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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Nim

  1. Nim

    gaming Your favorite Fandoms

    I like the Touhou or Pokemon fandom better than I do the MLP fandom. I love the art, music and pretty much anything that people from the Touhou fandom create. They make amazing music and amazing art.
  2. Nim

    gaming Devil May Cry

    Yeah, I guess. So unless DmC Dante has a way of finding himself into the original story, then I guess for now he's non-canon. Canon in his own universe, but not in DMC.
  3. Nim

    gaming Devil May Cry

    The anime doesn't follow the canon story like the manga does. It just takes place between 1 and 4, as a filler I guess. But I agree, a sense of wonder is always nice. While I don't agree with Capcom's choices, I still respect the company greatly.
  4. Nim

    gaming Devil May Cry

    I wouldn't say stupid, just a little uninformed. I know a lot of about the story and the canon. I always read about that when i play games. For all we know, you could be right. We won't know until the end of the game is released. I think it'd be cool if the simulation theory was real though.
  5. Nim

    gaming Devil May Cry

    In the new game it's said that new Dante and Vergil as sons of a demon and an angel. It's been constantly said in the original games that Eva was a human, not an Angel. This I think makes it obvious enough that they aren't the same people. But I do comprehend that new Dante and new Vergil might find their way into the real world, and I'm sure that one way or another real Dante might just either kick his ass, or end up teaming up with him.
  6. Nim

    gaming Devil May Cry

    Oh, another thing, this is from the wiki page for the new game. "Announced in late 2010 during the Tokyo Game Show,[8] the game is set in an alternate reality in the Devil May Cry series.". Being an alternate reality, it probably won't EVER connect with the original storyline.
  7. Nim

    gaming Devil May Cry

    Here's something interesting: It's been said that the events of DmC might twist into the original and canon storyline. It's speculated that everything in that world is a simulation created by Mundus, and Mundus is using the new Dante in the simulation(new Dante was a demon created by Mundus) to test him, to see if he could beat the real Dante. It's said that in the end, simulation Dante will wreck the simulation and break out. While I find it silly, it could be true and I'm quite well looking forward to seeing what the end of DmC will be like. It'll put all of our theories to rest, whether it's not canon, if it's a prequel, or it's really some big twist.
  8. Nim

    gaming Devil May Cry

    The final boss to 3 is a cake compared to Mundus. Mundus has two forms in the first mission you fight him in, and in the first form you can only launch fireballs at him. No sword, no grenade launcher. His second form is a little easier. Finally, in his third fight he's pretty much pathetic. If you die in the third battle with him, then you must suck badly.
  9. Nim

    gaming Devil May Cry

    Griffon, Phantom, Nelo and Cerberus are nothing compared to Mundus. The hardest fight I've had in DMC so far was the first Mundus fight. Knocked out more than half of the ten gold orbs I brought into the battle with me.
  10. So I've been an extremely inactive member on the site, and have been for at least a year. When I first joined, I never posted and introduction and now that I've decided to become more active I thought why not post one now? To begin with, you can all call me Nim. It's a nickname I'm fond of. Anyway, I'm a pretty nice person I guess. I like to read a lot, play games and just talk. My favourite genre is horror, sci-fi, and thriller. I especially love horror games. I watch a lot of anime as well, and sometimes read manga. My favourite music genre is electronic-rock, punk-rock and ska. If you want to know anything else, just ask me and I'll answer as honestly as I can.
  11. Nim

    gaming Devil May Cry

    Yeah, it was Phantom. I already knew how to beat him but I just couldn't get to him. I beat One on Normal just a few days ago, actually. I do agree with you that the enemies are easier, but the bosses are far more challenging. Phantom, Griffon, Nelo Angelo, and Mundus. In the final boss battle of the game, I came in with at least 10 gold orbs. In only his first form, Mundus wiped out nearly all of them. When I finally got his first form down, I was left with two gold orbs and had to fight his second form. It was a tad easier, but i managed to beat him without dying.
  12. Nim

