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Status Updates posted by Zerul

  1. Gonna study..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zerul


      Not sure if sarcastic.. xD Jk thanks

    3. GrooveBroove


      No i'm serious, Reading Rainbow makes for some of the best jokes.

    4. Zerul


      LOL Thanks :)

  2. I think I might re-watch Teen Titans..The nostalgia is calling me

    1. NavelColt


      Do it. Kick-ass show is kick-ass.

    2. Zerul


      Very kick ass.Starfire was my favorite :D

  3. Life is beautiful. It’s beautiful and ugly, and crazy… But it’s mostly just beautiful. Because it’s ours. My time. Your time. We can do anything. We can be anyone. That’s the definition of being alive. That’s magic. ~Jubilation Lee

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dragonshy


      Oh no problem. It is a nice quote, rather uplifting. :)

    3. Zerul


      Thanks :)A good uplifting quote like this was just what I needed atm.That and "Smile" :D

    4. Dragonshy
  4. I feel so different from everyone else >< :/

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Zerul


      LOL sorry

    3. Count Paradox

      Count Paradox

      hey, feeling different is normal.

    4. Zerul


      Thanks for the kind words bro :) I would normally just shrug this off but when you feel like no one shares your same views it gets kind of frustrating.

  5. I just couldn't resist..

  6. Scenic pictures are the best pictures <3

  7. Laura Kinney <3 <3

  8. Finally done with all this work.. I know this'll pay off one day :)

  9. So hard to study with all these distractions ><

    1. Abaddon


      Good luck, I was never good at concentrating. When I was in college I would always ended up playing video games or watching trashy reality tv. Then the tests would come up, I would freak out, and end up watching more tv. Such a vicious cycle.


      Good luck, I hope it works out for you.

    2. Zerul


      I know it's hard with all these things around me >< I still manage to get all my work done but at a much slower pace than I would have otherwise. Thanks for the advice bro :D

    3. Abaddon
  10. Appleblooms accent is beyond cute <3

    1. 000


      It is indeed

    2. Zerul


      Pure D'Aww

  11. Sleep? lolnah

    1. GrooveBroove


      Sleep is for the weak hahah


    2. Zerul


      Exactly >:D

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