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Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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Status Updates posted by Kyoshi Frost Wolf

  1. Clint, frontman for NoLongerHuman, added me as a friend on Facebook. :pinkie: He is a super cool guy. His favorite game is Dark Souls (that's-a bingo) and he loves his kitties. Aggrotech cat lover, that's ace. 

    1. Cirrus.


      That sounds awesome!:P

    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Yesh. :3 Also he is hot so...there's that too. :adorkable: 

      Hoooooow have you been by the way sirrrrrrr?

  2. My mood has certainly been flip floppy as hell tonight. 

    1. Woohoo


      That's my mood today... :yeahno:

  3. Really wanted to say, you are a cool dude yo. :BrightMacContent:

    1. Woohoo


      Thanks buddy.

      Spongebob Hug GIFs | Tenor

  4. New NoLongerHuman EP is a bangin' banger. 


  5. Nostalgia makes me emotional too easily. 

    1. Woohoo


      Sometimes I feel the same away.


    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      @Woohoo Yeah, it has been hitting me a lot lately. As time goes on I become more emotionally weak it seems. 

    3. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Sometimes we gotta rarity too.... 

  6. "And if you don't get out of here, then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife!"

    1. Sparklefan1234


      @Kyoshi A pony and a duck getting married? We're gonna have us some weird lookin' kids. :P



    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    3. Sparklefan1234


       @Kyoshi NO! *I* GET THE X-BOX IN THE DIVORCE! :Cozy:/:oh_golly:

  7. The Sumo tournament is off to an awesome start. =D 

  8. And suddenly, first snow of the season. O_O

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sparklefan1234
    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      My "job" is to be a weirdo. I do that with immense efficiency. :derp:

    4. Sparklefan1234


      @Kyoshi I see we have the same job. :P

  9. The cold wind is caressing my soul. And my hands. :P

  10. My likely hope level after today: -113% or so. Rough estimate. 

    1. Sparklefan1234



      @Kyoshi Well, I think you're 100% AWESOME, BFFFF! :mlp_yeehaa:





  11. New NoLongerHuman album drops on the 11th holy fuuuuuuu-:pinkie:

    Super excited. This has been an awesome year for music. 

  12. Behold my Magnum Opus. Sorta. 



    1. Woohoo


      That part from 0:26-0:31 sounded very musical. :ooh:

    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      It kinda does actually. O_o Wasnt my intention but it works. :P Was not entirely sure how I was going to make that part happen so I rolled with it.

      Speaking of music, I also uploaded this recently;


    3. Sparklefan1234


      @Kyoshi Cool video, BFFFF!



  13. My plans for Nightmare Night are for after tonight: Candy on sale! Gonna make a big candy bowl of my own. :3 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      @Woohoo That title goes to Smarties. :3 The North America Smarties specifically. :P I have good memories of my mom getting me them from the store right up the road from where we lived when I was kindergarten. Such nostalgia my dudes. Second place goes to Reese's peanut butter cups, which are also my boyfriend's #1 favorite. :yay: What about both of you? 

      @Sparklefan1234 My trick for that is I dress as a weirdo, AKA me. :derp:

    3. Woohoo


      Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are my #1. :yay:

    4. Sparklefan1234


      @Kyoshi @Woohoo I hope you had a great Nightmare Night, BFFFF's! :D

  14. Walking around my town only depresses me nowadays. 

  15. So I made a short Helluva Boss video thing;


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      @Woohoo I like Stella's character design. :twismile:

    3. Woohoo


      @Sparklefan1234 So do I, but that does not excuse her reprehensible personality. :Cozy:

    4. Sparklefan1234
  16. Time for:


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Es ist immer zeit für Pizza, so sehr. :yay:

      I hope you all are doing goodly mcsnoodly lately. :)

    3. Sparklefan1234



       "We've been schmeckledorfed!" :wau:

      "Not until four." :ooh:

    4. Woohoo


      Thank you for your patronage... :sealed:

  17. Been playing MW2. Frankly, I could be smashing my face into a wall and have a more worthwhile experience. 

  18. Another wonderful song for you all. I love showing music that some may not have heard before. 


  19. During the time of the spookies, always be on high alert for...



    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Woohoo


      More time to watch other shows' Halloween specials. :BrightMacContent:

    3. Sparklefan1234


      @Woohoo I watched/suggest "Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost" if that counts.

    4. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Ooooooo I should watch Scooby Doo on Zombie Island. My favorite Scooby Doo movie by far. :D

  20. Hello friendos. Have another song;


  21. Another song I adore;


  22. Reddit is the worst "social media" platform out there, no contest. 

    1. Woohoo


      Worse than Twitter? :confused:

    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      @Woohoo In my opinion, yes. Twitter and Facebook are both mindless cesspools, but you can at least do things with them even if you have a bad experience or two. With reddit, you say one thing that people don't agree with and boom, you get downvoted into oblivion and then cannot post in most circles due to "negative comment karma". It is a disaster of a system, clearly meant to prevent trolls from doing what they do but instead it creates a terrible ecosystem where you cannot even think about daring to have a different opinion on anything. 

    3. Props Valroa

      Props Valroa

      Totally. Reddit is a total cesspool of toxicity and negativity. Facebook and Twitter are that way too. I literally cannot use any of them, due to the amount of stupidity I see just by a few seconds of looking at it.

  23. Wow wow, haven't seen you in a long while. :o Thanks for the comment on my status and Happy Birthday to ya. :yay:

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