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Posts posted by TailsIsNotAlone

  1. join   KELYK   jafnt   alinganayo  pingdeng   

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    • Brohoof 2
  2. The dark will rise.

    Abandon your freedom.

    Give up the right to find your true self.

    Forsake your own reason.



     I think this is Starlight Glimmer in a nutshell. The question is, can she see the darkness that shadows her path?


    By her glare, maybe her intentions are not sincere, but it's also possible that she just got misguided 

    That part bothered me a little. It was sort of a stereotypical villain moment.  :lol:  I hope Starlight's motivations are sincere, because she will be a much more interesting character if that is the case, and the Mane 6 will have to address her differently from other powerful figures they have disagreed with.


    I hope we see some Starlight/Pinkie moments. Of all the Mane 6, I can imagine Pinkie being the one that Starlight fears most. Ponies don't come any more individual than that.


    Another interesting point will be whether Starlight used magic to "convince" (i.e. brainwash) her followers, or if they joined her of their own free will. Where did she, and they, go wrong? And just how wrong have they gone by the time we meet them? My anticipation is really building for this one.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Pinke. Stare at me forever. Love me forever. :):blink:


    Imagine, for a moment, that you are Rainbow Dash...




    Viola.  :pinkie:

    They're such a cute combination too. Pinkie is the only one who can keep up with Dash, while Dash is the only one who can match her energy and impulsive nature. I loved a lot of things about Season 1 but most of all the Pinkie and Dash moments.

    • Brohoof 4
  4. It is awesome.  We play card games together. : )


    She...  Beats me a lot.


    And she watches me play console games. ^ ^

    I have that same Dashie plush. She says hi.  :sneer:








    Oops. Correction: By saying hi, I mean she's actually saying hi...and by plush, I mean the real Rainbow Dash is sitting right here at my dining room table. Sorry, I get those two mixed up all the time.


    (How awesome would it be to have Dash over for dinner? Just don't forget the cider...   >_> )

    • Brohoof 4
  5. <3 Glad to see activity is picking up in this adorable filly's fanclub again.  She needs more love than she gets.

    I agree! Maybe she would be more popular if her portrayal in the animation was deeper and less melodramatic. Still, she's a really interesting character with a wonderful design. There's just so much potential in her. Art and fanfiction have delved into that a bit, but something tells me her finest hour is yet to come. I want to know what she was like as a mare.




    I think if I write something about Snowdrop, I won't take the "I'm blind, feel sorry for me" road. Her real problem isn't being sightless, because what does that mean to a pony who has never known sight? Her real problem is that she's very lonely and (until Luna perhaps) has only her mother and her teacher for emotional support. We don't need to pity Snowdrop because she's not weak. On the contrary, it takes a lot of strength to make something of yourself in the environment she grew up in.

    • Brohoof 2
  6. Purr-ity.




    I probably should have warned you guys that this kind of adorability was coming. It's just too much to take in all at once.


    Oh, well. I regret nothing!  :D

    • Brohoof 10
  7. What don't I hate about Youtube comments? They seem to be a gathering place for every conpiracy nut, every bigot, every semi-literate preteen who just found the caps lock on the net. Basically, this is where people who feel no moral or intellectual responsibility for what they're saying as long as it's online will gather and attempt to destroy everyone else's faith in the human race.


    Sometimes I look at them anyway to see if someone had anything relevant to say, but a few replies down I run into the first white supremacist or anti-Semite and then give up. (There can't possibly be as many of these people in the USA as there appear to be on YT. They seem to make up about 50% of the commentators on some pages.)


    And let's not forget the pitiful advertising spam: "Wow guys this is a really great video and until today I had no one to watch it with but this awesome web site, HornyAndDesperate.com, just hooked me up with the love of my life. She has an unusually pronounced Adam's apple and smells heavily of cabbage but nobody could stop us from finding love on HornyAndDesperate.com. Check it out dudes."


    (I'll pass.)

  8. I wonder if this character of Starlight Glimmer, and her flawed idea that "the only way to be happy is if we're all equal," is the writers' way of addressing concerns about the considerable power imbalance among the Mane 6 since Season 3...but maybe I'm just over-thinking it.  ^_^


    If the real story turns out to be that Starlight's idea of equality is "drones with no distinct identity or skills," and that respect for each other's individuality is what makes you truly equal, then I'm interested. It's a valid lesson and hints at something the show hasn't really addressed before: a bad guy who thinks she's a good guy. Not evil, but seriously misguided. That's the kind of change I absolutely want to see.


    And the way they hinted at the background pony episode was funny. "We're finally going to have..." *TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES*   I see where Celestia gets her sense of humor.  :unsure:

    • Brohoof 2
  9. thank_you___snowdrop_by_neko_me-d5zhoaw_


    I like Snowdrop now even more than I did before. I didn't cry while watching the video but her story really stayed with me. I think it affected many other bronies too, because we're still making art and writing stories about her.

