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Everything posted by BlossomBloom
Blossom walked back to the table with a tray of their goodies. As she set it down on the table and retook her seat she asked "a courier, huh? How's that working out? It must be busy huh?" She took her hot chocolate in her hooves and blew on it a little before taking a sip.
Blossom Bloom heard Draco singing and he sat up a bit and perked her ears a bit to hear him better. After a few minutes she softly spoke "You sing very nicely. And that's a lovely song you're singing." she smiled. Blossom could hear the sadness in Draco's voice that wasnt their before. She wondered if something had happened to make him so sad and she wondered if she could help with cheering him up.Oh, but it might be a past love... she thought as she sat quietly. Her thoughts were broken by the sound of somepony calling her name. It was the mare behind the counter, telling her that her order was ready. As she got up and walked over to the counter, she thought about her love life. She had never had a special somepony so she couldnt relate to Draco very well but her heart had been broken a few times due to unrequited love.
She nodded and ordered for them. Muffin and a cup of coffee for him and a chocolate crepe and hot chocolate for her. When she was done ordering she finally answered "I know what you mean. I too love the atmosphere in here. and I do see A LOT of couples. It's a nice mood." Blossom looked at Draco and noticed him staring out the window. She looked to where he was looking and her eyes fell upon the arguing couple outside. "Well for some..." she sighed and walked to a nearby table away form the window and sat down. She hated watching people fight. It wasnt how the world was supposed to be. Arguing also had played a part in her father's death. Blossom stared down at the table and tried not to think about it as she waited for their order.
"Nice name and nice to meet ya!" she smiled. She was glad to have met a new pony and to have made a new friend. This was the first time that she would be going to the cafe with somepony new. Soon they arrived at Sugarcube Corner and Blossom stepped inside first. She sniffed the air and sighed "Mmmm..It always smells so good in here. It sort of reminds me of my kitchen hehe..So what are you gonna get? You can get anything you want. Don't worry about the price. it's on me!" Blossom said as she eyed the delicious pastries that were displayed in the glass counter.
She nodded and smiled at the colt "Good. And coffee or something sounds nice" she giggled. "My name is Blossom Bloom but you can just call me Blossom. What's yours? Oh but don't you have to deliver something first?" Blossom asked, hoping that she wasnt being rude.
"Ok that's good..." Blossom nodded slightly before suddenly stopping and shaking her head "Wait, fix your house? No sleep? Deliveries?" from everything he said, she decifered that this colt had a very busy and hard life. She looked at the tired colt's eyes and realized that he really hasnt gotten any sleep. Well, he seems nice enough...she thought as she studied him. After a few moments she spoke "Well...maybe I could help you finish off your deliveries and then maybe I can take you out for a bite to eat? I mean..You look really worn down so...I also have a guest room at my house so if you maybe want to stay there for a few nights you can..I mean, that's only if you want of course."
Blossom was deep in thought, now thinking about monkeys and how they deliver bananas to nesting sites, when she heard a loud crash nearby and felt a low rumble from the impact. Her ears quickly picked up from where the noise came from and she quickly got to her feet and ran to the tree that she was sure was the source of the crash. Under the tree in a crumpled heap, she saw a pegasus colt rubbing his head and groaning. "Oh my goodness! Are you ok?!" she asked the colt as she rushed over to him and helped him to his feet.
Blossom Bloom walked around town, looking for something to do. Her morning was the usual; fall off the bed, stumble to the bathroom, take a bath, get ready, and head out. The morning was always easy but it was just what came after that was hard. She didnt know how many days she spent just walking around, wasting time. Sometimes she would open up her flower booth and sell flowers to ponies that passed by or she would sell her baker goods. More than often, she would just sit in the park and make her little crafts out of flowers. Today, though, she wanted to do something different but she didnt know what. As she approached the park a sudden gust of wind blew her hair forward and around in every which way. "ah! get down, hair!" she wailed as she quickly tried to fix her mane. She could tell straight out that the wind came from a nearby pagasus and when the wind stopped, she looked around frantically to see who it was from. As she looked up, she barely saw the image of a colt with saddle bags fly off. "He must really be in a hurry. I wonder if it's like that all the time." she wondered aloud as she sat under her favorite tree and began to ponder what it would be like for her to be a mailmare.
