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Status Updates posted by Zerul

  1. Cassiopeia is hard to play :/

    1. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      Are you smart casting?

    2. Zerul


      Smart Casting?

    3. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      Uhh, yeah. In the settings.


      It makes it so you don't have to click and choose your target, the spell is intant cast to the mouse cursor...

  2. Feels good to be back (:

    1. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Welcome back buddy!

    2. Zerul
  3. Well,I gotta go catch my flight.Goodbye for now everypony

  4. Must..Finish.. Fan fiction..

  5. The mods always catch me bypassing the character limit :'(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cakesplat


      Mods see all

    3. Zerul


      Either Chigens is right or the Mods are omnipotent..

    4. Zerul



  6. The next death battle is between Samurai Jack and Afro Samurai..Words cannot explain how epic this will be

  7. New Trixie avatar :)

  8. I go to CVS to buy RiotPoints only to see that they only has 20$ pre-paid cards so I walk back home to get my other 10 only to realize the activation fee would run me another 5 dollars...FML

    1. False Perception

      False Perception

      The activation fee is supposed to be free. Go to Walgreens or Gamestop.

    2. Zerul


      Too far :/

  9. Heavens net casts wide,Through it's coarse nothing slips through.

  10. Whooo I'm now a Bunny

  11. My Malzhazar is too serious right now..

  12. Gonna start drawin' some fan art :)

  13. How my little brother managed to decimate all three of my PS3 remotes in less than a day is beyond me..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheBronyHeart


      Yes.... all my zelda games.. GONE!!!!

    3. Zerul


      That must be painful :(


    4. TheBronyHeart


      I'e had alot of time to cope with it...

  14. Twilight Sparkle has the best fan art ever..

  15. Epic Wub Time : Musicians of Ponyville will NEVER get old <3

    1. Bari


      Why would it?

    2. Zerul


      Good point

  16. Am I the only one that wants another episode featuring the Ursamajor? I've always loved it's design

  17. Bronies before Hoenies *Shrug*

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Zerul


      It's cool man I know that feel. but 45? Holy shit

    3. Mephala


      @White: Do you have insomnia as well?

    4. WhiteLightning


      Never had it before, but I think I do now. This is really bad, I have massive headaches because of it.

  18. How can I study with all this Pony?

    1. Coolius rpi

      Coolius rpi

      hell if I know.

    2. Starshine


      There is no escape, feel the friendship overtaking your soul


      It is a good pain

    3. Coolius rpi

      Coolius rpi

      all pain feels good.

  19. *Pinkie Pie siren sounds*

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Zerul


      There will be.. ONLY 13 #@%^&!@ING EPISODES * dramatic cry*

    3. Count Paradox

      Count Paradox


    4. Zerul
  20. I always manage to come across something that ticks me off..

  21. This is 'Murica..

    1. Vaporeon
    2. Coolius rpi

      Coolius rpi

      No its America. Say it right.

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