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Everything posted by BlossomBloom
Blossom blushed slightly when she head Draco call her pretty. "Y-yes..I suppose so..I have heard quite a few stories where colts and mares have done very foolish things because of love." she stammered. "One who wasnt so serious? So like one who she could have fun with but also who would protect her when necessary?"
"It sounds very interesting...Well I like it ahaha." Blossom giggled a little then fell quite. She continued to look down at the floor, now at a loss for words to say. She didnt want to stop the convo but she had nothing else to say. Blossom listened to the hard and steady rain hitting the windows.
"The real Lovele-" She stopped and looked up from the floor to find Draco sitting in front of her. The light from the fire illuminated his face, really bringing out his features. She studied his face for more than a few seconds, every so often tilting her head from side to side to look through different angles. She didn't REALLY look at him that much back at sugar cube corner, but now that he was here, up close and personal, she came to the conclusion that "Draco is actually pretty handsome..." She thought. Suddenly she realized that she was staring at him and she quickly looked back down with a slight blush, struggling to find the words to restart her sentence and hoping that he didn't notice her staring. "Oh yes um...The real Loveless...well um..."
By the end of the poem, Blossom sat on the floor staring into space with her book snuggled into her wing. After a few minutes, she spoke up but did not look at Draco "I never ever get tired of reading or hearing that...it's just so..." she sighed, not able to find the right words.
Blossom put down the book, discouraged at the fact that she basically had a fake. She turned to Draco "Well if you don't mind then yes. Or you could just let me borrow the book." she shrugged "You must have read the book a thousand times if you have it memorized"
Blossom stared at him silently for a long moment before finally bursting "...What?! Seriously?!" She looked down at the book and ran the tip of her wing slowly down the middle of the cover. "So you're the great grandson..? A-and there's an extra act?!" She gasped "I always thought the ending didn't really make sense..."
Blossom giggled and looked at it him " I take it that you're a fan? Oh those first few words always sends a shiver down my spine. I love it." She sighed happily as she walked over to one of the chairs and sat in it. "You should come sit, Draco." Blossom called to him.
Blossom Bloom came back into the room through the hallway with a big, blue, fluffy towel. As she gave it to him, she stood close and looked at the book with a tilted head. "Ah, Loveless. One of my favorites." She picked the book up off the shelf and held it in her wings, looking down at it longingly. "I got it at a garage sale a few years back. It was the only thing that caught my eye and it was calling to me to take it home. So I bought it, read it, loved it, and still cherish it." Blossom looked up at him "Have you read it before? It's a good read. You can borrow mine if you want."
Blossom smiled as he walked in. She closed the door behind him and turned to face him. "Well, make yourself at home. I'll go get you a towel." she said as she walked past him and disappeared into a dark hallway that connected to the livingroom which is where they were at. There was a wood fireplace in the east part of the room/wall. In front of the fireplace, two sofa chairs and a coffee table stood on a big plush gold and burgundy rug that stretched to either sides of the room. The rest of the floor was dark polished wood. Two oil paintings hung on the beige fabric wall in the north. One was a blue vase with flowers in it and the other was a lake house at dawn, surrounded with tall, soft, green grass and flowers; Complete with a dock and fireflies that drifted sleepily over the lake. Behind the chairs in the west was a big light brown bookcase that held many books. Possibly thousands. It stretched all the way to the dark brown ceiling.
"Yes. It's just up ahead." a few minutes later they stood in front of her little white cottage. There was a small stone path that led up to her bright blue door. On either sides of the path were just two small fields of beautiful colored flowers. Bushes with radiant red roses bordered the fields and a white picket fence bordered the bushes and all the way around the house. There were also two little gardens of tiny flowers for each window that stood on either side of the door. Blossom opened the small gate that was part of the fence. She closed it and began walking with Draco to the door. When she opened the door, she turned to Draco "Thank you for walking me home. Um, would you like to come inside? I can give you a towel. It's the least I could do after you shielded me from the rain. Thank you for that. I think you should also wait out the rain until you can deliver again."
"I'm Blossom! But you can call me Blossom!" She replied with a smile. "Are you new here?" Blossom asked the blue Pegasus named Esme in front of her. "I'm new here! What are trying to major in?" She asked as she tilted her head slightly and looked at Esme with a quizzical look.
Blossom Bloom was trotting down a hallway of classes, looking into every window and gawking at everything going on. As she walked down the hallway, she heard someone calling her.She looked around frantically until her eyes finally settled on three ponies at the end of the hall. She saw a blue pegasus smiling at her and she smiled and shouted "Heeeeeeeeeeeyyyyy. blue pegasus!
She blushed more than she was now and pretended not to hear him over the wind. Blossom was too embarrassed and she didn't want to seem too needy to her new friend. She was a little tempted to grab onto him but she quickly pushed the idea in the back of her mind just like she did before. "W-we're almost home...Now we take a left.."
"U-um...sure. Thank you...again." Blossom got up out of her chair and began to walk towards the door. When she neared the door, a big gust of wind blew into the shop and made her step back a few steps. "Whoa! Seems more than just a little light rain, eh?" she laughed a little and began to bounce up and down "alright! Let's do this!"
Blossom blushed at his act of kindness "Th-thank you..." she stammered. "and uh...yea I suppose youre right. They are a bit ahead of schedule. I wonder why.." she glanced towards the clock and gasped. It was already 3:30 and she didnt even notice the time going by. "Whoa.." she breathed.
