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Psych Ward

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Posts posted by Psych Ward

  1. @@Ampharos,


    (It's DISCORD!  Where was he in the last class?)


    Psych Ward smiled.  "Maybe students will have more respect for the teacher in that class," she smiled.  She as looking forward to this class.  She had played a bit of flute when she was little, hoping it would amount to something.  She also dabbled in piano a bit.


    (Ponies can play flute right?  Let's pretend they can for my sanity's sake.)

  2. @@Ampharos,


    Psych ward smiled as Blaze caught up with her.  "That was your dad?" Psych asked, feeling a bit odd for not noticing.  "He seems nice.  Students never give the teachers enough credit."  She put her stuff back in her bag as she walked instead of putting it back in the last class.  That took too long for her.  "So what's our next our class." 

  3. @@Ampharos,


    Psych ward looked back, kind of wanting to walk with Blaze.  Their walk had been fun yesterday, different.  She shrugged getting up.  "Thank you for the lesson, Sir," Psych Ward said to the teacher.  She had filled her page with notes that she would spend the next few days looking over.  She carefully walked out of the classroom.

  4. Psych Ward looked down at the book.  1,000 years ago....  Psych Ward frowned.  This wasn't going to be as entertaining as she thought.  She read through the chapter quickly though, shutting her book when she was done.  She raised her head again, looking at the front of the class.

  5. Psych Ward nodded but didn't raise her hoof.  She wasn't one to speak out in class in case she was wrong.  Draconequus, Psych had written at the top of the first page.  She held her pencil carefully in her mouth, ready to hear what she would be writing.  She really didn't need to take notes.  They just helped.

  6. Psych Ward hesitantly looked up.  She shut her book, carefully sliding it off the desk.  She didn't notice anything odd about the pony except he seemed a little rushed.  She got a pencil out, carefully opening her notebook and mythology textbook before turning to the front of the room.

  7. @, eeyup, apparently it's one of the newer sets, I was really glad I was able to snag one as they seem to be a bit rare (at least in my area). I love all the figures in it, but I have to admit it was Nurse Redheart that won me over.


    And I'm with you on the repeats. I'm now aiming to get a complete set of Mane 6 and CMC whilst avoiding repeats whenever possible and the planning involved is astronomical. Already got Apple Bloom who comes with AJ, and I think I'll kill two birds with one stone and get the new Flutters with Rarity. But man... I really want that set with Photo Finish and that also has a Rarity!


    Now I can't claim to know more about business than a multinational corporation, but I have to question Hasbro's wisdom on this. Wouldn't they sell more sets if they all had unique characters? I can imagine many parents avoiding buying certain sets because "You've already got one of those", and certainly collectors would rather avoid repeats.


    It's okay.  The Rarity in each pack is different.  The once coming with Fluttershy has her chopped off tail while the one with Photo Finish is normal.

  8. @,


    Nightshade nodded.  "I'll show you the way," she said, already walking out of the cafeteria.  She walked quickly but still made sure the other ponies kept up with her.  Once they got to the class she sat down in the back of the room, not yet getting her supplies out.

  9. @@Ampharos,@,


    Psych Ward looked up form her book just quickly enough to smile at Blaze and t pony who had just walked in.  She quickly looked back down. 




    Nightshade nodded, waiting patiently.  She did however get up to dump her trash.  She cafeteria food had been surprisingly wonderful! 

  10. @,


    "It's fine," Nightshade insisted.  "Are you heading to class.  I went around to all the classrooms yesterday so I wouldn't be late today.  I was just about to leave for Mythology.  Would you two care to join me?"  She gestured to her and the brown stallion.  "We wouldn't want to be late on our very first day." 

  11. Psych Ward sat in the front row of the room.  She was front and center, a position in class she had never taken before.  Most classes her deadly bored and quiet.  It seemed more lively here.  She pulled out her textbook, a notebook, and a pen as well as the book she had begun to read the day before, and set it all on her desk.




    Nightshade noticed a brown mare out of the corner of her eye and jumped up.  "Cinder!" she smiled.  "I haven't seen you since I left the dorm yesterday.  Where did you wander off too?"

  12. Psych Ward got up, feeling a little uncomfortable with all the ponies around her.  She dumped her trash and walked out of the cafeteria.  She followed the signs to the first class room, hoping to get their early.  She never was the early sort, but she was sure she didn't want to me late.

  13. @@Ampharos,


    Psych nodded.  "I hope it's not boring like some classes that look fun but really aren't," she said.  She quickly finished her breakfast.  She looked around at the other ponies, not really noticing much.


    Nightshade awoke and went to the cafeteria.  She cave the kind pony at the stand her card and sat down at a table with her food.

  14. @@InfinityWhale,


    Psych Ward nodded.  "Yeah. I have bits for breakfast and I was going to go sign up for the meal plan before class."  She walked slowly to the cafeteria, her stomach empty.  She had her stuff for the first couple classes in her saddle bag.  She wasn't going to be late today.



    Psych Ward nodded.  "Of course.  I'm just gonna go get my breakfast real quick.  She took her bits out, leaving her bag on the table.  She got her breakfast, pancakes, hay browns, and a large glass of juice, before coming back to the table.  She sat between Light and Blaze. 

  15. You need some serious LOTRification. Harry Potter is total bull****. I was forced to watch one movie with my pals once. Pure witchcraft. Pure bull****.


    Ever think it's possible that someone likes that "bullshit"?  I've read both series and I honestly thought Harry Potter was better.

    • Brohoof 1
  16. Psych Ward awoke early.  She put a few bits in her bag for breakfast and pulled on a bright red sweater.  It had somewhat shorter sleeves but hey still dragged on the floor.  She put two of the books into her saddle bag and left the dorm alone.  She was hungry again and she still hadn't eaten.

  17. Arianna decided she would stick with her daggers but armor wouldn't be a bad idea, especially where they were going.  She picked a suit of leather armor, thick enough to repel damage, and thin enough where she could move around with ease.  She stepped back to let the others through.

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