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Everything posted by Kiloz

  1. So, I've been playing a lot of EUW with sir Toasty, and I've got to say I'm really surprised how easy some of my lanes have been. A level 10 beating two level 30's in top lane is just silly. I don't care if I'm smurfing, they shouldn't be losing THAT hard. Then again, we have a damn nice jungler to help out when we need it. <3 http://www.surrenderat20.net/2013/03/karma-visual-upgrade-free-karma-skin-to.html A little heads up to Karma players. :3 Edit: If anypony wants to play with me on EUW, it's the same as my NA. (Razr750)
  2. Hey, I played with you! Those were some fun games, Mal. ^^ We need to do that again. I really need to work on my Nid, though. ._. I was terrible.
  3. Come play on NA, jerkass. I'm having issues playing anymore... Unless I have someone I know in every lane, the random lanes seems to always lose, even when they're the perfect counter, and it's making it kind of unfun to even consider playing now. ._. At least I got to see the funniest troll Jarvan ever earlier, I suppose. xD Sadly, we almost lost that one, once again due to bot lane feeding stupidly. -.-;; NA: Razr750
  4. You thought he was a man, BUT HE WAS A MUFFIN. D:<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kiloz


      Go get nerfed, Irelia. >:3

    3. Bunni


      She got nerfed. I'M STILL HERE THO.

    4. Kiloz


      Go home, River, yer drunk.

  5. So, sir Eavath and I have been playing our smurfs recently due to boredom, among other things. I forgot just how effing terrible people could be. And I thought the 30's I've been playing with recently were bad. At least I got away with playing Trynd due to free week. That was a lot of fun. xD They were pushing down mid inhib turret when all they had was a Nexus turret at 1/4 life, so I decided to go backdoor and go for the win. Edit: Anyone that plays on PBE might wanna look at this. http://www.surrenderat20.net/2013/01/new-volunteer-pilot-program-huntsmen.html
  6. Hey, I'm in a couple of those. o: Dat bau5 Taric, getting fed so hard. Those were all some really fun games. ^^ We need to do that more often.
  7. I'm glad to be back. ^^ Edit: Oooh, New ADC's. I ended up getting up to a 69% win rate last week with Ez, so, I feel pretty bau5 about that. xD Sadly, the last game I played I went 12/3 and then our Jungle Rengar fed their Vayne to the point she'd 3 shot me, thanks to her annoying little passive. -.-" I felt a little... Ragey, tbh. Still, 24 wins in a week and 12 losses isn't too bad, imo. I play on NA. Add me some time, and we can play. :3 I'll do bots or PvP, I don't particularly care. Razr750 is me. I can't wait for the new Annie. I may actually attempt going mid again.. >> Not bad. With Garen, all you have to do is build a Black Cleaver and lots of tank, and you'll still do tonnes of damage, due to how broken BC seems to be on him. -.-"
  8. So, it's been a while. o.o Anyway, what does a Kiloz do in Season 3 now that there are all these new adorable new items? He plays nearly nothing but Ez for a week in Normals and gets an adorable 63% winrate. :3 I thought I'd never ADC again after they nerfed my precious Corki, too. ;-; Hopefully I remember to be more active around here. >> I've missed this place. ^^;;
  9. Holy Celestia, it's been a while since I've been on.

  10. I thought I was the regular AD Carry, jerkface. Dooeet!! :3 That sounds like it was amusing. You only get a little ragey. xD I usually end up ignoring you a little when you rage, tbh. ^^"
  11. Omnomnom.Dem oranges. That's what I've discovered myself doing..Or doing 3-4 man Support Bot Lane that Surr's at 20 for no reason. xD She is all sorts of amazing. <3 ^ This.Forevar. EXACTLY! :3 I dislike Kassadon't. -.-"I've been in the mood to try playing Talon again just because of this free week. xD
  12. Psh. Pressure? I feel more pressure when I'm playing with Randoms, just because half the time they're stupid. -.-' And I don't really think I'm more skilled.. I just bullshit more effectively.
  13. Nice one there, Cherry. :3 Now start doing that when Sprixx and I play with you!
  14. This game was kind of... Hilariously tragic for their team.. I think I got a little bit fed. ^^"
  15. Riven is kind of my main. >> xD Heimer Jungle. Too stronk.
  16. That build seems mighty familiar. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png xD Riven is an amazing carry if you snowball properly. :3 /Late. Edit: Almost forgot to mention. I just got LoLReplay, Sprixx. >> So, expect every game EVAR to be recorded. xD
  17. Is your back hurting there, Sprixx? Mine is a tad sore. That was a fun game. xD
  18. I think I can carry hard enough, guise. Too bad I can't go any higher than 5 games negative. -.-" That Nocturne's CS was effing scary. I'm really surprised how that turned out, considering how hard Mundo was destroying our lane with Ezreal. Thankfully, their Karthus wasn't too bright. I can't believe I melted a Mundo with a Thornmail. o.o If anypony wants to add me on NA: Razr750
  19. She's been playing an amazing Soraka for my Corki. <3 It makes me happy. ^^
  20. Today I learned that when minions do 58% damage you die. xD At least I could three shot that damn MF! I don't even know what happened there. That was... Tragic... I'm still surprised we won this one... xD Sprixx had so much client lag it was criminal, but he relogged 3 times and it went away. After that we just carried to victory. I don't even know how we won... Kassadin and Talon decided to take top from Sprixx. They gave Ezreal first blood and Lee Sin a free kill afterwards, feeding horribly, and then started KSing once Sprixx and I picked up.
  21. I can't believe we held the line, honestly. They got kind of... Cocky, I'd say.. When Panth sold his GA for that LW, I knew we had a chance.
  22. OH. MY. EFFING. GOD. One of the best redemption I've ever had, even if I did feed. -.-" Yes, please, FOCUS THE TANK.
  23. That game was horribly amusing. I like how we stopped caring and still won. xP
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