    gaming Devil May Cry

    I guess so. DMC games normally are particularly hard depending on the difficulty. My friend suggested i start on easy because i rage quit on like, mission 3 of DMC1 because i kept dying. It was only the first boss, too! It was on normal. DMC1 I think could be considered the hardest game in the series, 2 the easiest because of how bad capcom did with 2. I played for about 3 missions and dropped it.
  13. Nim

    gaming Devil May Cry

    They toned down the gameplay and difficulty, for one thing. Not only does it ruin my original perception of the games and the characters, but it makes me mad because the game didn't even need a reboot. The game will probably flop most likely, as a lot of the original fans certainly don't like it. It may be smooth, but it's not what people seem to want or love compared to the way things used to be.
  14. Nim

    gaming Devil May Cry

    The anime has little to do with the actual story, it just takes place between 1 and 4. However the manga is very relevant to DMC3. As for the reboot, it's not canon. It's not even being developed by Capcom, but by a company called Ninja Theory. It's most definitely a reboot, and if you ask me it looks horrid.
  15. Nim

    mega thread What book are you reading?

    As of right now, I'm reading the Cirque Du Freak saga by Darren Shan. I read it once a few years ago and have decided to re-read it, and I would definitely recommend it to anybody with a taste for a good horror book. I'm on the tenth book right now, and there're twelve in all. After I finish, I think I might read the saga of Larten Crepsley, which is a prequel to Cirque du Freak and is by the same author.
  16. In the last mission of Devil May Cry 1, you fight the boss of the game Mundus about three times. His first fight was the hardest, and I rage quite several times. I kept coming into the fight with at least ten or twelve gold orbs, which let you revive so you can restart the battle from the last possible point. He wiped out more than half my gold orbs, and I eventually reached zero and had to start the entire mission over. By the time i finally beat his first form, I had 2 gold orbs left. I was relieved, but then found out about his second form which made me mad. I didn't die once that time, it was a tad easier than before, thankfully.
  17. I take video games far too seriously some times.

  18. Hard to say for me. If I had to say, it'd either be Alan Wake, Silent Hill 2 or Devil May Cry 3. I myself am a fan of survival horror. Games like Silent Hill, resident evil or Alan Wake excite me to no end. Alan Wake is more Psychological horror however, rather than survival but horror is horror. It's with no doubt my favourite genre when it comes to movies or games.
  19. Nim

    gaming Devil May Cry

    The story is actually quite, eh, messed up. While the games were released in the 1, 2, 3 and 4 order, the chronological order for the story goes like this: The DMC3 Manga, 3, 1, then the anime series, 4 and then 2 is currently the last game in the chronological order
  20. Nim

    gaming Devil May Cry

    I'd definitely recommend One. If i had to be honest, it's probably the hardest game in the series but it's worth playing even if you constantly rage quite. 2 is considered the black sheep of the series, so play that if you want to but I haven't tried it yet. As for 4, I haven't played it yet but it looks enjoyable and I can't wait to try it out myself.
  21. Nim

    gaming Devil May Cry

    They are quite hard, but not impossible. I've rage quit several times playing the first DMC, and I was only playing on Normal! I got the HD collection, so I just skipped to Three after several rage quit sessions. From 3, I learned how to play and my newfound skills made it easier for me to get through One, but it was still quite difficult.
  22. Haven't been online here for ages.

    1. Homura Akemi
    2. Nim


      I can't exactly guarantee if I'll be active, so don't be welcoming me back just yet.

  23. Nim

    gaming Devil May Cry

    So I don't think i've posted here since early 2012 or late 2011, so I thought I'd take the time to make some posts and such. Anyway, onto what this thread is about. Are there any Devil May Cry fans here? I've been a fan for a about a month or two now, and i've played the original three games in that time span. I plan to play 4 if I get the chance. Anyway, even though I'm quite new to the DMC fandom I am as angry as any other fan of the original games that Capcom decided to release a reboot with Ninja Theory. I don't think the game needed a reboot, but i want others opinions on it too. Any other fans are free to talk about DmC or the old games, characters, post fan-art and whatever the heck you want. I'm interested to see what you guys have to say, thanks for reading!
  24. bunch of messages and stuff about my status update containing racial slurs. I have no memory of this, considering I hardly ever visit this place

  25. This place bores me. ENTERTAIN ME, MORTALS.

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