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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Flareon

  1. @ Snow decided to take things into his own hooves. Those changelings may have stuck him to the wall but they didn't muzzle him. Using his ability to control ice he snorted and sub zero air came out of his nose freezing the gooey substance. Snow continued until he was encased in ice, letting him wiggle out and slip to the ground. "Ok now it's time to get my flank out of here and find out just where here is exactly."
  2. Work at the crack of dawn tomorrow ugh. This is your resident lava pokemon Quilava signing out for the night everypony.

  3. @, @@Skycoaster, @@RedStorm AppleJack looked at her friends and then lowered her head. "Ya'll ar right. I shouldn'a said those things about Snow...I'm just so mad about Twilight and what's happened I guess I'm taking it out on somepony who doesn't deserve it." AppleJack made her way over to Tempest. "Uh...Tempest wasn't it....don't you think that our scouting party's been gone longer than they should?" AppleJack questioned, it was a good thought since none of them had heard from Minty or Skycoaster
  4. Well technically the party is at Cloudsdale or at least underneath it. Skycoaster and Minty are scouting and the others are just waiting for their return so this would help to advance the story if you can manage that plus it would give everyone a reason to get involved with Cloudsdale. Don't forget that you do also have the Nightmare forces which technically are demons so I guess I shouldn't say no demons so demon away Thunder lol.
  5. @ I'll add you to the Pinkie Pie list Fireblaze took it up since we didn't have anyone to play it right now but since you haven't really been able to post I'll let you take over the role. Also I'm letting you have free reign over how you wanna go about playing Twilight and the horde she controls. As long as we aren't jumping into aliens and demons and undead then I'm perfectly fine with what ever you decide to do.
  6. @, @ Snow slowly opened his eyes his vision returning to normal. Ugh where am I? Snow couldn't move his legs or wings,it was like they were stuck in place. Snow looked around and soon realiszed that he was in a cave of some sorts along with green slime and cocoons filled with ponies in them. "Hey where am I! Anypony....HEY SOMEPONY TELL ME WHERE I AM!!!!" Snow shouted, he then saw a changeling walking around in the distance and it sank in that he'd been captured. AppleJack huffed and continued walking through the forest underneath Cloudsdale. She stopped to take a break when she noticed grey feathers on the ground surrounded by tree branches. AJ grit her teeth and picked up a few feathers figuring that Snow took off and left them. AJ made it back to Rarity and what was left of the group. "You wanted proof Rarity then here it is. I found these on the ground with a ton of tree branches and the trees were damaged from somepony flying through them." AppleJack let the feathers fall to the ground. "He done left us Rarity...now how are we supposed ta find Twi?" (OOC: Please note that no pony knows what really happened to Snow so they don't know that he's been captured.)
  7. @, @ AppleJack just huffed at Rarity's comment and started off in a different direction than the rest of the group. AppleJack couldn't stand Snow's attitude and gritty nature he didn't seem to have any feelings for what anypony cared about. Snow flew on farther than he knew he should've but with AJ acting the way that she was he didn't want to be around her at all. "Stupid AppleJack, she doesn't get that I'm doing the best that I can given the circumstances. But I should thank Rarity, she's been backing me up even though I was cold to her earlier." Snow stopped, looking around he took a moment to relax. It was then that he felt himself get hit with a blast of magic knocking him to the ground hard. Snow didn't know what happened, all he knew was the wind had been knocked out of him and his vision was blurry. He reached for the small orb that was in his saddlebag that Luna had given him, but he felt a hoof step on his leg. Looking up he saw a black figure with holes in it's legs before blacking out.
  8. @ @@Skycoaster @, @ AppleJack glared at Rarity, "Ya'll don't get it do you?" AppleJack looked around to her friends and Skycoaster. "None of us know Snow, plus he's taking us right to Twilight which could also be a trap and Snow's just one of her changeling minions. And you're to blind to see it because you're too busy flirting with him Rarity." Snow had been flying overhead when he heard AJ's reply to Rarity. Scowling Snow flew over to his team and next to Tempest "Hey Tempest I'm going to need somepony to be out second in command, are you up for it?" Snow was weary of anypony around him but right now his main concern was keeping an eye on AppleJack. She wasn't known for causing trouble like this but in this situation everypony was on edge.
  9. @ @@Fireblaze, @@Frosty V, @, @ Snow floated just off the ground as he started towards the underside of Cloudsdale followed along with the rest of the remaining mane 6. "So we're supposed to just go to Cloudsdale without even knowing what's up there and get something that's supposed to help us. Your plan has more holes in it than ma hat does." Snow looked back and glared at her before flying further on ahead of the group. "Rarity I'm gonna scout on ahead make sure everything's safe. Stay with the group and keep her mouth shut for me." AJ just huffed, she didn't want anything to do with this pegasus with an attitude. AJ slowed down keeping up with the others, "Hey you guys are you sure we can trust this Snow character?" (OOC:Fireblaze I'll allow you to play Pinkie Pie since we need her slot filled. Congratulations.)
  10. @, @@Skycoaster Snow watched as Minty flew up towards Cloudsdale she was going to need someone to cover her so that nothing happened. Snow looked around and noticed Skycoaster. "Skycoaster I want you to you to go with Minty and provide support. We don't know what we'll find up in Cloudsdale right now. For all we know Cloudsdale has already fallen to Twilight." Snow looked back at Rarity, before calling back to both groups that they were departing. Snow told everypony to stay in pairs so that somepony is watching out for the other. "I guess I can be your team mate. As we go we'll split slightly once we get to Cloudsdale, Celestia has provided me with a scroll that will allow unicorns and earth ponies to walk on clouds." Snow was quite chalous to Rarity's question, but that's who he was and he couldn't change that.
  11. Need somepony to play Pinkie Pie for my Twilight Nightmare RP OC slot is also open for those interested. *sigh*

