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Lightning Fluttershy

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Everything posted by Lightning Fluttershy

  1. @, You remind me of Jack Black.
  2. dood, nevr b4 hav i seen beuty liek dis. seeriously, send dis 2 a museem or sumthing b4 sum1 steels it
  3. Dude, I've been back on the thread for half an hour and you're already shipping me? Well, I don't blame you I guess... You x Comrade-Dimitri-Hammer. C:<
  4. Feels like forever since I posted here. I feel better though. Comrade x the pinnacle of beauty!
  5. She'll teach me how to endure watching Twilight Sparkle and actually enjoy it.
  6. Maybe I should consider gettng more sleep at night. Slept halfway through class today...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lightning Fluttershy

      Lightning Fluttershy

      Is that what you do Kirino?

    3. Lightning Fluttershy

      Lightning Fluttershy

      That was likely sarcasm. I just woke up so my sarcasm is turned off. Sorry.

    4. Shiki


      No, because I'm not allowed. Otherwise, I would, honestly.

  7. Nearly posted a link to something quite NSFW... woopsy daisy.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Sonata18


      (made it 5 minutes ago if you can't tell) haven't used skype in a few years, but people here seem to like it

    3. Lightning Fluttershy

      Lightning Fluttershy

      Alright, addin you know. :P

    4. Bruno ©

      Bruno ©

      Everyday i'm adding and adding.

  8. Insert status that has nothing to do with Clarity WHATSOEVER here.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2.  spas-ticShotty


      *insert typical spas comment here*

    3. Lightning Fluttershy

      Lightning Fluttershy

      *insert depressing comment here*

    4.  spas-ticShotty


      *insert comment comforting and supporting you and Clari*

  9. You're leaving? I'm not going to pretend I know what depression feels like, but I sincerely hope you can overcome it... I'll miss you deeply comrade...
  10. If it were really hipsters who developed this game, it wouldn't be on Steam. That's way too mainstream. It would probably be on Metaboli because no one else uses it.
  11. For fuck sakes, I can't get it off my mnd...

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. PonyEcho



    3. Lightning Fluttershy
    4. Gone for good

      Gone for good

      There was this one time I accidentally linked the skype chat to a wikipedia page for nocturnal emissions. Fun

  12. Turns out my worries held true...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2.  spas-ticShotty


      Uh oh.....oh no. I hope things get better ;_;. I don't want to lose mah bestest friend I ever had, and I don't you to lose her as well :(

    3. Caitlin Spark

      Caitlin Spark

      My Best wishes for you lightning

    4. Bruno ©

      Bruno ©

      No, i can't be true buddy, i can't believe it

  13. So many things to say, so little time.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Lightning Fluttershy

      Lightning Fluttershy

      As do I Bruno, as do I.

    3. Bruno ©

      Bruno ©

      I'm going to sleep now, tell me more about it on skype tomorrow, ok?

    4. Lightning Fluttershy

      Lightning Fluttershy

      It's all here on the forums already. My latest blog.



  14. @, We're wasting our time. I asked for reasons a while ago and just received negative comments about Fluttershy, oh and Lyra's colour scheme apparently is godly or something. <_<
  15. Heh... teared up again just looking at my blog... For those concerned, you flatter me. Love you all. Thank you. <3
  16. That's what I'm being forced to do to still talk to her. :y
  17. Idk. :/ I'm assuming her teachers/parents don't like it when I talk to her all mushy like. :/
  18. Yes, she can only do on the laptop what the school allows.
  19. I'm not completely sure but from my understanding it's on a laptop given to her by her school.
  20. So yep, the titles implies that I've been crying, and indeed I have. It's been a long time since I cried for a reason other than a sad fan fiction. This morning however, I woke up to some of the worse news I could hear IMO. This is difficult for me to type with only one hand seeing as my arm is broken, but it's important to me. Warning: In the following text you may come to think of me as: weak, pathetic, unrealistic, sad, etc. I don't give a fuck what any of you think of me at the moment though, heads up. So.... I'm sure the majority of you remember Clarity, our lovable AJ fangirl. This morning I woke up to the notion that I may not even get to talk to her anymore, or should I say, can no longer even be close friends with her. Now... if you didn't read my blog about my feelings for her, you should now. <<blog>> Here's where the majority of you may come to think of me as those lovely adjectives I mentioned earlier. See... I fell in love with a girl over the internet, Clarity. Now that the possibility of separation looms over my head however, I don't know what to do. I'm angry at a certain someone on the forums, I'm angry at myself, I'm angry at the internet, I'm angry at my life. For the first time in my life since my sister passed away 4 years ago, I feel emotionally distraught. I'll admit right here, when she mentioned that we may not even get to be close friends anymore, I broke down crying.... Now for her reasoning behind it. See, she was caught on Skype at her school... and her teachers didn't take too kindly to what they saw. They saw her convos with spas, and we all know spas, how he can get. They saw her convos with me when we were together, lovey dovey and what not. Now they want to monitor her Skype for any fucking imperfection because they're puritans or something. That was rage induced, Clari said it's because they care about her. And so, they told her never to trust anyone on the internet and to never get to close to anyone on the internet. I would agree with them, good advice. My only fault is....... it applied to me too.... I can't even be her boyfriend anymore... This hits me so hard emotionally because... I don't have anyone anymore... no friends in real life to support me, never a friend like her before... this may sound cliche and maybe you think I need to get over her or whatever, but she was the only thing that mattered to me anymore. Yes, a girl who I've never met IRL, lives on the other side of the world, and I likely had no chance of seriously being with, meant the world to me. Now, we can still talk, but it can't be the same as it was before, when she could call me her BF and I could call her my GF and we could talk about whatever we wanted without a care or worry in the world. That doesn't seem to be the case anymore... Don't get me wrong, I still have her in Skype and can still talk, but like I said it won't be the same. Clarity is the only person in the world that seems to have the ability to make me happy, to make me forget about my problems in reality. She's tried to calm me on Skype... but this is too important to me. Clari, I know you're still lurking, and I've told this on Skype a hundred times, but I love you. You're the only person in the world who matters to me and making you happy is my only goal. <3 Know that even if you aren't allowed to love me, I will always, ALWAYS love you. Comments and thoughts are appreciated. I'm sure many of you just think of me as this weak, pathetic teen now...
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