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Posts posted by techno915

  1. I forget the exact episode, but I do remember that it was during season 3. at some point, there were a few seconds where you could see Cheerilee and Big Mac walking together. I don't know if that was just as friends or something special, but it seems that Hasbro has set those two in stone. This basically means that there will probably be no Big Mac + anypony else. Although, Hasbro has surprised me before, so I'll just have to wait and see what they come up with. Honestly, I think that Fluttershy would've done better, but that's just me. If someone is not a fan of that, don't rant on me. We each have opinions.

  2. @@James, well mainly it's with the fandom stuff or when it's blatantly obvious to everyone but them, like those infamous Facebook statuses. you could say i'm like this guy:




    if i really feel the need to, i will. otherwise, eh. i mean, at least i'm using proper punctuation! some people i've seen don't use any.

  3. well, i say that you can be considered a brony if you enjoy watching the show. bonuse points for watching it on your own. i say i'm definitely some relatively high rank of brony, at least imo. i have seen every episode multiple times, i start and participate in discussions about the show, i introduce it occasionally to others, i support (although not contribute to) various arts in the fan base (such as the music and the deviant art stuff), and probably some other stuff i havent mentioned yet. but as far as a rite of passage, i never really went through one, so i don't know what else to have as a requirement except for just be willing to watch and enjoy the episodes on your own. you don't have to buy the murchandise, you don't have to go to the conventions, you just have to simply enjoy the show. is that not enough or something?

  4. @@James, i can be casual at times. in case you haven't noticed, i'm also rather lazy. since this is more of a casual thread, i'm relaxed. if i was actually typing something with lots of detail and stuff, i make sure that everything is properly written in my stuff. 

  5. @@James, if it is stuff with the you're/your and the they're/there/their, that's when it is really applicable. not so much with the capitalization, though, if that's what you found ironic. i know that i said im, but that's just because of typing fast. 

  6. so...guilty pleasures and such? eh, don't really have guilty pleasure. aside from the occassional instance of being a closet brony, i can't really think of anything i like that is embarassing. unless it's when i like a girl. i tend to be shy about it and such for the most part. kinda like at the end of EQG, where twi was trying to deny her interest for Flash Sentry. i'm kinda with her in this because usually, whenever i do have feelings and try to hide, others find out anyway based on my actions. i'm still confused as to how much people know. that is one thing i definitely get embarassed about. 

  7. I REEEEALLY hope that they do bring her back. i honestly think that she could make a great episode. kinda along the lines of the zecora debut, maybe make one about treating everyone with dignity. even if they are clumsy often or have some physical deformity. they could still be fun and totally awesome!

  8. idk what will be the next controversy. but so far, it's usually a double standard. a girl watches a "guy's show"? eh, it's cool. but when i guy watches a "girl's show"? we are seen as homosexual or messed up in the head or something. 

  9. of course i do! i'm still a kid at heart!


    • teen titans
    • teen titans go
    • phineas and ferb
    • danny phantom
    • the original spongebob stuff
    • madtv
    • the total drama series
    • avatar the last airbender
    • jimmy neutron
    • fairy odd parents
    • codename KND
    • fosters home for imaginary friends

    ...i think that's enough for right now.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. If you wanted to make a brony radio station I know just the person to ask. https://twitter.com/Alpha_Link ran wzmr (world zelda music radio) for years until Z.R.E.O closed the site and Ebunch who was part of ZREO took the reigns of the site and made it into it current form of radiohyrule. It might be interesting to have pony.fm music spawn into its own separate radio station in the future. But that is a problem for future pony.fm users.

    um...i wouldn't realy be the one to make it. i would just like it if it were existent and such. i'm fine right now with my classic rock music, but it would be nice to listen to mlp music in car rides and such.


    seriously, the Beatles are just too awesome for me to not show off. kids these days don't know the true meaning of the word "music". they must be educated. these are classics, but are slowly being forgotten! if/when i ever have kids, they will know about the good ol stuff. :D

    • Brohoof 1
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