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Posts posted by PonyEcho

  1. So I guess I be the only person this week talking about the anime of the week....again.


    I actually find how Free! came to be rely interesting.

    Kyoto were doing a tech demo from one of the animation teams to show off how well they have gotten at animating water but the character designs and the swimming team aspect made people believe that this was a actual show that would be coming soon and fangirls were hooked to this... so hook that Kyoto would decided to make an anime for ir after all. And then the male otaku lost there shit.


    So I started watching Dangan Ronpa yesterday and I'm already on episode 9. This anime is AMAZING. The first one in years that's making me want to marathon the entire thing in one day. It's an extremely well put together show, even if it's a little short.

    Yeah Dangan Ronpa was pretty good, just a shame the it took way to much from the game and copied it scene for scene with the punishments being taken from the game. Then again the game and its sequel are rely good so can't blame them for that. 

    • Brohoof 2
  2. :'( guess no one wanted to check out the anime of the week. Kinda suck because its actually a good show even tho it evolves into a basic harem near the end.


    any let moth on to this years spring season (que applause and cheering)


    Hmmm but what to talk about...... what rely big a though provoking show came out this spring, what show towered over every other anime like the titan that it is peering over the wall to us poor otaku..... It can only be that show.... the show we must have as our anime of the week!


    Free Iwatobi swimming club! tongue.png




    also in other new I just bought the RWBY blueray.

    • Brohoof 2
  3. Oh, would you maybe perhaps trade one of your female Larvitars by any chance? I could trade you one of my Wooper's with Recover. Friend Code's on one of my earlier posts in here.

    I'll add you later.

    Also I don't have a female yet, I breed using a ditto. but once I get a female I'll let you know.

  4. Ok time to throw a rubber dart at my anime shelf.


    Madoka Magica..... no. Evangleon..... no. Clannad.....no.


    Hmmmm I think I might break my rule of not setting recently aired anime as the focus anime and pick an anime from each season of this year before doing a big anime of the year thingie. Also this will only be limited to show aired/streamed on Crunchyroll.


    So for winter we shall go with.

    Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru (My Girlfriend and Childhood Friend fight too much) or Oreshura for short.


    Also this will be the first Harem to be discussed here :3 

    • Brohoof 1
  5. K managed to drag my self away from Pokemon Y to leave a comment here tongue.png so incoming wall of text.


    @@Treble Bolt,@, The thing/problem I have about the animation and art direction from Kill la Kill is that it doesn't advance from its ancestry (Gurren Lagann). Since Studio Trigger is a production company comprised of the team and creators of Gurren Lagann (and half of the FLCL crew) you would exspect the animation to advance like how the other production company such as Kyoani and IG, but they haven't which to me is kinda disappointing.

    But that's just a minor thing since Kill la Kill is pretty much a popcorn flick which is better to watch with you brain switched off and I'm rely enjoying it so far. (But I'm enjoying Beyond the Boundry, Log Horizon and Golden Time a hell of allot more)





    Actually I would say allot of the master are fighting for a good reason.

    Waver Velvet- Is fighting for recognition of his ability or in another way to show his power by conquering the grail which is why he's is the master of Rider aka Alexander the Great.


    Tokiomi Tosake- Is fighting so he may obtain the root of all magic which was once the goal of all magi until "sin clouded there path" making his goal somewhat the purest of the masters.


    ^ These two in my opinion are the only two with good intentions for the grail.


    @@Fubz, Never judge a book by its cover or even my a few pages. And that's all I'll say about the story and writing in Kill la Kill with out dipping into heavy spoiler or deeper things from this show which is as dumb as Gurran Lagann tongue.png





    Also I shall be posting the next anime of the week up tomorrow.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. This is purely based from the comics. (not the games or the movies)


    The Court of Owls/ The Talons 

    An order of assassins who take children who they deem to have a talent and turn them in to highly trained assassins.... then turn them into super undead assassins that can only be taken down my freezing there body to stop there super human regeneration.


    sure they are fairly new but they helped make one of the best batman arks (Night of Owls) in recent years and also gave birth to one of my new favorite comic series Talon.   

