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About SmolDarkElf

  • Birthday 1998-12-19

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My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    No Preference
  • Best Princess
    Princess Luna
  • Best Mane Character
  • Best CMC

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  1. Merry Birthiversary!

  2. Merry Birthiversary!

  3. SmolDarkElf

    request Fursona request?

    I was wondering if someone could draw her? I'd love to see! nah never mind lol
  4. never mind, no one's interested you can delete this post now kthanks
  5. Thank you for the follow, my friend.

    1. SmolDarkElf


      You're welcome. ^^

  6. Oh, really? thank you! I mean, I don't mind waiting a lil while.
  7. Not sure what that has to do with my request... But I know who you're talking about.
  8. I'm a Legend of Zelda Wind Waker fan too, but my all time favorite Zelda game is Majora's Mask

  9. I meeeeeeean- I had (and still have) a fictional crush, yes. but we don't talk about that..
  10. So, this cute idea popped into my head? Well, I'm a Legend of Zelda fan- My favorite games are: Wind Waker and Breath of The Wild. So, basically... The request just my OC hugging a plushie of Link? (BoTW to be specific? I find him really really cute). It can be a chibi version of my character, or it can be normal, idk. A chibi art style seems like it'd be a lot more adorable. ♡ Hopefully it's not too much to ask. Thanks for reading! ~~~~ Reference images of my OC:
  11. Very cute character you have made! :wub:



    Just wanted to say that outside of the topic (talking about your own drawing)


    1. SmolDarkElf


      Aww thanks! ^^ 

    2. Splashee


      You stand out! I just saw your new avatar.

      Why you so good at this? :o I spent some time looking at your designs, and I can only see awesomeness!! :love:

  12. Awww <3 Thank you, she's adorable! Sure if you wanna draw her, that's fine. ^^
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