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Posts posted by TailsIsNotAlone

  1. If they're double-stuffed Oreos, I just eat them normally. Maybe with milk, although I rarely dip them; I don't like how the milk drips. If they're regular, I make them double-stuffed by taking two halves with cream attached and putting them together. 

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Continuing the recent trend of food topics: this one's a little morbid, but that's okay. If you could choose your last meal, what would it be? Aileen Wuornos had a hamburger, snack food, and a cup of coffee. Charley Starkweather had cold cuts. Ted Bundy had steak and eggs (but didn't eat them). You don't have to imagine yourself as a convicted murderer on death row, but you can if you want.  :derp:


    My last meal would be a grilled Reuben sandwich on pumpernickel rye, mashed potatoes with pork gravy, cream of turkey wild rice soup, some chili from Wendy's, birch beer, and tiramisu for dessert.

    • Brohoof 2
  3. That's a toss-up between Seasons 1 and 2 for me. Although 2 had 'A Friend in Deed', which I think was Pinkie's best episode ever, she was better overall in 1 because she was at her most whimsical and innocent. She's had good episodes in recent seasons, especially 4, but sometimes she just runs around making noise and that bugs me.

  4. Cheesy horror films like Child's Play 1 and 2, Pinocchio's Revenge, and Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2 are all high on my list. And the 1985 TV version of Alice in Wonderland. Beyond that, there's not much that I feel guilty about enjoying.

  5. Maud is the first pony I've seen to actually look naked without wearing anything. It's weird. O_o

    I think so too! It makes pictures like this...




    ...seem way more naughty than they really are.  :wau:

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Now is the time to make my move.


    Twilight is displaced. Distracted. Dissipating. She no longer knows who or what she is.


    Now, I will be the most powerful unicorn in Equestria...




    Hee hee. I like evil Lyra.  :o 

    • Brohoof 2
  7. A little something I whipped up on Photobucket:




    The horrified look on Applejack's face when she saw that Maud-ified apple...like she was witnessing something truly gruesome, even Lovecraftian. It gave her such nightmares that she had to write it all down.

    • Brohoof 3
  8. This is my pet rock.

    His name is Boulder.

    He is not an actual boulder.

    A boulder is a large rock.

    Boulder is a small rock.

    I call him Boulder to make him feel better.

    He is very sensitive.

    • Brohoof 5
  9. po1291%20%20appleboom_in_the_market_by_b


    "Apples! Git yer apples right here! Straight from Sweet Apple Acres! Mah sister bucked 'em herself this mornin'! Real sweet, real juicy, don't be scared just 'cause they look all cartoony and stuff. Git yer inter-dee-mensional apples..."

    • Brohoof 2
  10. Come to think of it, I don't know WHAT the hay the crystal ponies are. Looking like crystal is obviously not built into their DNA or essential for them to live, since they get by without it before Sombra is defeated. As Nature's Spell says, it's totally magic-induced and since the Mane 6 also turn crystal at the end, we see that it can happen to anypony, which makes it hardly a distinguishing trait at all. Do the crystal ponies stay crystal? If so, why? And why did the Mane 6 turn back to normal?


    The lack of details leads me to conclude that the "crystal" thing was just kind of thrown in there as a marketing gimmick (crystal ponies appeared on toy store shelves at the very same time) and the writers didn't pay any more attention to it than they had to.

  11. "Everything is going to be just fine!"


    No matter what you think of the S3 finale, this is not a good line in any way. First, it doesn't sound like something Twilight would say in this situation; she's far from a blind optimist, and how would she know if everything was going to be fine with her coronation or not? Second, it's corny and not delivered convincingly. Third, Twilight says it straight to the audience, blasting a hole in the fourth wall that would make Pinkie Pie jealous. And it seems to have been intended for a specific section of the audience: namely us, which just bugs me more. Fourth, it was unnecessary; things almost always turn out fine on MLP.

    • Brohoof 7
  12. Rainbow Dash. No main character exhibits less stereotypical feminine behavior, struggles more against dressing up, or does more voluntarily tomboyish things. Which, I have to say, is not a bad thing at all. It makes her very cool, ironically adorable, and all the more interesting when she does or says anything ladylike.  :sneer:


    However, Jeric makes a good point that our traditional gender norms don't really apply to the MLP universe.

  13. That's a fair question. In the early days of the show it seemed pretty clear-cut: to be a princess, you had to:

    (1) be an alicorn, apparently from birth

    (2) be in charge of something extremely important

    (3) be named Celestia or Luna.


    Princess was really just an honorary title; it was what Celestia and Luna did for Equestria that made them special. But Twilight's coronation contradicted much of what we took as canon, since she:

    (1) was not an alicorn from birth

    (2) is not officially in charge of anything besides a library, which was destroyed

    (3) looks very different from the other 3 princesses and is probably less powerful.


    Cadence, Prince Blueblood, and Princess Platinum were all a little hard to explain, but it was the S3 finale that really muddied the waters. It suggests that to be a princess, all you really have to do is be liked enough by Celestia that she gives you a problem to solve and boom, you're promoted.

  14. There it is, folks: the tournament is over, and the unorthodox team of Celestia and Sunset Shimmer are Equestria's tag team champions! This may well be the first time either pony has come out on top in a forum contest, and they absolutely earned it. 


    Thanks so much to everyone for making this a special poll with music clips and awesome match summaries. I think I'll do it again next year with all new teams. What new ponies will enter the tourney? Who would Starlight Glimmer team up with? You'll just have to wait and see.


    Congratulations to Solar Eclipse! I'll celebrate the victory with their official theme music.  :)


    • Brohoof 2
  15. That's too bad. But my philosophy towards them has always been the same: even if anti-bronies have nothing better to do than harass us, we definitely have something better to do than pay attention to them. I've seen discussions where haters come in trying to get a response and everyone just ignores them. It's sad, but funny at the same time. After a few tries they just give up and go skulking back to 4chan or Youtube or wherever they came from.

    • Brohoof 1
  16. I think that Twilight Sparkle, even pre-transformation, always had the power to challenge Celestia. Her strength was evident from the very beginning. The first time the Princess felt her power at the magic exam, she knew that power had to be kept under control. Taking Twilight as her personal student was just the nicest way of doing it. The question is whether Twilight, who has lived in awe of Celestia all her life, can put those feelings aside for once and assert herself independently. Sadly, it's never happened on the show, but it could happen here--and if it does, she will have a chance of winning. With Twilight and Spike catching up to Solar Eclipse, it may be happening as we speak.  :wacko:

    • Brohoof 2
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