@, @@Frosty V, @@Skycoaster, @@Fireblaze, @, @@RedStorm
Snow pulled out a map of Equestria and laid it out for his group to see, waiting until Skycoaster returned before starting. "Well the unfortunate news is that since the princesses deployed most of their guard to the front lines along with ponies that have volunteered help is limited. Snow pointed to different cities on the map as a black shadow moved on the map. "The other bad thing is that the Nightmare forces are unlike anything anyponies faced. Luckily we're managing to hold the font lines in key areas right now but that could change any moment. The princesses want us to head to Cloudsdale first, there's been no contact from them in days, and Luna says that it's vital in order for us to reach the moon and Twilight since neither of them has the magic to help. Once we secure Cloudsdale we'll need to make our way through Equestria to Los Pegasus on hoof since the trains are out." Frost knew the odds were severely stacked against them, Twilight had deployed her army to the east but something had been gnawing at Snow. Why deploy so few of your army to one side of Equestria and not cover the whole map.
AJ looked over at Rainbow and sighed, "I know how ya'll feel Dash. I'm in the same boat with Applebloom, she might not be able to walk on that leg of hers so what's that mean for her life on the farm? Besides you did leave Scootaloo with Ceerilee so she'd be safe didn't you?" AJ heard Rarity's statement and was a little relieved that somepony could possibly do this without hurting Twilight. "I'm more worried about Spike ya'll. Poor little guy was on Twi's back when it happened, I heard from Shining that he's still in a coma and they're still unsure if he'll pull out of it." AJ stomped her hoof into the ground, just thinking about it made her boil to no end.