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The Razor Wing

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Everything posted by The Razor Wing

  1. *head bump* that's how me and my war brothers said hi. Were you there too?
  2. Abyss lay there on the ground as she watched Luna fly off to find Wightwind. She did not move at all. Our sister......Wow.....It's been so long since iv heard one of them call me that. Celestia is my twin.... We had been fighting for so long.....i lost track of that. Abyss picks herself up from the dirt and looks at the flashing lights coming from the tower. She flew to the balcony to see Celestia holding the force field open. Looking at the pain on Tia's face she just stares emotionless. Hello Tia..... So......come to finish me off my lady? Then do it. I have not come to kill you Tai. I came to save my sister. Abyss then pushes Tia out of the field back into the room. The energy back fired on Abyss and burned her leg. She then walked through the field to Tia. Why.....did you.....save me? Because.......Im your sister. And we should not be fighting this way. Abyss walks over to Tia and starts to heal her. Tia looked in shock as Abyss showed compaction. Looking at her burned leg she say how it started to heal. But not with darkness.....but with light eco. She looked up at Abyss and saw she was looking down at her. Darkness doesn't heal everything Tia. Sometimes even the darkness needs the light in order to exist. .........Abyss........ As Abyss finished she lay down next to Tia and nuzzled with her. Tia was still stunned to see this happening. So she just smiled knowing her twin was coming back. Thank you Abyss.....For letting me live. I could never kill you Tia. Razor had almost forgot..... Vegnagun What you say Razor? I forgot to tell you guys about Slender's new super weapon. He had fired it at on of the cities not to long ago. Just then a call came in from Manehatten. HQ...come in......HQ come in*cough* Please come in........Church come in.....Diehard.....somepony come in....Someone please come in*radio static. loosing signal* Im going to go check on ponyvill.*flies off* Surge and Darkheart come through a portal in ponyvill. But only to see it in ruin and under rebel control. Ummm.....did we miss something? Its Surge and Darkheart! Men surround them! Troops circle the two with weapons at the ready. What the hell is going on here? Slender was still holding Jacob over the edge. His aura started to change different colors wildly. His coat and fur started to change from white to grey. You dare speak to me........With that tone.....You were, are, and will die as a nothing! You cant kill him. You need him...... AHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGG!!!! I NEED NO ONE!!!!! He throws Jacob back on the plat form. VEGNAGUN 100%.....READY TO FIRE. GOOD! FIRE EVERYTHING AT PONYVILL! SLENDER NO! FIRE!!!!!!! Cannon starts to gather energy and aim at ponyvill. I DONT CARE ANYMORE!!! I WILL DESTROY EVERYTHING AND REMAKE THE WORLD IN MY IMAGE!!! Razor looks to the sky and sees that the weapon is charging and getting ready to fire. Oh shit! I have to warn the others. But he then sees his dad and Darkheart in ponyvill as well. Dad........Darkheart........ White and Darkwind were finally face to face. You can not have my body. I want it back. You gave that right up when you wanted to change for that stupid moon slave. Only a fool would let love come before power. You take that back. You have no idea what she means to me. Oh i dont? I know she is the only mare you think about. You wish she could see you for you. But you know she will never love you the way you love her. In her eyes all she sees is the monster who took her home. The beast that broke her heart. Face it.....Not even all the light eco in the world make her love you. Your a heartless beast just in a more fitting body now. .............So thats what you think.........Well.....your wrong.......Luna loves me.....I know she does.....Cause i've seen it in her mind.....in her dreams......her heart.....belongs to me........AND I WILL HAVE HER BACK! Whitewind started to force his way through the mirror and grabs Darkwind. Thats impossible......how are you.....doing this? Im going to end you. Falling down out of the sky he catches a glimpse of something blue flying at them. Looks like your girl has come to watch you die. Then lets take your death elsewhere. Flies as fast as he can to ponyvill. Damen feels the pain of the balance about to break in his chest. Oh no.....i may be too late. *sees vegnagun* Oh god......what has he done? Turning his armor on he grows wings and flies to the weapon. I have to make this quick. Before he kills us all.