    • Brohoof 2
  10. sno3_zpsnblbg6bv.jpeg

    Snowdrop was the best one overall. The acting and music were merely decent and the animation resources limited, but it succeeds on the strength of its title character. Snowdrop not only puts the "original" back in OC, she is beautifully designed as well. I do think they tried harder than necessary to make her sympathetic, but I'll take her over a red and black alicorn any day. She has also inspired some really excellent fanart like the picture above.

    Double Rainboom stretched 15 minutes worth of story into half an hour. (The new 22-minute edit is definitely the best version.) The fanservice and Faust worship hurt the authentic feel they were going for and the Powerpuff Girls thing didn't really work for me. Content and story issues aside, though, it was the best animated of the three and the voice acting wasn't too bad. The ending credits were great.

    Dusk's Dawn...ouch! Not even close to the quality of the other two. Stiff, slowly animated Pony Creator sprites; silly and unoriginal pony names; weird accents on the VA's (and Mr. Brave's voice changes halfway through); the plot is barely comprehensible. And the villain is about the saddest thing I've ever seen. Still, it's a better animation than I could do. If I had been a part of it, I would be proud of it despite its obvious issues.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. I'm not sure, actually. What bothers me is that Spike's character is not well written, and that's probably the real reason we're talking about this. Plenty of other side characters are no more essential to the plot than he is, but they are usually well done so we don't need to question them. But Spike stands out as a weakness. Is he Twilight's well-qualified assistant who helps keep her grounded, a bungler nopony really respects, or just a punching bag we're supposed to actively dislike? The writers can't decide. He just gets thrown into each of these roles off and on, if he's not being left out entirely.


    I want him to be essential and even a surrogate little brother to Twilight, but we don't see that. She doesn't have many meaningful discussions with him or talk about him very much with her friends. He's mostly just there.  -_-

    • Brohoof 4
  12. In my opinion, yes. Overall the 90's had a more diverse range of cartoons, more gems, and smarter writing than I see from most cartoons today. There were a lot of stinkers or shows that were just plain overrated; Rugrats and Ren & Stimpy come to mind. Others haven't aged so well due to pop culture references like Tiny Toon Adventures and Animaniacs, although the slapstick humor on those shows still hasn't been topped. So the decade was far from perfect.


    But when I watch shows like Beavis and Butt-head, Daria, early Simpsons and King of the Hill, Batman/Superman/Spider-Man, Garfield & Friends, Sonic the Hedgehog SatAM, Darkwing Duck, The Tick...the later 2000s and 2010s don't come close. There are genuinely good shows scattered here and there--Teen Titans, PPG, Friendship is Magic--but the energy and creativity levels aren't what they used to be. The sense of competition then was much stronger; studios even used their cartoons to make fun of each other. Garfield ripped on Ren & Stimpy, and Animaniacs was especially gutsy with its parodies of Disney movies like 'Jokahontas' and popular (obnoxious) shows like Friends.


    MTV, Nickelodeon, Warner Brothers, and Disney were firing on all cylinders in the 90's and turning out memorable animated shows left and right. Now MTV sucks, Nickelodeon's exhausted, WB shut down its animation studio and spiraled into mediocrity, and Disney can still put out a good movie here and there but their TV output leaves me cold. When those four studios declined, they left a void that was never filled. I'm not ripping on the cartoons of today, though; I have nothing against them and I appreciate the good shows that still come along. 

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Well now, this would be interesting if Celestia and Twilight faced each other. I admit if they did I may have to step back and not vote, since I didn't want to choose between the two teams.


    I will be honest and say that I don't want Sunset Shimmer to win, even if she has Celestia as an ally in this competition, as I see Twilight at a greater level to the mare in every way... but I also want Celestia to actually win at something for once, to not be put aside even if it would be from facing Twilight as I do not feel the student has surpassed the master yet.


    Gah, why did Celestia and Subset Shimmer have to be a team? Why couldn't Celestia and Twilight be a team? My vote would be so much easier if they were.

    Hee hee. If you really want to know, it's because putting Twi and Celestia together was too easy, and it left Spike out in the cold. Without each other, the Sunbutts probably wouldn't have made it this far. ^_^ 



    Sunset is a vague villain-turned-protagonist whose most meaningful appearance is probably in MLP Comics and Celestia is, well, Celestia--respected by most bronies but not necessarily loved. But together, they are a unique and interesting combination. And that's what makes a really good tag team: the partners have different strengths and complement each other. (I think that's especially the case with Solar Eclipse, Chaotic Good, Burning Love, and Rock Candy.)



  14. I hate that song.  :angry:


    There was always a Radio Shack somewhere near me when I was growing up, but I never went in there for anything. Nobody I knew shopped there regularly, and in fact the chain was widely mocked by the kids I went to school with. I'm surprised that it lasted this long.

  15. Psych!  Nightmare Moon was the good guy. (Or good mare, whatever.) Celestia is just manipulative and unstable and can't stand not being in control. Definitely won't happen.


    The entire show was just a depressed young Pinkie Pie daydreaming on the rock farm. Man, that'd be tragic.  :(

    • Brohoof 1
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