Blossom walked around Manehatten with her luggage, doing her best to follow the map that she picked up at the train station. Once or twice she even asked a few locals for directions. Some were nice enough to talk to her but a lot of others ignored her or just gave her a mean look. "Manhatten sure is different from Ponyville..." she thought aloud as she wandered through a huge park that she found smack in the middle of the city. She wandered around for hours and soon she even began to question if she was even in the right city or if her acceptance letter was just her imagination playing tricks on her. "Ugh, forget this! I'm gonna fly up and see if I can see it from there." Blossom shot up into the sky with her tail wrapped around her duffle bag and her backpack on her back. Almost immediately, she crash into a pegasus. "Watch where you're flying!!" a pegasus colt shouted at her as he zoomed on by. "Sorry!" she called out after him. As she watched the colt fly away, she noticed that there were a lot more pegasi flying around. They were everywhere! Some were dressed in suits, carrying briefcases, others with backpacks and baggy clothes, and even some that were just lingering around in the clouds. There were lines of pegasi just waiting and shouting angrily others just to pass; It was like the traffic down in the streets expect up in the air. Blossom weaved in and out through huge lines of waiting pegasi and moved higher up into the clouds to get a better view. Once she was up there, she looked down and saw the huge concrete jungle before her, stretching for miles. "Wow..." she gasped as she looked all around, taking in every detail. After a few minutes (and after she snapped out of her state of bewilderment) she spotted a pegasus that was resting on a nearby cloud. "Maybe he knows where it is..." she wondered as she began to float over to the cloud. When she came closer, she saw that it was a dark yellow colt with black hair. He lay with his hooves behind his head near a red backpack. He looked about her age but maybe a year older. Blossom wondered if he was asleep and circled around the cloud a little, pondering if she should still ask. "Maybe he's not asleep..I mean, who could sleep with all this noise up here?!" Finally she flew close enough to whisper a soft "excuse me..." and see if the colt was really asleep. The colt opened one eye and looked at her "Yea? I'm kinda resting here." his relaxed expression didnt change but she could tell that he was a bit annoyed. "Um..I'm sorry..I'm just a little lost. See, it's my first day here and I was wondering if you could point in the direction of "University X?" The colt sat up and laughed. Blossom kind of floated back and wondered if she didnt something wrong or she did something funny that she didnt realize. The colt looked at her with a smile and took her hand and began to shake it "University X?! Well why didnt you say so! I go there too! Welcome aboard freshie! Sure I could give you directions! The name's Thunder Storm by the way!" The colt was shaking her hoof so hard, her whole body began to shake. "Oh! Uh hello! My name is Blossom Bloom!" she stammered. "Cool! Nice to meet ya!" finally he let go of her hoof and pointed towards the north part of the city. "What you're gonna do it fly down to the second street on the right then make a right and youre there! Look, you can even see the rooftop from here!" And he was right. There was a huge cream color rooftop to top off the big building that stood underneath it right where he was pointing. "Or ya know," he shrugged, "You could just fly down to the rooftop then down to the street in front of the school" he chuckled. "Ok..Thank you so very much!" she replied happily as she began to float down. "No problem! Oh and uh... Don't tell anyone I'm skipping class!" he called after her. "Ok I wont!" Blossom giggled as she began to fly towards the big rooftop. After about 20 minutes of flying, she finally stood in front of University X. "It is pretty big...I wonder if there are dorms here..Well only one way to find out! To the front desk it is!" she shouted happily as she floated through the doors.
"SQUEAK!" up went the red metal flag as Ditzy Doo closed the mailbox. She looked at the mailbox for a few seconds and gave a quick nod before turning around and crashing into the white picket fence behind her. Blossom Bloom watched through the blinds as the mare shook her head and flew off. "MAILS HERE MAILS HERE MAILS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she shouted as she flung open the window and flew out at top speeds towards the flower shaped box; standing high on a wooden pole that had obviously been broken before as there were multiple bandages wrapping around the now soft and worn wood. Blossom abruptly stopped just mere inches away from the mailbox. She could feel the wind behind her struggling to catch up. Once it got near, it quickly turned to a soft breeze, as if it was slowing down trying to catch it's own breath. It (finally) softly hit the mailbox and Blossom watched it fall down a second later. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" she squealed with delight as she crouched down and opened the box. She reached in with her right wing and brought out a small white envelope. Not even stopping to look at who or where it's from, she ripped open the top and brought out the paper snuggled in within the two thin pieces of paper that once held it. Taking it in her wings carefully, she began to read aloud on and off. "Dear Ms. Bloom....attention...qualifiED FOR UNIVERSITY X?!" Blossom quickly read the rest of the letter before throwing it onto the ground and shooting up into the air. "I GOT ACCEEEEPPPPTTTTEEEEDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed happily as she soared through the air, weaving in and through trees, doing flips around clouds, and flying circles around birds on their morning commute to breakfast. She landed with a crash and came up with her hair messed up and her bow all askew. "I got to get packed now!" she gasped as she grabbed her beloved paper and ran inside her house to tell her mother the good news; completely forgetting about the once again broken mailbox.