  3. Walking through the woods the group stayed close. Hey Flame.... You think your ready for this? I know you didn't ask for any of this when we first met. But I just want to thank you for sticking with us. Even after all the shit i put you through in training you. And Fire Flower....Oh man. We forgot to change you and Thunder back to your normal selves.*looks around and does not see Thunder* Thunder? Thunder?........ Lighting! Lighting where are you! Ahhh damn it this is not good. Did any of you see where Thunder went? Looking down on the woods as his works his trap. Yes.... That's right my little Lighting. Go to your daddy. You know he misses his little girl. Uses magic to turn Thunder back into Lighting. This is going to be fun. Hahahahaha......... Flare and Nova were in a holding cell. Beaten, scared, and tired form all the torture, magic stress, and punishment over the months. They were holding out but barely. They were living but on the verge of breaking down.
  4. Well hello to you too Sky. If you keep this up you may end up kissing everyone in the family.
  5. Twilight was a bit stunned that the Princess said she could take a break. She came back to reality.... Oh yea my friends should be here by now. I wounder how they have been over the past few years? It's seems like it's been forever since I've seen them. Oh man i can't wait to see them. Twi trots to the courtyard to meet the others. In the courtyard Diehard and the other Elements were meeting up. Die and his guard stood guard while the others caught up. Oh man it feels great to be back in Canterlot. Over the last five years Dash had become the new leader of the Wounder Blots. She had also started her own school called the Dash Academy for Young Fliers. I cant believe its been five years. Yea i know. With her new found power AJ was able to expand her farm and her produce. The Apple's farm was the most prosperous in all of Equestria. Gosh dang wings. Im still not use to these things yet. And this dang horn has a mind of its own sometimes. Oh AJ darling you complain too much. Rarity had taken her new look to a whole new level. Her dress shop had moved to Canterlot and expanded to some of the other cities. This new look is a blessing dear. Just embrace it and let nature take its course. I know i have, and i love it. I cant believe all of you are here! Pinkie Pie was a hopping around in the air. She was still the party pony she always was. She helped the Cake's expand their franchise to the other cities as well. And she started her own party business as well. Her parties where known from Cloudsdale to the Crystal Kingdom. You guys need to talk more.Its been so long and i missed all of you so much. We have so much fun to catch up on. Fun fun fun fun fun fun fun! Oh wait i forgot the Luna cakes. Um....Hi guys.... How are you all doing? Fluttershy was still her normal shy self. Over the past five years she used her power to help the animals she loved. Angle was with her and enjoying his new seat of power. Its really nice to see all of you again. But i must say i have been enjoying the new power i have. My animal friends love it too. Isn't that right Angle? *nuzzles Angle* Die sees Twilight walk up. Lady Twilight. Your friends have are here. Thank you Diehard.*looking in at her friends* Its been so long since ive seen them.