    1. ~Sole~


      I would do it... but I've been really busy recently. Sorry...

  12. @ Snow heard Rarity call for him and excused himself from the group for a moment. "Um.....what can I do for you Rarity? If it's about Twilight we'll be leaving here shortly to start towards Cloudsdale." Snow was being very cautious with Rarity. The way she batted her eyelashes at him made him worry. Granted she was quite the beautiful pony but this was a mission after all he needed to stay focused. He knew that whe was very flirtatious when she wanted to be and quite the drama queen.
  13. @@Frosty V @Everyone else (sorry for not posting in a while been busy but back now and free time so that means posting time. I'm re-opening the slot for Pinkie Pie so that we can get a person to play her.) Snow looked around and was genuinely concerned about his team that was formed. It was a mix of ponies that were pulled into the war by sheer chance along with himself. But he knew that he had to be tough and show that they had some kind of chance to win. "Ok everypony get ready and check you're saddlebags cause we're going to be leaving here soon. We're still missing one from our group so we need to figure something out before we go." AppleJack trotted around in circles, she didn't know what to do. Nopony had seen Pinkie Pie yet and a gathering like this was certain to draw her in to making new friends. "Hey have any of ya'll seen Pinkie Pie I'm getting kinda worried about her. She should'a been here by now."
  14. @, @@Frosty V, @@Skycoaster, @@Fireblaze, @, @@RedStorm Snow pulled out a map of Equestria and laid it out for his group to see, waiting until Skycoaster returned before starting. "Well the unfortunate news is that since the princesses deployed most of their guard to the front lines along with ponies that have volunteered help is limited. Snow pointed to different cities on the map as a black shadow moved on the map. "The other bad thing is that the Nightmare forces are unlike anything anyponies faced. Luckily we're managing to hold the font lines in key areas right now but that could change any moment. The princesses want us to head to Cloudsdale first, there's been no contact from them in days, and Luna says that it's vital in order for us to reach the moon and Twilight since neither of them has the magic to help. Once we secure Cloudsdale we'll need to make our way through Equestria to Los Pegasus on hoof since the trains are out." Frost knew the odds were severely stacked against them, Twilight had deployed her army to the east but something had been gnawing at Snow. Why deploy so few of your army to one side of Equestria and not cover the whole map. AJ looked over at Rainbow and sighed, "I know how ya'll feel Dash. I'm in the same boat with Applebloom, she might not be able to walk on that leg of hers so what's that mean for her life on the farm? Besides you did leave Scootaloo with Ceerilee so she'd be safe didn't you?" AJ heard Rarity's statement and was a little relieved that somepony could possibly do this without hurting Twilight. "I'm more worried about Spike ya'll. Poor little guy was on Twi's back when it happened, I heard from Shining that he's still in a coma and they're still unsure if he'll pull out of it." AJ stomped her hoof into the ground, just thinking about it made her boil to no end.
  15. @@RedStorm, @, @@Fireblaze, @ Snow watched as each pony gather to his growing group, Snow took into the air hovering off the ground. "Ok everypony the reason Celestia and Luna called us here is that we were chosen to aid the Harmony users in getting to Twilight. Many other ponies are signing up to be on the front lines to fight back against Nightmare Twilight so we're the best that can be round up." Snow knew that the princesses were pulling all of the able bodied ponies they could into fighting against Twilight. "The princesses believe that the other elements are the keep to breaking her from this darkness...but as you can tell..." Snow pointed over to the former friends of Twilight Sparkle, their anger towards her was still present. "All we can do is help them get to the moon. I know some of you aren't fighters but I know that you'll be able to hold your own if it came down to it. We also need to see how we can work to getting these friends back together with Twilight."
  16. (Sorry for not posting again last night everypony crashed and was only checking through my phone but now it's time to play catch up and I'll post while I'm at work from my phone if I can.) @, @@Frosty V, @@Skycoaster, @@RedStorm, @@Fireblaze "Rarity stop being such a drama queen right now. I don't know how we're supposed to stop Twilight, or how the Elements of Harmony are supposed to help." AJ pulled out her element from her saddlebag, staring at it she gave a deep sigh putting it back into the bag when she heard Rainbow chime in. "You're right Rainbow Dash, but the thing is that Twilight's not in her right mind anymore all she wants is to destroy all of us and make this the Nightmare home." Snow saw more and more ponies flocking in to join the group. He gave a deep sigh, it had been the Princesses choice to make him lead pony on this mission. He wanted to object since he wasn't a social pony but he couldn't say no to the rulers of equestria. "Hello Skycoaster, and you must be Frost and Redstorm. Welcome I guess......I'll explain everything once our last squad members get here. You there....you must be Fireblaze.....well come join in the group." Snow wasn't particuarlly fond of this situation but with the way it was going he could understand why all these ponies were being picked now.