"Oh I'm sorry..." Blossom became silent and decided not to push the subject further. She nibbled on her chocolate crepe slowly as she too looked out the window. The pegasi were beginning to push dark clouds into the sky, slowly swallowing up the warm and radiant sun.
After she settled her registration and dorm accommodation at the front office/desk, she began to float up the stairs slowly, reviewing all the papers she had recieved: school events, rules, and her own schedule. "Well this shouldnt be too hard to remember..." she mumbled sarcastically. "Now let's see...505...505...Where are you 505?" she looked up at the many flights of stairs above her. Her tail was starting to get tired from carrying her luggage so she decided to pick up speed. After a few minutes, she finally saw a sign at the top of her 4th staircase with the words "5TH FLOOR" Blossom breathed a sigh of relief and continued on. Soon she found her self standing in front of a white door in a plain looking hallway. She sighed a little at the bleak color of the walls and doors. As she took out her key, she thought about things that she could use to decorate her most likely equally bleak room. The door unlocked and she opened the door and stepped inside. "Whoa!" she dropped her bag in surprise as her eyes settled on the mint green room with big dark brown lacey strips running up and down the walls. The borders at the top and bottom of the room were painted snow white and the floor was replaced with a soft violet carpet. "...Alriiiiight..Very nice!" she smiled as she picked up her luggage off the ground, closed the door, and walked further into the room. The room was furnished with a twin sized bed in the corner on the west side of the room, a big wooden desk with a simple black lamp in the east near the door, and a big closet with a sliding door in the south. There was even a minifridge in a little compartment under the desk. In front of Blossom was a big clear window that overlooked the whole school and half the big city. "Woo hoo!" she cheered and giggled as she dropped her bag once more and spun in a circle before falling on the bare mattress. She laid there for a while, first wondering if she was even in the right room and if she was, how did she get so lucky? I guess the pony who lived in here before me painted the room in secret and just left it like that when they left...that's awesome! Thank you whoever you are! Blossom sat up and decided to get organized "Alright! Let's get to it!" she got up and opened her bags and began to put things in the closet and drawers that were in the closet. After she finished, she stretched and decided to go and explore the campus.
Blossom gasped slightly for she was surprised at Draco's comment. She blushed a little and tried her best to hide it. "W-well, if you do have any questions...just don't be afraid to ask.." She quickly changed the topic back to his scarf by asking "Might I ask who made it for you?"
Blossom Bloom looked at the clock behind the counter, which read 1:45, then out a nearby window. "I don't know. It might have been a good idea. If I remember correctly, the pegasi scheduled some rain for today around 4." She tilted her head a little before going on "or it could be tomorrow." She looked back at the table and picked up Draco's green scarf. Blossom looked at it carefully before putting it back in it's spot on the table. "Very nice stitching. It takes a couple months, even years, to get that clean of a stitch. Nice length, nice texture, and nice color." She looked at it once more before realizing that she might have made a mistake by picking it up and commenting on it. "Oh! My apologies...I just couldn't help but look at it..I mean, it's gorgeous. See, I've recently become immersed in knitting and stitching and whatnot so...sorry. I won't do it again." Blossom looked back out the window, embarrassed and not wanting to make eye contact, shd wondered why she did such a thing like that.
"Would you mind maybe sharing with a friend?" She smiled sweetly and giggled. "Well, sir, since I now know who you are, I don't think it would be very fair if you didn't know who I was. So, ask away if you want. I'm open to all questions." Blossom went back to propping her head into her hooves and leaning in. This time, she really looked at the colt in front of her. She discreetly studied his features for a few moments before coming to the conclusion that "he's not that bad. Not bad at all." Blossom quickly pushed the thought to the back of her mind and looked down at her crepe, trying to be nonchalant.
"You should go! Sure it's scary but it gets your blood pumping! Quite exciting actually. Maybe that's where they get the rabbid squirrels..." Her thoughts began to wander off again but she soon caught herself before forgetting that she was in an actual conversations with another pony. She caught herself just in time to hear Draco's question and she looked at him with wide eyes "H-huh? How did you...can you read my mind..?"
Blossom Bloom sat up straight "Whoa you can do that? Where do you get them? Zecora?" She wondered if Zecora actually had the stuff to make this talisman and if so, how is it possible? Blossom always liked questioning the interesting. It was always fun to find out the answer. She shook her head a bit and looked at Draco with cocked eyebrows "There's rules to being a courier? I mean besides the obvious 'don't break anything'?"
Blossom propped her head up on her hooves and leaned in "Oh the best huh? someone likes to brag." she teased. "Sooo...secret? Do tell~" she giggled as she smiled at Draco. Blossom wanted to ask a few more questions but she felt like she has already asked enough and the rest were for another time. If there was another time.
Blossom giggled "Yea, I'm not much of a morning person. Sometimes I can't even remember waking up. I think it has something to do with falling off the bed...Well anyway, thanks for delivering my soil in good condition. No holes or rips. It was just perfect and my plants really love it too. They say thanks." She laughed a little as she took a small bite out of her chocolate crepe. "Were you appointed to the princesses or do their packages just happen to be on your list?"
Blossom listened as she drank her beverage slowly. "Huh, I see what you mean.I think you should take that vacation that you were talking about earlier. Ya know, get that real time for yourself. Maybe I could show you around Ponyville if youre not local" She finished her drink before continuing on "So what does this all have to do with Discord? And you deliver for the princesses? are they nice in real life? I wonder if you delivered my special soil from last week for my garden..." Blossom became silent as more questions raced though her mind.