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Posts posted by Celtore

  1. I find this game a LOT more frightening than slender. There is one part of slender designed with lots of corners that I absolutely despise. This is basically slender with corners EVERYWHERE. While playing Sanatorium, I felt reluctant to approach and walk through any door! The level design provides the possibility of a jump scare just about constantly.


    It does need some work on bugs and some minor tweakage, but I think this has some serious potential.

    • Brohoof 2
  2. What is the reason you wake up every morning?

    Human discovery. I love the fact that I learn something new every single day and I get a front seat in watching the march of progress. If I'm alive for the singularity and people start uploading their minds into machines, I would do this just to watch how far mankind will go.


    What makes you want to be alive a week from now?

    I suppose the desire of not being dead seems good enough, but I guess I will throw in going back to college. Can't wait to get back to hit the books and get ready for a very interesting semester.


    What, if taken away, would render your life unbearable?

    Unbearable you day?... I would have to say losing my hearing. My ears are very sensitive to sound and can act as a second pair of eyes. While this can be very annoying and sometimes unbearable under certain conditions, I simply couldn't live without music and sound. If I had to either lose my sight or hearing, i'd choose to lose my sight.


    What, if given to you, would render your life worth living?

    It kind of already is...


    Do you even value your own life?

    I can't really answer this. I know that I will eventually die and the world will simply continue marching onward without me. This is just a fact that I've already accepted and I'm perfectly OK with. I still live each day to the fullest, trying to improve the lives of others by being politically active and just being that someone people can turn to. I will simply say that I value life, but realistically understand my limitations and insignificance in scope of everything.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Well, the first couple hours were me wondering why I was actually enjoying this. After a while of contemplating how to proceed, I came to the conclusion that I'm a freaking adult. Who is petty enough to care what I watch on tv in my spare time? Then I came to acceptance and began to watch the rest of the season :P


    About three weeks later I joined these forums, which happens to be the forum I've been most active in. Ever.

  4. First off, I give a spoiler tag to those who want the higher level areas in guild wars 2 to be secret. I went on a little adventure (at level 35, no less...) and I want to share a few observances.




    So... I decided to do a little exploring to see what the future might look like. I intended to go all the way to orr, but the mobs just got too... shall we say zelous about finding and killing me.


    I will say that it gets creepy around level 60. You start running into undead mobs and whatnot... and this:


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    A huge freaking undead megalodon. As you can see in the first shot, I was backpedling the heck away. In the second shot, you can see that I ran into him again in the level 70 zone. That, and I was trying to talk my way to a solution to get around the sharks and pirates.


    Things REALLY get creepy as you start approaching orr. I didn't take any screenshots because I couldnt get close enough to the undead pirates without them shooting me, but I will say that the undead of all varieties are literally everywhere. I ran into the ghost ship that was seen in one of the E3 conferences as well, but I obviously couldn't participate.


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    This is the encampment that I made it to before I couldn't proceed any further. I might try later, but the 4 silver in armor repairs is a bit of a deterent. It also cost 1 silver to make it back to a waypoint in Hoelbrak in case you were wondering...



    • Brohoof 2
  5. The 1987 logo is the most nostalgic for me and I certainly prefer it over the new one. The new styling, like many have mentioned, is way too simple and looks like it was done in 3 minutes using gimp.


    (Seriously, no offence to gimp users. I use it too)

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Dislike List


    - Wasps

    - Mosquito bites

    - People driving more than 20 KM/H under the speed limit on a road with one traffic lane

    - Parents who can't control their kids in a restaurant

    - Running out of tea! (The. Worst. Possible thing!!!)

    - Bad music

    - Stubbing a toe


    And that should be good enough for now. I try to coexist with wasps at my summer job, but they are just plain mean!


    Edit months later:


    After driving to college and back the past month, I dont mind the slow drivers as much. No, no no... I have a new target. People who can't properly execute a roundabout! We are getting many of these to replace our intersections and after all these years, we STILL have people who back up everything! I swear, people over 30 in this area should be retested to make sure they can safely use these things!

  7. I'm very introverted in real life unless I know a person very well, in that case I'm very friendly, kind and reliable. I am also shy to the point where I have created a persona for when I have to do a presentation, debate, or take charge as a leader (although it is very convincing.) I am perfectly content with myself and usually go against the really stupid yet popular trends.


    I'd say my best quality is my kindness. I have never hurt my friends or have done anything to purposefully hurt the feelings of a stranger, and when I do, I feel absolutely horrible about it for a very long time or until I make it up to them. Kind of a reverse grudge now that I think about it.