  7. Another week, another anime of the week


    and this weeks anime as chosen by a sticky dart being thrown at my anime collection is



    Written by Gen Urobuchi aka the man behind Madoka Magica, Psycho Pass and more recently Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet (all pretty big and awesome shows).

    Produced by Ufotable who have done the Kara no Kyokai movies (My fave series of movies), Sonic X, Mobile Suit GUNDAM Seed and some other things too.


    Now for the plot- 

    This is a prequal to Fate/Staynight, taking place 10 years before this is a tail of the 4th Holy Grail war a battle royal forming of seven masters who range from mages to mage hunters to priest to psychopathic killers each with there own Servant, Legendary warrior who have had there name marked in history either by conquering kingdoms, to folk legends to committing mass atrocity.


    These Masters and there Servant must kill one another in order the obtain the Holy Grail which will grant the winning Master and Servant there wish.



    And now I will sum up this show in one word. EPIC! with beautifully designed and complex characters  and animation, a great musical score.


    One thing I truly love about this anime are the servants, with me being a massive history and folk lore geek I had fun guessing the Identity of the Servants (at least the ones that gave me time to) and I got 6 out of 7 spot on :P.


    http://www.crunchyroll.com/fate-zero < you can watch Fate/Zero here for free 


    And one last thing, this opening is epic :D


  8. I really don't want to watch Clannad xD I get too emotional in stories if the characters are done well enough tongue.png I'll be crying surely.



    I'll end up watching it soon enough:U

    Well if you want some reassurance, Clannad made me laugh allot more then it made me cry (especially from a certain incredibly moe character in the show).


    And I would chose something to lift your spirited after for example I watched a show called Carnival Phantasm just after Afterstory.


    heres the OP for CP too :P

  9. I refuse to watch the Key trilogy.  I don't like watching shows that just make me depressed.  BUT that does not mean I won't reccomend it.  If you want an anime that will tug at every heartstring immaginable, then watch the Key Trilogy....especially Clannad and it's After Story. 

    The thing is....They are not depressing, sure they aren't something you can watch to lighten the mood but still.


    I've seen seen all of the key trilogy.... or pyramid if you want to add Angle Beats. but I haven't been depressed watching then and there have only been 2 maybe 3 scenes I have cryed to, all in Clannad After story. 

  10. So today I went and watch all of both Clannad and Clannad After Story with my brick of a heart and.....

    Clannad- didn't make me cry :P


    Clannad After Story-sad.png sad.png sad.png sad.png sad.png  


    Yeah..... I guess I'm not so emotionally death after all.

  11. Ok then xD well thanks for that. I'll be sure not to watch it then. That's probably my most hated thing in a story, when they've got a good character going and completely ruin it through something petty (usually fan service, which then leads to more and more, booooooo).


    But again, yeah, a big problem about the story of this anime was that they assume things to have happened with a timeskip rather than actually showing it so you do not feel for the characters at all as you've not been through their struggles and the development of relationships.


    There were only 2 ways around it really, stretch the anime out completely with a hundred or so episodes or instead of having 100 levels to ascend, there should be like 10 or 15 and set it in a shorter time period.


    I guess this is a really good example of an amazing anime on the surface but with no real depth to it. And from a story's perspective, a good example of why you should show, not tell.


    I'd like to see why this gets a lot of praise though. I don't like being so negative >.<

    Yeah I agree if episodes 1-13 were stretched to 25 episodes and the second half was scraped completely, SAO would have been a much better show.


    also I may have been two hard on it because I actually do enjoy the first half as something I can just sit back with some junk food and enjoy for what it is. Junk Food for Otaku who also enjoy MMO's. Hell I have re-watched this so 3 times now and still take enjoyment out of it out side of the reviewer part of my brain which likes to analyze the crap out of things and has been spoiled by more deeper anime.


    Also gonna make this clear..... DO NOT WATCH THE SECOND HALF OF SAO!! It is a horrable horrable and borderline sexist mess.


