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Everything posted by TheBronyHeart

  1. Discere was still sitting in front of the tv. His eyes glued to it like a child, he was currently watching The worst Night ever, and his face was expressionless... like a zombie. Was it wrong that he found entertainment from this? he questioned himself about everything moral related to this show.
  2. "Wow I had actually forgotten about your multidimensional box "((OOC: sorry I was gone again... I was having a talking to with some moderaters)) Discere stepped ever so closely to the box... there on the screen was her, Twilight Sparkle, the amazing lavender unicorn.Discere's eyes were locked on her, Twilight had to be one of the most amazing ponies that he had ever met... she was smart, well read, and she even lived in a library!. Discere's thoughts drifted.
  3. Discere explained " I thought he was insane at first to... no offense Byron, But he has a superior knowledge of everyone in ponyville and knows evry event that has happened in Ponyville and Canterlot in the past year in great detail... from observing us!" ((ooc: bYRON PROVE SOMETHING!))
  4. Discere gasped! But then shook his head as well "Byron isn't from here," he began"Take a seat , Byron is actually not a pony, he is a member of a species known as Hummus. Apparently these creatures come from another dimension and they are so technologically advanced that they have developed the ability to bend the light spectrum of another dimension and view it in theirs by these machines called televisions. Apparently they have been observing our world and refer to us as MY LITTLEST PONIES. And Byron once observed us and somehow was transported here in his sleep one night... becoming a pony."
  5. But then Discere got the memo.. and he quckly brainstormed for ideas. "How could I have forgotten, Byron makes his own special sauces all the time, and might I add he is quite good at it" "Byron you can stop acting so nervous... he just gets like that when people ask him about his sauce, because he deosn't like all the extra attention."
  6. Discere overdelighted with the sauce, began devouring hay bacon, since no other ponies seemed interested in eating it... except byron, but he was busy. Although he was busy devouring bacon... he kept a close ear on the conversation.
  7. Celestia and luna are the after affect of a nuclear war with china and the U.S.... and maybe russia.... they became mutated ponies while the world fell by atomic fire and that was many milenia ago... now all sorts of creatures are running around. but thats besides the point. Celestia and luna maintained peace in equestria. They have a larger understanding of the world and have more wisdom than any pony.. though they too are subject to faults like the other ponies.. for example... like how she deosn't believe twilight in the last episode and is defeated by chrysalis. But Equestria has been properly maintained for several generations, most likely thanks to their rule.
  8. Discere really didn't care that he had put it on there, in fact he quite enjoyed it... but he didn't appreciate being lied to and so he demanded a full explanation. "Byron I would really appreciate it if you just told us the truth... and hand me some more of that sauce!"
  9. Discere was starting to come to, and the bacon in his mouth had been eaten, then he looked over at Byron and saw that he was looking guilty and had.... wait Is that... IS THAT A POTION!? Discere knew bacon could never taste like that on it's own... "ummmmm, did you do something to the bacon?!"
  10. Discere proceeded to take a bite of hay bacon.....((OOC Put on mississipi queen)) everything slowed down, and his eyes widened. he was still half conciously chewing the bacon. nothing could have prepared him for this...amazing, thing. The other ponies stared at Discere as he stood there with a thousand yard stare and drool coming out of his mouth.
  11. Discere had just finished his pancakes and was about to start on the hay bacon, when suddenly he saw A overjoyed Asteria, followed by a grumpy looking Lapiz. "hey, good morning everypony, care for some breakfast... theres plenty of hay bacon!" he asked. He then gave a glance at Byron ... his potion was OBVIOUSLY defective...
  12. "Oh, okay" Discere said. Obviously his ruse to cover up the fact that he didn't understand had failed. "Anyway," he started as he sat down to eat his breakfast "are you sure you should be talking about that with those two here?" he pointed his hoof at Asteria and Lapiz.
  13. At this Discere raised an eyebrow. Byron said many things that he never understood, perhaps he could have him write up a guide to translate all his jargon into terms he could understand. But Discere smiled and said "umm yeah I guess not." he ahad no idea what he had just replied to.
  14. Discere proceeded to explain to Byron what was on his exuisite menu "well you see we have a fine selection of pancakes from plain to chocolate chip, we also have hay bacon strips, hay bacon strips, and oh yeah more hay bacon strips!" he answered proudly, what could he say, he was a sucker for hay bacon. ((OOC: if you havn't already go watch Epic pie time on youtube))
  15. Hi there, wanna look at my about me and tell me what you think?

    1. Rainbow-


      I liked it, and it was sad... well, it was sad until I read 'Lets make this world more like Equestria...' ;/ . I still like it though ;3.

