

    Without further ado here it is....

    @Neon Kitbash


    Omg!  It's so cute!  So totally worth the wait!   Lol.    

    I always felt bad for Button's train catching fire in the "Button Mash Adventures" animation (being a model train lover myself).  Now i can make him a new one!!!

    Thank you so much!!!

  2. Hello!  I was browsing the commissions page, and it looks like most of them don't draw mech's.  I was wondering if there is anyone who can do a scene of my OC, Neon Kitbash, build a Gundam model?  Perhaps with a small shelf of other ones in the background?  They don't need super detailing or anything like that, just enough to recognize what it is.  And yes, this would be a paid commission!

    Thank you!

    -Neon K




  3. @C. Thunder Dash @Dynamo Pad @Lazy Ferret @Emerald Heart

     "I've never played those games myself," Neon added from behind the ponies chatting.  "But if you all want, I can try to order more of the boosters or extra packs."  He rubbed a hoof against his chin.  "At one time I had a Magic deck, a combination of red dragons and green spiders.  Not sure if I still have it, might be buried in the back somewhere."  He turned to Emerald Heart.  "Oh, and I love Apples to Apples!  My dad does stock party games in his shop back in Manehattan, and we gave that a try one night.  Hilarious!  In fact," he trotted over to another shelf, "I have it hear, along with some other party games.  And remember everypony," he said to all of them, "there's plenty of toys here to!"  He waved a hoof to encompass the whole shop.  The model kits were on one side wall, trading cards on the other, with the counter in the back.  All the shelves in the middle were full of various toys for foals, colts, and fillies.*  "Tell your friends!" he said with a smile, ears slightly drooped.  "I don't really know anypony here yet, so I appreciate the help."

  4. @C. Thunder Dash @Dynamo Pad @Lazy Ferret @Emerald Heart


    Neon was grinning.  His first day open, and he already had four customers in the shop!  "Right over here," he said to the new mare who just entered.  "My selection is small, but hopefully you'll find what you need.  If the TCG's sell well, I'll make sure to stock more!"  He stepped back to let the four ponies browse, and glanced around at the shelves full of various toys.  If the models and cards end up more popular, he thought to himself, I might have to stock less toys and more of those.  His father might whine, but the profits would...should... satisfy him.  "Let me know if I can help with anything!" he told the group.  "Again, my name's Neon Kitbash, and welcome to my shop!"

  5. Neon grinned.  "My dad never really got the whole trading card thing.  But, since this I'm running this shop," he said with a smile, "he's letting me stock up what i think with sell.  Along with his own list of toys."  he chuckled the last part.  "I tried to get all the latest TCG's.  small stock for now, wanted to see how they sold before getting more."

  6. @Emerald Heart @Dynamo Pad

    "Sure!" Neon replied, ears perking up, "I've got several card games over there!"  He pointed a hoof at a shelf near the back wall of the shop.  "Everything from regular cards to some TCG's.  Take a look!"  Turning back to Dynamo, he said "sorry, I haven't heard of that before.  Is it a game?"

  7. Neon turned back to the two.  "That's some story..." he said, ears drooping.  "I've never gone through anything like that, and feel bad that you did.  But you're here now, so you're doing alright I assume?"  he shrugged.  "I mean, on your own.  That's kinda why I'm here too.  I mean, I love my parents, but wanted to have my own life.  Try living in a new place.  Dad wanted to open a new store just made it easier, i guess..."

  8. @Emerald Heart

    While the two stallions were talking Neon decided to check on his other customer.  "Anyway, welcome to my shop!  Emerald Heart, was it?  My name is Neon Kitbash.  Is there anything I can help find?" 

  9. Neon reached out to give Dynamo a hoof bump.  "Nice to meet you, Dynamo.  My name is Neon Kitbash."  He listened as Dynamo replied to the orange pegasus.  "I was never that into racing, personally.  But in Manehattan I had a pegasus friend who was.  She would always get into some illegal air races around the city.  Flying between building and under bridges," he chucked.  "Dad didn't like it when I would go watch, didn't want me to get hurt or caught by the police.  Crazy stuff, i'll tell ya."

  10. 43 minutes ago, Dynamo Pad said:

    @C. Thunder Dash @TRX-61211 @Emerald Heart
    I’m sorry I’m not able to respond. I haven’t been feeling good today and I’ve been really busy at work. Is it possible to wait till I can make a response. I didn’t want to fall behind

    I understand fully!  That goes for everyone!  If you need a break, just let us know here and we'll all wait!  Life has a way of getting in the way, lol.

  11. Hearing the newest customer, Neon turned to the Orange pegasus.  "That's one of my favorites too!" he said.  "Had to talk my dad into stocking model kits, but he gave in.  There's two kits available, one a plastic snap-together, and a higher skilled one with a metal body."  He pointed a hoof at the shelf.  "Feel free to browse!  Let me know if you need anything!"

  12. 9 minutes ago, C. Thunder Dash said:

    He spotted a Dodge Viper GTS model. "Well, glad you got the viper, that 6.0 Liter V10 engine is glorious

    Awesome!  The Viper has been my dream car since childhood!  personally, a '98 GTS Coupe would be my favorite, but love the 2013 redesigns too!


    All, for the sake of simplicity, I'm going to assume that the three of you are the only customers in the shop for now.  Feel free to use a npc if you want/need to.

  13. Neon shook a hoof back and forth.  "No, no, it's alright!  Actually, I just moved here from Manehattan last week.  Took a bit to get the shop set up, but it's finally ready to open.  Today, the first day, in fact!"  He smiled.  "My father has owned a toy shop back home for years, and wanted to expand to a new market, so here I am!"  He trotted over to them.  "So, what brings you by?  Looking for anything in particular?"  He waved his hoof around the little shop.  "We've got everything, from hoof-crafted toys, board games, cards, even model kits." 

  14. Neon had just stepped into his little workshop in a room behind the counter, when he heard the door open.  My first customers! he thought, and looked back out into the store... just as a purple mare bumped into a stallion.  "Good morning!" he greeted them.  "Are you both alright?"

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