    Also Also ;A; I like fan service. Or more so I'm not bothered by it..... Unless its in moe

    • Brohoof 1
  12. @@Fubz,


    Yeah when I first ran SAO though the first 3 episodes test my first thought was "Anime of the year" Episode 1 being a good introduction and setting out the theme of the show, Episode 2 gave people a taste of high quality that was displayed in the boss battles and my god that sound track is amazing, and Episode 3 gave the emotional impact of death and lose and made the whole point of "If you die in the game you die in real life weight (tho I would have liked it to have a scene that showed their deaths in the real world.

    So yeah a great start... then episode 4 came along and I was like "hmmmm a token loli and Kirito is suppose to be a self insert character" meh a minor thing I can live with.

    Episode 5.... "rely you going to turn Asuna from this new gamer who just happens to have a natural talent for badass-ness and turn her into a f~~king Tsundre! also I don't give a shit about your CSI:SAO"

    and after that I start to slowly lose my shit as we get a 2 year time skip, a forced romance, forced parenthood, Kirito being the f~~king chosen one and then F~~K if it wasn't for the production and music quality I would drop this show like the massive turd that it is.

    and breath..."phew well at least it's over... Oh wait its only half way and we have to add a big breasted (and shes still in middle school) sister with a brother complex to add to the herem and a main villain that can only be described as a pedo fairy."......... and I then proceed to blow a fuse



    @@Treble Bolt,

    Yeah If there's one thing I will thank SAO for, is that its now allowing better shows like Log Horizon with the same premise to be green lighted.


    Also yeah Log Horizon is doing everything SAO tried to do and hitting it out of the park.

    • Brohoof 2
  13. Okie Dokie its time to start being an actual anime club :3


    So The anime of the week that shall be the key talking point for this week is....(drum roll)


    Sword Art Online 


    Airing during the 2011 Autumn season, this Online Fantasy Epic was brought to us by the Studio A-1 Pictures and was Directed by Tomohiko Ito.


    Ok so A-1 had a huge budget with this show and they spent every penny to make this anime look amazing especially the boss battle which are personally the best part of SAO for me..... outside the fact that Yuki Kajiure did the OST for the show so...............yeah eargasams all the way and that is as far as I shall go for now.


    http://www.crunchyroll.co.uk/sword-art-online  <- you can view the show subb here via crunchyroll and the dubbed version of episodes 1-13 somewhere.


    Have Fun

  14. Ok so I have a bit of a problem and I'm wondering if someone could help me out.


    So I managed to buy the Kara no Kyoukai- Garden of Sinners box set with all 7 movies but the issues is about the order they should be viewed.

    Release order movies 1 to 7 or the chronological order Movies 2,4,3,1,5,6,7.


    I'm kinda unsure which way to view them will be the most rewarding so if any one can help me out I would be very grateful. :)

  15. So I finally watched Neon Genesis Evangelion.... and by finally.... I mean I've gone though over 10 years of people telling me to watch this show by multiple people to either have me on the side of NGE being the greatest thing evar or it being a crappy over hyped mess.


    so here are my thoughts.... I liked it a whole lot more then I thought I would and the only reason I watched it is because I'm marathoning the rebuild movies with some friend and I heard that its more enjoyable if you have seen the original.

  16. Hello hello.

    Well I'm wanted to rewatch Madoka Magica and I'm seriously considering writing a full analysis on the story (I lubs me a story). I've done full analysiseses on stories from texts only before- dramas, novels, poems, short stories etc. although nothing from a screen yet. I really want to get to the bottom of it and I feel no one has done so satisfactorily.


    Although before I watch it again, do you know where I could get lots of background information on it? Or provide some please?


    I guess the biggest obstacle on my analysis will be the visual and audio techniques as I've not tried it before. Also I won't be able to analyse the music lyrics properly like I do with poems because stuff gets muddled in translation.


    Sooooo, halp pls with background info please?


    (Yes I'm such a nerd for doing this heheh, maybe if I'm good at it I'll do more)

    Well  Madoka Magica has had every piece and core of it analysed by many anime critics as well as interviews with Hajime Ninomae the writer of MM so your best be would to be to compile research notes. also I would recommend that you also learn everything about studio Shaft too. 

