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iDoctor Whooves

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Status Updates posted by iDoctor Whooves

  1. Woah. It's been awhile since I've been on here.

  2. "Ponies are cute. Centaurs are ugly and mean!" -Random little girl in Guild Wars 2

  3. Aww come on! The writers of Doctor Who are trolling hard.

  4. That moment when Rose gets stuck in the parallel universe... I cri evry tim

  5. Changed my gamertag to iDoctor Whooves.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Despair


      huh ok. I thought you were a friend of a friend who added me.

    3. iDoctor Whooves

      iDoctor Whooves

      oh okay. You are StrangeWill FTW correct?

    4. Despair
  6. The angels have the phonebox.

    1. Rudehamster


      I love that episode :3

    2. Nightfall


      Scary angels are scary.

    3. Doctor XFizzle

      Doctor XFizzle

      oh fu- *teleports from 1960*

  7. I'm going to need a beta for my story soon :P

  8. Cheerilee and Twilight pairing? I think yes!

  9. Black Ops anypony?

  10. I need to start writing again.

    1. Literally Snails

      Literally Snails

      I know this feeling

  11. Still no news on the release date of Guild Wars 2... :/

  12. Anyone up for minecraft?

  13. My new skimboard is the same color as Rainbow Dash! :D

    1. Victoria and Co.

      Victoria and Co.

      My toothbrush is the same colour as Vinyl Scratch.

  14. Cheerilee needs more air time!

  15. Meeting ponies on survival games servers=legit

  16. Survival games; Looking for partner!

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