ooc University X OOC
BlossomBloom replied to Pulcinella's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
I wanna join! I will try my best to post when possible because of school but I am sure it will be often. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-bloom-r1183 -
Has anyone been keeping up with the July animes? If so, how do you feel about them? Which is the best of the July animes? (2012 of course) Also, I'd appreciate it if you visited this thread and helped me out! http://mlpforums.com/topic/33228-anime-candy-names/#entry776620 It's anime related haha
Doing embarrassing stuff in public
BlossomBloom replied to Flicker Sweet's topic in General Discussion
Well the first day of school I slipped and fell into this HUGE puddle and I got soaked with water and dirt/mud. Everyone laughed and I had to go to my next class still in my wet clothes. At first I hated it but then I thought it was really funny later on. Um...sorry. Does this count? -
So I was thinking about making candy and selling it at my schools homecoming festival/carnival/party (whatever you want to call it) with my anime club. I got to thinking about the flavors and what they would be and what they would be called and I thought of making them as little balls of candy sort of like warheads. Then suddenly I started thinking of names and I thought they were pretty clever. I've only thought of 3 though... Tsundere Sour Yowza Yandere (this flavor would start off as sweet but then turn into a whole different flavor like a yandere) and Maraschino Megane I think they're ok but I would like some more. What do you guys think? Have any ideas?
searching Peachblossoms' School of Earth and Pegasi Magic!
BlossomBloom replied to Mushy Giant Friend's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
I would LOVE to join! This seems really cool and awesome and I bet it would be a lot of fun! http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-bloom-r1183 Unless I'm too late of course then I'm sorry for bothering you... ;~; -
I have never shipped the mane 6 with each other because I thought it was weird... But then I discovered Sparkledash (I sort of made that name up. sort of.) Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash are just the cutest couple. Along with Fluttershy and Big Macintosh (Fluttermac) Most of my friends don't agree with me and ship the mainstream Appledash but IT'S AAAAALLLLL ABOUT SPARKLEDASH. I'll make them see...I'LL MAKE THEM ALL SEE. but srsly guise. Sparkledash. Check out http://askblinddash.tumblr.com/ and YOU SHALL SEE. This is what changed me to love them.
This is interesting. I should try doing this to better myself as well. I would also like to see how you make progress. Keep it up!
Ponies At Play Podcast: QnA Number One
BlossomBloom commented on Master Chief's event in Forum Events
What exactly is this? -
Blossom Bloom sighed and continued to trot around him "If that's what you want to do then ok. I'm telling you it's fine but we can go with your plan. As I've said before, I have more than enough. I guess I didnt tell you that I also bake part time and seel my goodies to other ponies." she slowly came to stop and stood still next to Wits. "I also make things out of flowers." Blossom spread her left wing a little and began to look through her feathers. "Such as this" she said as she took out a small hoof sized teddy bear made completely out of flowers. It was very colorful with and decorated with different flowers. There was even a small bow tie made for the bear that was made from two small sakura petals. "It doesnt take that long. This is just a sample. I've made bigger things. I usually sell this along with my flowers. Most ponies like them." Blossom put the teddy bear back into her feathers and made sure that it was held firmly in there before turning back to Wits. "Oh and I also figured out how to carry things in my wings like pockets..........Hey! That rhymed!" she smiled.
She waved her hoof at him as if to wave his suggestion away from her face (as if it were a physical floating thing) "Don't worry. I have more than enough! Besides, I don't want to be a burden to Vinyl and to put that on top of what she's going through at the moment. So don't worry. I got it all taken care of. So come on. Unless you want to walk but I dont recommend that..." Blossom began to trot in circles around him, waiting for his answer.
YET AGAIN ANOTHER CUTE CUTE CUTE PONY. wow you're amazing I love how you look! Especially the pigtails :3
WOW. THAT IS A LOT BETTER THAN ME and I've been drawing for a while sort of. DARN IT! T______T
"Huh that would be kinda cool..." she wondered aloud as she smiled up at the sky through the window (assuming there is a window) "Anyway, I need to go home real quick to gather my savings. Then we will see what we can do from there. My home is in Ponyville, so it's quite a ways...I could carry you on my back and I could fly us there. I don't recommend using your magic to teleport us considering your physical state. Besides, it's easy. No biggie." Blossom trotted outside while looking back at Wits.
"Silly! I thought it was obvious that I would pay for you! But again, that's only if you want." she shrugged slightly and looked down at the ground. "I just want you to feel better." Blossom kicked around her right foot nervously. She didnt know why she was nervous but she just was.
"Exactly. I can help you get better if you want." she smiled at him. "But I can also get you a nurse. It's really your decision." Blossom continued to think of other ways to help Wits. She soon got lost in thought and had blocked the whole world out, occasionally mumbling to herself.