    2. TheBronyHeart
  16. Discere walked out of the room, after making sure that his journal was safetly tucked away. He went down to finish breakfast, and he hoped that there was somepony who was hungry. And maybe then he and Lapiz could have that talk he was waiting for.
  17. Discere walked into his room only to notice, now that he was awake, that his drawer in which he kept his journal... was WIDE OPEN. His blood pressure instantly rose and he ran over to where the journal was... he never, ever left it like that! Had someone read it? what if they knew all of his secrets?... or possibly about byron coming into this world? He was going frantic, but he calmed himself, and thought logically... "Why would any pony want to sneek into my room and read my journal?" he thought. He assumed that because he was tired last night he probably left it open...
  18. Discere was cooking up some pancakes for him and his guests, but it looked like Byron was the only one up. He decided to throw on some hay bacon strips, because no pony could resist those. But while he was waiting, he decided to go put an entry into his journal like he did every morning.
  19. Discere was thrashing around in his bed as if he was having a siezure. He awoke with a jump, eyes wide and breathing heavy... that was unusual for him.He slowly got up and walked out of the room, he was too tired to use the journal. he went downstairs to make food for his guests, they were still sleeping but it never hurt to get an early start. ((OOC: by the way I won't be on for about another hour maybe two... ))
  20. When I was a kid I would spend most of my time playing N64 games and there was this one about Yoshi that I truly loved. And for the past seven or eight years I had been wondering what that game was (I never had a computer to do research on) and then one day(when i finally was able to do research) I found that the game was yoshi's story. Now this game may not be the greatest game ever, but there is just something about it, from the yoshies singing chorus in the back ground , to the way they just run around when selecting them... this game just has so much of a nostalgic feel that I literally felt six years old again when I played it today ( because I finally found it YAY!) Over all I feel this game is just worth mentioning because of the big impact on my childhood, and I am sure many people would agree that it is an amzing game.
  21. ((OOC: I am very sory guys... a huge storm went over and we lost our internet. But I am back now and I should stay back.)) Discere made sure that all his guests were situated before making his way to his room... but then he noticed something, He had left his journal out, right where everypony in the world could have read it! Quickly Discere snatched it up , but in his hast one of his bookmarks fell out. He placed the book back on the table and flipped pages around untill he found the page he was looking for. .... he found it of course, but he hadnt actually read this entry in quite some time... so he read. : It feels more like a dream than a memory. But in fear of losing this memory i urge myself to remember it everyday, to write down what i remember in case i find something new... but it is always the same. A white Pegasus, flying passionately through the sky. She curves and arcs into a loop, her wings ,white as snow, reflect the sunlight. She is a shimmering ball of light, her outline barely visible. She gracefully comes to a landing only a foot in front of me. She wears a smile and her facial expressions reveal happines and love. I stare into her eyes... her crystaline blue eyes. Beautiful. The only word that comes to mind yet it does not do justice to the mare. Her lips begin to move, but I hear nothing. I think I am about to respond when suddenly she grabs ahold of me and pulls me into her arms. We stand there locked in the deep embrace. Her lips move again, and again I hear nothing. I feel a tiny tap of something wet hitting my shoulder, she releases me. I look into her eyes again, this time they are watery and a single tear stream is rolling onto her cheek. And then it ends. That was truly the same dream he had every night, and every morning like he promised himself, he would try to remember. He quickly shut the book and went and put it in a drawer. Discere walked away and he didn't realize was that he had left the drawer open ever so slightly ((OOC: A big thank you to everyone so far please keep it up and I know that it can be difficult with the drastic differences in some time zones, but I would say we've done okay!))
  22. ((OOC: a surprise twist and everpony wants in?)) Discere thought that this conversation might not end soon. "Hey, do you wan't to come back with us to my cottage? I got a fresh batch of sweet tea!" He asked Byron.
  23. Byron... now that was an interesting pony. ((OOC: I hope I don't regret this Shade)) About a month ago Byron had suddenly appeared in ponyville. Discere had discovered him alone and confused and took him home with him to try and help him. It turns out.... that Byron wasn't really a pony. He was something called a hummus... err wait, a human. Supposedly Humans were some sort of super advanced civilization in another dimension that had been spying on ponies on strange devices called televisions. These humans who observed us reffered to themselves as bronies. Now all of this just made Discere think that the poor pony was just insane... but his knowledge of everything in ponyville shocked Discere and eventually he came to believe it. although Discere did his best to forget that every pony was being watched by another species.((OOC: PLOT TWIST #1, oh dear lord don't kill me))
  24. Discere contemplated his offer, and he accepted. It would be nice to have some company over at his cottage. "yes it's true, I live right near the forest edge, as for being dangerous I believe that's mostly hype from scared ponies who claim the place is taboo."he replied. "And yes of course there are a few dangerous critters critters running around but they are few and in between.... well shall we be going?"
  25. "Why hello Lapiz" Discere took a moment to study this pony. Asteria, that was her name!, had mentioned that he had traveled to many places. He certainly looked the part, Discere could tell by his eyes. He had very experienced perceptive eyes that bore a mark of a traveler. "And hello again Asteria," He gave a quick nod to her. He quickly went back to this stallion, it was ironic, but even though Discere was a bit awkward in public, he was a very good judge of character. ((OOC: well this slowing down... we need to have at least two things going on)) ((also, if there are no more posts I am going offline to play nintendo 64))
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