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Status Updates posted by Zerul

  1. Omelette du fromage.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fluffykins the Cat

      Fluffykins the Cat

      Ah, that old show. I remember it a bits.

    3. Fire_Fly


      Dexter's Lab, and Courage the Cowardly Dog were pretty much my whole day back then. :P

    4. Fluffykins the Cat

      Fluffykins the Cat

      Oh, you're not prefect

  2. Wow..

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Pinkazoid


      Inkie Pie is best sister o3o


      sorry Blinkie

    3. Zerul


      It's true.Inkie had the best dance and awesome eyes

    4. Pinkazoid
  3. This has got to be my favorite banner

  4. Well,It's about time I hit the ol' dusty trail

  5. Congrats on reaching the September up keep :)

    1. Gone Airbourne

      Gone Airbourne

      Good to see it @ 100% :)

    2. Zerul


      Never seen it maxed out before

  6. I want an episode dedicated to the Pie sisters..

  7. Mister I'll make a brony out of you

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fluffykins the Cat

      Fluffykins the Cat


      I'm guessing you like Inkie Pie

    3. Zerul


      I like how she resembles Octavia and the way she danced in Pinkies CMC ^_^




    4. Fluffykins the Cat
  8. Time for school.Goobye everypony :) (woo hoo it's friday)

  9. whoa what is this SQL error? o-o

    1. Doctor XFizzle
    2. Zerul


      Oh,Glad I wasn't the only one. Glad it's fixed though

  10. Feelin' pretty lame right now :/

  11. S3 is almost here.. I can almost taste it * Licks mlp ice pop*

  12. Welcome to Sugar-Cube Corner how friendly are ya?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Aureity



      *yawn* Cool story, bros.

      *walks out*

    3. Zerul


      *scratching mane*


    4. Flicker Sweet
  13. Am I the onlypony that doesn't think Nickleback is a terrible band?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zerul


      LOL by no means are they amazing but they don't deserve all the hate they get.They have a few good songs..right?

    3. Fluffykins the Cat
    4. weegeez


      I Hate all of their songs that I have heard :D but if you are fine with them that's cool(nope)

  14. Mundo goes..Wherever he pleases

  15. Good mornin' everypony

  16. Just helped my dad fix the brakes on his car.Pretty tedious task but I love spending time with him :)

  17. NeverNeverLand does awesome signatures.

    1. VladmireV.S.(Crank)
    2. Nas


      He is awesome.

    3. Gone Airbourne

      Gone Airbourne

      Very beautiful signatures he rocks!

  18. I shall deny no guest,even the most ridiculous request!

  19. Well.I guess it's back to my bronyless school tomorrow.. Goodnight everypony :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ad Foedera Cresco

      Ad Foedera Cresco

      Plenty here so far, though I only get to see one during school, drew scootaloo in him today lol

    3. Zerul


      WOW you are lucky :/ I feel like im the only brony not getting the full effect of the fandom

    4. Ad Foedera Cresco

      Ad Foedera Cresco

      The only "full Effect" I know if is major (expensive maybe) cosplay at a Brony con. XD

      I know that people here seem to disagree greatly on the whole MLP thing, so it's not that great here anyway. I'm shure you're not the only one ^ ^

  20. Modelin' Modelin' We are modelin' modelin' whoaaaaaa

    1. Samurshy


      Regular show! ^_^

    2. Zerul


      2nd best show ever

    1. Vaporeon


      Hey Pokemon is not the kid friendly game it appears to be. I mean there are Pokemon that steal children away, steal/burn souls, hypnotize people and posibly molest rape them [i'm looking at you Hypno] And aside from that it's competitive as hell. I mean EVs, IVs, weather teams, STAB moves, natures, abilities it's a lot to think about.

    2. Zerul


      I remember reading a conspiracy theory about Pokemon not too long ago.When you look deep into it it's actually a pretty dark game :/


      AND They have a move called guillotine that's a one hit kill :o

  21. *Looks at banner*

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