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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Morager

  1. the tambourine is done and now apart of detective butlers giveaway :)

    1. ping111


      Of which I am now a proud owner!

  2. detective butler is doing another awesome giveaway, check it outhttp://mlpforums.com/topic/80060-detective-butlers-hearths-warming-eve-giveaway/#entry2062287

  3. yay my 21st birthday time to listen to my bday song

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Morager
    3. Nol


      Happy birthday! Try not to be too much of an alcoholic now XD

    4. Mlpfan185


      Happy B-To The-D, I will need to do an extra painting for ya.

  4. at dirt fest, ready to rock >:D

  5. yay charity auction at bronycon wish me luck

  6. had a great day at bronycon, everyone is amazing and i concider every brony a friend :)

  7. cant even enjoy a match of league tonight

  8. anyone want an amazing landscape painting, come bid on it to help a fellow bront out http://mlpforums.com/topic/66904-mareinthemoon-help-her-out-auction-detective-butler/

    1. Morager


      brony* lol


  9. yay! bought my first car today im so happy tomorrow morning ill be able to drive it

  10. got my new phone and I can check the forums when ever :)

  11. draw celestia is a pain, royal ponies are a pain lol

  12. hows everyone doing

    1. ~Silver Essence~

      ~Silver Essence~

      I'm all good and calm, yet a bit worried though...

    2. Morager


      yea ive had days like that

  13. i need to quit being lazy and start my drawing

  14. feeling better, i did get screwed over by a girl i liked but i realized it was a good thing and im fine with it

  15. im tired off being hurt, lied to and being thrown aside when im not need.why is it so hard for me to find a girl i can be happy with and care about that will care about me too. :*(

    1. Civil Sunset

      Civil Sunset

      I know its hard, but dont be too discouraged. Youll get the right one.

    2. Morager


      yea what i found out made everything so much worse and make me glad im not with her


  16. join me https://join.me/524-584-368 im feeling a little depress so im working on my newest drawing everypony is welcome even if to just say hi

  17. Need Advice! theres a girl at work that i like, ive known her for a lil over a month now, and i want to ask her out. what would be the best way

  18. digital art is such a pain, i like pencils better. working hard on this drawing hope it comes out good

  19. its seem i got the computer problems fix final and borderlands fix to

  20. got a new computer but it being a pain and idk what to do to fix these stupid lil problems stupid windows lol

  21. This spinoff thing makes me wanna cry :(

  22. OMG i watch a small clip of tomorrow episode i think i just saw rainbow dashs ------------ lol i dont wanna spoil it

  23. i guess my friends dont wanna hang anymore :( looks like im spending the weekend by myself

  24. i finish 2 sketchs in one week, thats a new academy record lol

  25. hate that my friend says she sucks a drawing, she does amazing work i wish i could do and i tell her that

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