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Everything posted by TheBronyHeart

  1. Discere noticed a unicorn practicly jumping and waving at him over near the very center of Ponyville, it was definitly the energetic pony he had met the other day. He looked over at the other Pony standing next to her, a stallion by the looks of it, and his face held an expression that almost indicated that he did not wish to be here. Discere approached the duo.
  2. Discere remembered that he had agreed to meet... wait... he had forgotten to get the young purple unicorn's name! Discere hoofed himself in the face, how rude of him. Any way he headed out towards Ponyville to meet her.
  3. Here is a poem I found while cleaning my room. I believe I wrote this a couple years ago. Please tell me what you think! ETERNITY This word which means forever, will forever be meaningless. The fleeting feeling that all and forever, knowing that this word cannot be understood. With time that we spend and years that we waste, It's not so long, this time that we spend on this Earth. Our eternity is not forever. Our lives, so fragile, yet with no care. Should we all know where eternity lies?
  4. Critique my poem Eternity, in my about me!

  5. I have noticed that there are alot of bronies from sweden here.

    1. AppleShy Sparkle

      AppleShy Sparkle

      Quite a few, yes :P

    2. TheBronyHeart


      soon very soon we shall ruje the world!

  6. Im all for a good prank, but laxitives...... I have a bad history with those and a lot of PAINFULL memories, that is just cruel. Besides I consider those a medication albeit a very minor one, and should be treated as such. not given away like candy.
  7. Discere woke up bright and early the next day, ate his breakfast, wrote in and reviewed his journal... the usual routine. Discere should have been happy, he had met some new ponies that had similar interests as him, and he had gotten a job working at the herbal store. But he wasn't, he was in sort of a deppressed mood, and this bothered him greatly. What was wrong with him?
  8. Discere thought abit, A new pony better yet A TRAVELING PONY, who could also use his help about the local wildlife in the Everfree. but that last question caught Discere's attention also, Are you shy like Lapiz? "well I would certainly like to meet this Lapiz." he responded, while avoiding some of the other questions. "How about you and Lapiz come by my cottage some time tomorrow and we can all formally introduce ourselves?" ((OOC: Sorry but i have got to go, can you wrap us up and say that I walked back to my cottage Coeus))
  9. Discere could tell that the pony in front of him was about to burst with excitement, both by how she appeared to be vibrating and by the rate at which she shot questions at him. "Why yes." he answered "I live on the outskirts of Ponyville not a hundred yards from the Everefree Forest, and who may I ask is Lapiz?"
  10. Discere's curiousity overloaded when she mentioned that they live near the Everfree forest. In fact he was almost... overjoyed knowing that there were other ponies living near the forest besides himself." Did you say that you live near the Everfree forest?" he just had to ask. "I also live in a cottage near the Everfree!"
  11. 20 bits! Discere was overjoyed. "Now that wasn't to hard now was it?" Discere thought to himself proudly. He gave his thanks to Snowflake and turned to go about his buisness... this time, HE ran into the mare.
  12. While talking to Snow flake Discere asked him " Snowflake, you wouldn't happen to need any help down at your shop would you. You see I am running low on bits and I think its time I get a job." Discere just moved his eyes around and scruffed at the ground... he wasn't very good at the whole 'social' thing.
  13. Discer looked at the new pony "Umm, hang on just a minute." he told her. He looked towards Snow flake and replied "Oh no sorry, I don't have any more orchids. But i did find some of those other herbs you told me to look out for when I cleaned out my cottage. I was actually just looking for you to let you know."
  14. Discere had just dazed off into another fantasy scenario when all of a sudden he had been knocked over onto the ground by another pony. "umm ouch." he replied calmly and slowly. Discere collected his thoughts and realized that this was the pony that he was waiting for to leave. But now that he was having this 'close encounter', he may as well introduce himself. "Oh, sorry about sitting in your way, are you new to town because I don't think I have seen you around?"
  15. On his way to the herbal store, Discere spotted Snowflake and his Girlfriend cherry Blossom .... talking to somepony he had never seen before. "Great, why is it that everypony I need to talk to is always busy?" he thought to himself. He plopped himself down and waited...
  16. Discere couldn't tell if this conversation was going to progress and it was getting late. JOB MONEY FOOD were his top priorities right now. And then he realized that he had some spare herbs that he wasn't going to need, and so he figured he could sell them to snowflake at his store. Snowflake was actually one of the first ponies that Discere met when he had moved in, being that the only valuable commodities that Discere possesed were plant based, and that Snowflake was one of the only ponies in town who would buy such things.
  17. Discere stopped when he noticed the clock maker, and was about to approach him and inquire about the price of getting his clock fixed when he noticed that he was talking to two young mares, one slightly younger than the other. He decided to wait and be polite.
  18. That is one of the best things I have heard you say, and on the topic of fortune cookies, my last three oddly came true YAY!
  19. I recently fell into the same stupor you are feeling now. But then I realized that even if this show someday ends... or ruins itself, we will still have this community and we will always have the memories shared with our friends. As for me I plan on renting an apartment with my friend Brad ( the one who got me into mlp) after I leave school and making the best for myself and others, because my life is about making others happy!..... and also this weekend was really good for me because I got a free labtop, ate chinese food , got a derpy shirt, an mlp belt, and I FINALLY found Yoshi's Story for the N64... YAY!
  20. Discere was lost in thought all the way to Ponyville. The way he figured, if he did not find a job this week, he would not be able to pay the money owed on his cottage, let alone get food for himself. Discere cursed himself for not finding a job long before his stache had depleted, but those books were too good to just put down and go run off working. Hopefully someone would have work available.
  21. ((OOC:Sorry that I was gone all day.)) Discere let out a long sigh. He had finally finished cleaning out his cottage, a task which he had to admit to himself, was long overdo. Discere went to look at his clock to figure out just how long it had taken him to finish this endeavor. He approached his clock and raised an eyebrow.... 12:05. Either he had worked straight into the next day or his clock was broken, he presumed the latter. It was a simple problem really, for Discere knew that there was a local clock maker in town, problem was that Discere was dangerously low on bits, and he had not found a job yet. Discere again sighed, and headed off towards town to find work.
  22. Here is my two bits about shipping and clopping. Shipping can be a harmless and even fun thing however I prefer when shippers make a pair with two different genders. Maybe this is just because I was raised up to believe that homosexual marriage and...other things, are very wrong, But I just hate seeing shipping of two ponies of the same sex... as for cloppers...no I just cant do it. CLOPPING IS WRONG! sorry, Thats just my moral standpoint, but how can you look at their eyes in the show afterwords and not feel horrible. Again sorry if I offend anyone whatsoever in this post... please believe that I did not mean it if i did.
  23. Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/25824-life-in-ponyville/#entry614095 Discere moved to Ponyville not long ago. He had been traveling all around Equestria in a search to quench his undying curiousities and to find the perfect place to settle down in. After meeting your friendly nieghborhood zebra Zecora, who told him about Ponyville, Discere decided to stay in the cheerfull and welcoming town. He took up residence in a cottage on the outskirts of ponyville, very near the Everfree Forest. Now financially Discere had been doing quite well for himself. All of the traveling and collecting of rare plants and specimens fetched good prices in trade, but being that he would not be traveling anynore he would need to find work in town. As for friends, Discere tends to stay buried in books or exploring the Everfree Forest, which cuts in on his time spent famillarizing himself with the people of Ponyville, so he still did not know many of the ponies residing there... although he does like to make new friends. (Mod edit: Redundant OOC information. Premise and concept information belongs in the OOC thread's first post, not the RP thread's.)
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