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Shiny Silvermoon

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Status Updates posted by Shiny Silvermoon

  1. I had a gastroenteritis yesterday. It began very very early in the morning like 1h00 so I didn't sleep much and vomited like 5 times. During the day, I felt so sick and spent the day laying on the couch without the strenght to study or take a bath. Today, I'm doing better but I'm still a bit sick and tired from the lack of sleep caused by it.


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ThatPinkPone


      Oh my Celestia! Glad you're okay! :eager:

      Told you I'd be here waiting, hehe! :muffins:

    3. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Slab it with biks

    4. Tacodidra


      That's great to hear! :rarity: I hope the headache has gone away now!

  2. Impressive horn! 

    1. Show previous comments  38 more
    2. Ice Princess Silky

      Ice Princess Silky

      You’re interested in an OC? Come to Silky’s beauty spa! It’s where Shiny got her lovely and legendary form! :coco:

    3. Sparkliersparks


      so how does this work?

    4. Shiny Silvermoon

      Shiny Silvermoon


      It's simple! You take a seat in Silky's beauty spa and you let her take care of you and help you figure out what you want your OC to be! Silky said it, my OC was created there so I can assure you that she's amazing at it! :P

      Plus, I can help you find a name for your OC when you're done creating it, if you want! I'm quite good at it! :D

  3. As you know, I was dared by @Sir Hugsalot to write and then send you something about this gorgeous song :


    I don't understand why everypony is so fan of music but I still respect their choice to listen to the same noises over and over again! Some times, I actually enjoy music but enough to say that I am ready to pay to listen to it? Never! :jazz-hooves-please:

    However, this song spoke to my soul! :love:

    I don't speak GER-MANE either but this song means a thing! This song is something! I don't know what it is but it's something for sure! I listened to it 3 times and trust me, that's a lot when you are me! :Daydreaming:

    Perhaps you think that I am saying that this song is awesome and epic because I was dared to do it, and you're right, but the thing is that this song made my friends laugh and just for that I think that it's the best song ever made! So until they laugh to another song... It will stay the best song ever made... :mlp_yeehaa:

    1. Sophie


      It sure has a deep message :Pip-giggle:

    2. Ice Princess Silky

      Ice Princess Silky


      oh, this wasn’t my dare :v nevermind 

    3. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      This feels like pouring honey all over my heart. Such art should always get proper attention and I applaud you for promoting it! :mlp_icwudt:

  4. I'm sowwy that you didn't win this journey to the Moon! I know that you really wanted to defeat Silky on this! However, I bought Luna cupcakes to cheer you up! I made sure that Pinkie Pie put extra cream! :please:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      I have to admit I do miss her Dx maybe I'll yeet myself too :mlp_icwudt:

      *accepts cookies* thank you, that helps :please:

    3. Shiny Silvermoon

      Shiny Silvermoon

      Could you yeet me too then? I miss me sister! :coco:

    4. Sparklefan1234
  5. Hello, Sparklefan! How have you been? :grin:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shiny Silvermoon

      Shiny Silvermoon

      I'm doing okie dokie! :laugh:

      Are you watching the serie Harley Quinn? :fluttershy:

    3. Sparklefan1234


      YAY! I watched the first season of Harley Quinn but it's not my type of humor. :please:

    4. Shiny Silvermoon

      Shiny Silvermoon

      Same ! But I am not really watching it for humor! I'm watching it because I think that the story is interesting! :mlp_yeehaa:

  6. Good morning, @Cash In! Did you sleep well? Heh heh heh... :griiin:

    You are not ready for today...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Shiny Silvermoon

      Shiny Silvermoon

      @Cash In In my opinion, it's pretty much over since you guys reseted our count so it puts an end to it. :devious:

    3. Cash In

      Cash In

      @Shiny Silvermoon And we will continue to reset it. :yeahno:

    4. Shiny Silvermoon

      Shiny Silvermoon

      @Cash In For years... Our machinations have been staying undetected! :ButtercupLaugh:

  7. Silky! Silky! It seems like an evil troublemaker changed your profile name without you knowing! Fear not! I shall find this unmannerly pony and bring them to the justice! :eww:

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Shiny Silvermoon

      Shiny Silvermoon

      @Silky the smol Silky?! I got a new badge! Why?! :pinkie:

    3. Ice Princess Silky

      Ice Princess Silky

      For being such an active participant in being such a darling. :twi:

    4. Shiny Silvermoon
  8. CONGRADULATION, AURORA!!! You gained a rank! :pinkie:

    1. Auroraderp


      Thanks! Yes I did. :Daydreaming:

    2. Shiny Silvermoon

      Shiny Silvermoon

      Here! Have a balloon! :discord_balloon:

      Don't mind the creepy face on it! :Daydreaming:

    3. Auroraderp


      It's a DISCORD balloon!

      I love it! :pinkie:

  9. You gained a rank! Congradulation! :pinkie:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shiny Silvermoon

      Shiny Silvermoon

      Good! What about you, Silky? Oh! I actually ranked up as well! I'm now a bird! :squee:

    3. Shiny Silvermoon
    4. Ice Princess Silky

      Ice Princess Silky

      Awww you're an adorable bird! I love it!!

      Goodnight, lovely! 


  10. Welcome to you, new pony! I hope you'll enjoy your stay here! :laugh:

  11. I just learned how to write messages on somepony's pony! Like I'm doing right now! :P

  12. Hi! I'm a newbie here. I'm actually watching the season 6 of My Little Pony so please don't spoil me! >-<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shiny Silvermoon

      Shiny Silvermoon

      Hi! You are reacting to a lot of my stuffs you know! Does that mean you don't get to see a lot of new ponies here? Anyway, I'm happy you like my comments! :mlp_icwudt:

    3. Splashee


      It means I have no life ;)

      If you want to avoid spoilers, be sure to not browse the MLP:FiM Canon Discussion, especially the season discussions.

    4. Shiny Silvermoon

      Shiny Silvermoon

      Thanks for the advice! ^_^

      Also, your character looks like he's coming from Dragon Ball!

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