    Ok so I'm not to sure if y'all are all interested but I'm planing on starting the anime of the week thing back up so we can get back to being the book club with anime. Which mean I'll be looking for any recommendations for anime to be the central talking point for a week.

    also if you would like to make a recommendation please shoot me a PM :P

    • Brohoof 1
  17. @@Fubz, Yeah..... I thing you might need to develop a tolerance for fan service because its even in alot of the even more deeper anime because trust me Haruhi Suzumiya's fan service is nothing compared to some of the other stuff out there in much better shows.


    @@Mutemutt,  Yeah I know what you mean about Attack on Titan I stopped around episode 12 and settled for watching my fave 3 shows of that season Free, Gatchaman Crowds and Genshiken  (god I love that show) as well as some other stuff until all the episodes were out.

    as for the shows on your to watch list

    Mirai Nikki.... I fell kinda bad to not have seen this show but I put the opening for it in my top ten for fave openings blush.png screw it I may just watch it all today.

    Also Prisma Illya is a rely cute little treat thats kinda got me into watching all the Type Moon stuff.

  18. So I've been on one hell of a bender of anime so here is what I watch lately


    Black Lagoon season 1 and 2 + the OVA Roberta's blood trail- a very dark, action packed adrenalin pumping anime with a f@~k ton of swearing and some crazy bitches that the show would be better off being called Bitches be crazy.


    Fate/ Stay night and Fate/Zero- this was more of a rematch for me since I heard about the up and coming Fate/Zero dub and there is going to be a re-make of Fate/Stay night. And I rely rely rely recommend watching Fate/Zero.


    Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari and Monogatari second season (which is rely the third)- Man I got addicted to this show despite the fact its more a talking show with very little action but the dialog between the characters is so engaging I didn't realism how much time went by yet the characters were still in the very same room.


    also I've been watching some of the season stuff such as Kill la Kill (which I love), Kyoukai no Kanata (which I love) and I'm about to watch the first 3 episodes of Nagi no Asukara



    Ooh! This thread has been revived. I'm currently watching Fairy Tail, and Attack on Titan at the moment. I'm also re-reading the Fullmetal Alchemist anime. 


    There is an anime con in my state this weekend but I can't go. img-1934523-1-sad.png

    Oh well! There's always next year. img-1934523-2-happy.png

    O.O ATTACK ON TITAN!!!!!!! so felt like I had to do the since I've been on a huge anime craving since it finished. Not seen Fairy Tail but I hear good things.

  19. *poke the dead thread with a stick*


    if any one wants me to I can revive this thread with a huge wall of entertaining text.


    also, I've been gone awhile....... stuff happened....... I met an alien and had to fight in space

  20. Hey guys, so I made it to my 10th placement game and that was a loss... Meh, got to Silver V and not Bronze lol. Anyways, I played 3 more games today, lost the first and second games horrendously x.x Never playing Cho jungle again, and never gonna ADC again either... Third game though, I rocked Jungle Vi and our team got a victory! And for that victory, kaching! Got 26 LP lol... On my way to maybe gold

    congrats on making silver aka Elo Limbo... where mid thinks there god, adc will do nothing but farm with little contribute, Top will either feed or not split push well and supports an junglers will be sub par yet get the blame for every defeat. ;A; so its like hell but not as warm :P. Honestly Silvers not bad but it feels like it more luck of having good team mates that will save you. 



    Think I'm gona spend most of tomorrow clawing my way to gold, so if your EUW feel free to hit me up if you want a duo buddy, (I'm not that great a player but I'm good for morale and keeping you sane)


    User: HeavyEcho 

  21. Got some more drawings for y'all





    I've kinda gone back to using paint tool sai, now that I have the full version of it. 


    Also may start taking request some time soon..... or maybe continuing off of my vector request thread

  22. It just takes practice, watch a few tutorials on it and try to find the right drawing program


    I find it allot easier to get smooth lines with Paint Tool Sai but it still takes some time to get the strokes I want right.


    You could also try to get the lines you want out in a quick stroke to make it smooth and if you get it wrong just ctrl+z and repeat till you get it right.

  23. Get on the train! I heading for gold I WANT THAT DAMN SKIN! I shall get past this silver hell nothing can stop me from that gold ranking!

    Pretty much the same for me too. need to get from Silver 4 to gold in 3 months. but if that fail, just on try and get placed gold in Twisted Tree line or 5v5 team

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