  17. @, @ AJ looked back at Fluttershy with a glare, "No Fluttershy! Twilight knew that she wasn't well to perform that spell but she just had to show it to all of us. Now my sister's gotta broken leg and cuts all over her from the blast." AJ yelled. She had never been so mad with one pony, but she did still care for Twilight and she deserved at least an attempt. "I'm sorry Fluttershy my emotions are just all mixed up right now. I got one of me tellin me to help Twilight and the other to just go home and forget about her." Snow was listening in on the conversation between the two ponies when he heard somepony call to him. Snow turned to see a grey unicorn standing in front of him. "Oh.....hi.....I'm Snow. It's.....uh...nice to meet you Shadow." Snow wasn't sure what this new pony wanted from him maybe she was another member for the team to aid the harmony users. Snow only hoped that she was he knew the letters were being delivered to all the other ponies that were fit to help that weren't on the front lines fighting the nightmare forces.
  18. OOC Link 3 Months Ago Twilight had been visiting her teacher Celestia herself. Taking time off from royal duties Celestia, along with her younger sister Luna. Although Luna was being quite grumpy about being up in the morning but it seemed like something else had been bothering her. Celestia and Twilight were too preoccupied with enjoying the day to notice. The day went by quickly with the three of them ending up back at the castle, it was there that the real problem was. Luna had been hiding something all day and while the three of them were enjoying some tea a dark figure made its way into the throne room. The shadow moved closer and closer until it was within jumping distance. It was then that Luna felt the presence, something familiar, something evil. Neither of the Princesses could react in time, luckily Twilight pushed Luna out of the way absorbing the nightmare essence. Twilight could feel the darkness seeping into her being, trying to control her, but she managed to keep it suppressed inside her. “I can control it.” She said reassuring the princesses that everything was fine and that it was under control. Twilight was able to hold the Nightmare energy in until night when it would invade her dreams. Trying to convince her that her friends were all against her, and that her powers were growing out of control. The restless night started taking their toll on Twilight. Twilight held strong knowing her friends would never hate her that was until three weeks after she absorbed the Nightmare energy. During one of her spells the worst thing happened, the spell backfired. The spell knocked the wind out of some of her friends but some weren’t so lucky. Spike and the CMC had been the closest to the blast injuring them pretty badly. AJ, Rarity, and RD were furious at Twilight having already expressed their concern for Twilight even performing the spell. They said that they couldn’t trust her and that she was dangerous along with her magic. The resulting incident shattered Twilight’s heart allowing the Nightmare energy in and completely corrupting her. Twilight vanished soon after her transformation and stayed on the moon only a few days before starting her march on Equestria. Cadence and Shining fought back but were no match for her, having to retreat to Canterlot. Both Luna and Celestia were injured while attempting to fight Twilight. Now they’ve enlisted the rest of her friends even though they still hold some resentment for her as well as a group of ponies to aid them in the fight to get to Twilight. Snow was heading out of the castle after being summoned by the princesses to help keep the harmony users safe on their mission to save Twilight. Snow walked into the garden waiting for the rest of the group to show up when he saw AJ walking in talking to herself. "I don't know why I gotta help save Twilight I should be at home takin care of ma sister. Her magic is dangerous and this situation proves it." Snow glared at AJ confused as to why she was acting so mean.
  19. I'll make the additions to the list when I get home by now we have a full set and can start the rp up now. *Fluttershy yay*
  20. I'll add you to the list in the morning it's good to have another person join in but now we're going to need those last two Mane 6 slots filled.Since I just realized that everyone else is taking a second character cause I asked I guess I should too so I'll be taking the role of AJ as well. Updates have been made.
  21. I don't mind adding him but my main concern is the spelling in the character page. If you can tell me that's not how typing will be coming out I'll be more than OK with it but I am looking for good grammer not perfect but just enough so that the others know what's going on. Let me know ASAP.
  22. *Sigh* Girlfriend had to head back home out of state today. Oh well I'll get to see her again soon hopefully. For now hoping my new RP will be getting the players it needs and we can finally start and get back to work on my Fim Fiction.

    1. Acnologia


      I got your back.

    2. Acnologia


      I got your back.

    3. Acnologia


      I got your back.

  23. Yeah now we just need to find two players to play Rainbow and Pinkie and maybe a few more OC's and we'll be ready to start.
  24. Looks like a good character to me I'll add him and I'll add you to the mane 6 list. Hope you enjoy the RP when it starts.
  25. Sweet spots are filling up and you're more than welcome to pick up another character or even add an OC if you've got one. I'll add you to the list.
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