    Somewhat modest rating: 7.3141592653589793238462643383279501... / 10

  8. @@Bohtty, It really doesn't matter to me either. Just as long as I don't have to go through the engineer growing pain levels again (13-18). We should wait a bit before we call a move though to not only let the servers stabilize, but for most of the bugs to be knocked out.


    Posted Image


    "Blacker than a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than hell itself... that is coffee." ~Godot


    To be fair, I love the whole series of phoenix wright, including edgeworth's games, but I thought Trials and Tribulations was where the series reached its climax. You have wonderful music, interesting cases and some of the most known characters introduced, including my personal favourite. I keep replaying the entire series despite knowing the cases off by heart and this just happens to be my most frequently replayed.

  10. My first game of course: Pokemon Blue


    Those sure were strange days. People with gameshark were considered gods, people were spreading rumours over the internet about the "pokegods" (personally, I blame the ghost of maidens peak episode in the anime), missingno, and glitchy items everywhere.


    I remember the sheer joy of having my first legit level 100 after training Blastoise through the elite four over 40 times. Never again have I had a 100% legitimate level 100 pokemon. I mostly train to about level 70-80 now (plus EV training by hand). Coincidentally, this was also the first game I beat and I still have the cartridge. My save is also backed up on the gameboy mega memory card in case the battery on the cart dies.



    OH GOD, AN ELEMENTALIST TANK?! MY WORLD IS SPINNING!!!! @_@ Where's the squishy?! *faints* BUT seriously. I like being able to play an Ele and not DIE first hit, or cower in a corner and go "Don't hit me! *fireball* don't hit me! *Rain of fire* Don't hit me! *Fire blast* *...peek* Are you dead yet?" Kinda nice. :D


    But Bohtty, I SO VERY MISS the secondary class system :( I LOVED being a Ranger/SOMETHING. That was awesome, and honestly kinda made GW1 what it was combat system wise...There was a lot of strategy involved. But I suppose when they added the crazy "Hey, when you change weapons, your skills change!" thing in, they probably figured we'd kill them if we could dual class that. Far TOO complicated.


    But one thing I take serious issue with is the inability to shuffle your skills on your skill bar. If I don't want skill one in slot one, By god I should be able to move skill one into slot two. : So far it won't let me shuffle things around ._. Anyone figured if you can even do it? Or is it something you have to do by unlocking a level? It's obnoxious. I chain skills by arranging stuff on my bar properly...Comes from too much Aion. Blame NCSoft. <<


    I sort of miss the second class system as well. My dervish character was so much fun back in the day. Well, at least this system is easier to ballence, and truth be told, its impressive they could ballence guild wars 1. There were like 144 combinations to ballence.


    I don't think there is a way to shift your skills around though. As an engineer, this isn't really a big deal for me, but for an elements list this could be annoying.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. Yep.

    In real life, I'm more laid back and introverted. I'm very shy, but I can become a very good leader if I need to rise to the occasion. I like having a few good friends rather than a million acquaintances.

    Here, I'm more open and friendly and I can express myself much better in this somewhat anonymous environment.

  13. I'm pretty paranoid about particular sounds. My ears are very sensitive and my they can somewhat act as my second pair of eyes. I'm fine with what I can see for the most part, but I absolutely hate it when I hear something from an unknown source. Usually, the noise source turns out to be just a rabbit though.

  14. I usually play for fun, but a few games I play for increasing my skill. Touhou and Kaizo Mario World give me a feeling of accomplishment at the end, even though in Kaizo I do use save states. I am also willing to go out of my way for a challenge, such as the fight against the anti-guy in paper mario, but for the most part, I game to have fun.

  15. Yes I agree EVFR, would be the best out of them all. We will still need a home server for the guild. somepony needs to find the best place. A place that not to crowded, but also not so empty.


    I have the three day headstart. so i could poke around tonight.(starts at 12:00am tonight) and if another pony has it as well we can work together to find a server. :) :)


    Hope to see you in game


    I too have the 3 day head start so I could look around a bit as well. Any medium filled server should do though (although a cool name wouldn't hurt in the decision making process :P)

    • Brohoof 1
  16. So out of curiosity, when is the server going to be officially decided? I've got to upgrade my client tomorrow evening, but i'm just wondering if this will be decided before the pre-launch begins or after the official launch.

  17. Our skill is fighting and we work to slay our enemies. See it works. You must be new to video games xD


    We shall swiftly smite down our enemies with the power of love and tolerance! Zhaitan won't stand a chance :P

    • Brohoof 1
  18. I read something about someone getting it to work on wine, but your still going to take a hit on performance since you have the extra layer. Your fastest option is to just run it on the windows partition.


    Well of course! I kind of learned this harsh reality a while ago, although it did run the original guild wars pretty well.

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