  6. Slender Mane was not pleased to hear what Jacob had just told him. And in fighting with himself as well did not help. He was ripping himself apart. What.....Did you just say? Did you just tell me...... A Slender...failed?! Slender dont do this. Slender turned and looked down at Jacob with rage. You failed and dare show your face to me! You are not worthy of the name iv given you! YOU HAVE FAILED TARTARUS ITS SELF! AND WITH THAT....*grabs Jacob by the throat*I SHOULD KILL YOU MYSELF! BUT YOU ARE NOT WORTHY OF A DEATH BY MY HOOF. SLENDER STOP THIS. HE MAY BE ALL YOU HAVE LEFT! I DONT NEED HIM WHEN I HAVE MY GUN. I TAKE BACK.....MY POWER. With that he rips the very armor from Jacob's body. It pulled fur, skin, hair and even chipped his horn a bit. All the darkness, all the power, everything Slender Mane had blessed him with was now gone. He then walked to the edge of Vehnagun holding Jacob over it. Selnder....Dont do this to him. No one fails Slender Mane. Any last words before you die? The last bit of Slender's aura leaving Jacob's body. Celestia could feel the last of her stored up magic giving out. Luna! Please hurry! I......cant hold it.....much longer. Just then Abyss felt a pinch in her horn. Something or someone was fighting her magic back. What the hell could this be?*sees a light coming out of Luna's tower* Oh no they are not! They will both suffer for this! She opens her wings and and flies to the tower. Celestia! Luna!You wont get away from me! Darkwind and Whitewind were still fighting for the body. In the clouds above filled with eco the power would rage inside his body. Give my body back! Never! Its mine now! You should not even be alive! I own this body! It is mine to control! You gave your body up for love, and you failed! The flew through a blue eco cloud and right into its storm. With every flash of lighting the could see the other in front of them. Then it all stopped. Iv had enough of you! Its time we end this! They summon a giant mirror and see one another in it. So.....face to face. Eye to eye. God you look so weak. VEGNAGUN....85%
  7. Oh will know when we get there. You will feel as if your very soul is trying to run the other way. All that is evil in you will come to light. You may even try to turn on us. And when you hear a dark voice in your head your there but he might have control over you. Just keep your head and remember what we came here for. But i have faith in all of you. So im not worried. They go deeper into the island reaching some woods. Guys keeps close in here. The woods play tricks on the mind. Or else you'll end up like them... Dead bodies of other ponies and creatures lay on the ground and in the trees.
  8. As do i. I hope Dizzy is alright. he was like a brother to me. And Derpy was reminded me of my mother. And Xes.....he was the only other one i know who would be trying to do the same thing i am. But im sure they are all alright. All three of them are tuffer than they look. They should be alright. Looking at the storm that was rolling in. He knows we're here. So this is where we start. This is where end begins. Starts walking inland. I hope all of you are ready for the biggest fight of your lives.
  9. Um may dear sir, please keep that to a minimum. I am a general after all.
  10. General's on his tablet! I am now mobile!

  11. General's on his tablet! I am now mobile!

  12. (sorry i have not been on. no wifi at home) Its not just Equestria kid. Its the whole world. In doing this and killing this demon it will take out one dark force and let us usher in a new light. I just hope were not too late. For the next three months the group would travel through the Broken Leylands, to the freezing Boarean Tundra, then the Scorched Lands, then north through The Echo where they were able to hear the thought, true feelings, and motives of each other. It was truly hard and trying times for all of them. But they all finally made it to the land of TI. After a great battle there they got a ship that would take them to The Breach. After another month at sea and navigating their way through the Sky Island chain they had reached Eden. After everything they had been through, all the pain, blood, death, tears and destruction they had made it to their final destination. It was time to end it all. (here's the map im using. http://mashupforge.com/929/j6qC50FQVTWO6fFxG3s2gyKdbvvz4p/#%3By=54.88769531&%3Bz=6&x=6.66460756&y=9.40429688&z=4 ) We made it. Eden, home of Anima. Looking back on the ponies that came with him. They were not the same ponies they were all those months back. they had seen things that most ponies would never dream. And now for them to be at an island that was said to be myth was unheard of. Im glad we all made it. And im glad all of you stuck with me through all the shit we went through. But now we are here. We can end this now. We can save the world. We can bring the princesses back. We are going to be heroes....no more than heroes.....Legends. We can do this. For us...... For the ones we lost along the way, for our families, our friends,.....Equerstia. Lets end this never ending darkness. And bring forth the new light of a new day. In side the palace of Eden, Anima felt that someone was on his island. So Diehard you finally come for me? Well these two ponies of prophecy are near finished. Soon ill be able to bring forth the princesses of darkness and truly rule this world. And there is nothing you can do to stop it.
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