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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Flareon

  1. Corona trotted outside after putting her name on the sign up sheet, laying her saddlebag next to a tree in the Wingball court. Lightening Dust looked around at the motley crew before her and laughed. "You maggots think you're fit to be part of the Feather Falcons? Ha I doubt that so let's get into the air and show me what kind of skills you've got maggots!" Corona took to the sky with the rest of the group, watching as Lightening called one pony after another to show off their moves that they had. When Corona was called next she instantly took off dodging clouds and doing somersaults and other various moves. Corona then went into a steep dive causing the rest of the group as well as Lightening to gasp, Corona pulled up just inches from the ground looping and then spiraling back up into the sky. Looking back she slack jawed, Corona flew back into place giggling.
  2. Corona headed inside after throwing her saddlebag onto her back. She proceeded to look for the Feather Falcons sign up booth, which was a little hard considering the fact that the school gym was already pretty crowded. Corona could see some of her other friends making it into the auditorium to start there sign up, and she even managed to see Sterling in the mix and gave him a wave. Corona walked up to the booth and looked at the instructor and her jaw dropped, it was none other than Lightening Dust. Corona had heard that Lightening Dust was kicked out of the training academy but when she came back she passed the test she became one of the Wonderbolts. Corona squeed with excitement, her own instructor was going to be Lightening Dust, that was of course if Corona could impress the Wonderbolt.
  3. Ok sssooooooo I've been mulling the idea around in my head here the last few days and well I'm wanting to start a power rangers mlp roleplay. My only problem is that I'm having trouble deciding on which one to choose from. I've come down to Lightspeed Rescue, Zeo, and of course the classic, all of them going based off of videos that I've seen on youtube :3 I want to know what those that would be interested in joining up when I get this started. The basic premise is that now that the elements of harmony have been destroyed a new power is needed whether that power comes from the ponies themselves in the lightspeed version or from Zordon who happens upon their world/dimension and provides them with the power. If anypony has any suggestions or ideas please feel free to throw them out since this is all still in the planning stages.
  4. @@Sterling Crimson Corona continued doing her maneuvers in the air, completely oblivious to the fact that Diamond Glitter was messing with her favorite hat in her saddle bag. Corona did her favorite move next the one she liked to call the Lunar Crescendo before coming back down to earth. "I wonder if Sterling's going to be here soon the school sign ups will be starting in a half hour." Corona questioned to herself. In all honesty she really also wanted to see him here for her audition into the Feather Falcons sport group.
  5. @@Sterling Crimson Corona woke up early and got her things together and headed out for school. Today unlike the rest of the school year was set to be a late school day since it was supposed about the students finding there after school activities. Corona landed at the school and placed her saddlebag down by a tree. Corona took to the sky and started doing some areal moves that she'd learned by watching the wonderbolts in action. "I'm going to get into that flight group today durring the tryouts and get on that team."
  6. @@Sterling Crimson Corona smiled and watched as Sterling headed back down the path and to the main road, all the while she waved to him with her wing. Feather Note trotted over to Corona and raised his eyebrow, "Just who was that Corona?" Feather stared at his daughter, watching Corona give him the biggest and cheesiest smile she could give him. Feather stomped his hoof and stared at Corona eliciting a huff from her as she pushed open the front door. "Ugh dad, he's just a friend I made at school today, and besides we have Luna coming over so I need to help mom with the dinner since she'll be here any moment." Corona headed inside, the night passed quickly for her as she informed the princess of her new friend and crush she'd just gotten. Corona was writing her whole day down in her diary and after finishing the last sentence she tossed it back under her mattress and fell blissfully asleep dreaming of the new day and getting to see Sterling again.
  7. @@Sterling Crimson Corona's eyes lit up when Sterling started telling her about all of the things that were in Manehatten. She'd always wanted to visit some of the more popular places in Equestria. The thought of going over to Sterling's house made her nervous, "I....I'd like that Sterling maybe one day I'll come by and you can show me. Maybe one day I can show you some cool stuff that I have." Corona was saddened when they made it to her home. It was a fair sized house just the right size for a family of 3-4, standing outside was Corona's father. He was a solid blue pegasus with two different light shades of blue in his mane and tail, he stared at both of them with his golden eyes but mostly to the young stallion walking his daughter back to his doorstep. Corona's father, Feather Note raised an eyebrow when they reached the walkway to the house.
  8. @@Sterling Crimson Corona chuckled lightly at Sterling's question, it made her feel special for some reason. "It's really something else, the feel of soft fluffy clouds on your hooves each day is wonderful. The only problem is that you don't get any of the beauty of nature at it's prime like earth ponies and unicorns get to see. You're always in the air hundreds of feet from any kind of real land, so it's kindaa hard to enjoy for a lifetime." Corona looked back at Sterling and giggled. "What about you Sterling? What was it like where you used to live?"
  9. @@Sterling Crimson Corona giggled hearing Sterling talk about the signatures he would get from famous sports players. His question surprised her and made blush a deep red. "I....I'd really like that Sterling...thank you that's very sweet of you to do so." Corona quickly finished off the rest of her ice cream and started back towards her new home. Corona looked to her left and gave a warm smile to Sterling, just looking at him made her heart beat faster. She was glad to be spending this time with him, and if he was lucky he'd even get to meet Princess Luna tonight.
  10. @@Sterling Crimson Corona blushed a little bit when she heard Sterling ask his question. "I used to stay up past my bed time when I was little and just stare up at the stars. I used to wish that I could fly with them and always wondered why nopony stayed up late enough to see them on such a clear night." Corona giggled, looking up at the clouds that floated carelessly through the sky. "One night I flew up as high as my wings could take me...which sadly wasn't as high as I'd liked it. I tried again and again, my parents started to worry and I was laughed at by my students. But I managed to catch the eye of the Princess and she made a special appearence at our home one night. She asked me why I was always flying high into the sky everynight. I looked at her and said 'It's because you make the night so beautiful and nopony is awake to see it. But I do and I love the night that you make for us Princess, it's one of the most beautiful things in all of equestria' is what I said." Corona looked back down at Sterling with a lovely smile. "She gave me something that I hold deeply to this day and whenever I can I send her letters and she comes to visit from time to time."
  11. @@Sterling Crimson "Well I promised my mom that I wouldn't let anypony in on this but I trust you Sterling." Corona leaned in close so she could whisper into Sterling's ear. "Our guest is none other than Princess Luna." Corona squeed at the thought of seeing the princess. Although Celestia was one of the adored princesses, not many took to Luna. Corona on the other hoof had met Luna by luck and has since always been a loyal and faithful subject but she was more than that. Corona was one of few that Luna considered a true friend.
  12. @@Sterling Crimson Corona blushed a deep red when Sterling said that she was pretty, not many ponys ever said that about her. "Th...thank you Sterling that's very sweet of you to say so." Corona suddenly felt Sterling wipe the ice cream off of her nose and it practically made her melt like the cone in her hoof. Corona couldn't believe that this was happening, that she was falling for a kind and handsome stallion so quickly. It was then that she realized what time it was, and quickly finished off her ice cream cone. "I'm sorry Sterling but I need to go. We've got a guest coming over tonight and I'm going to be helping mom fix dinner." Corona put her hoof on Sterling's and gave a gentle smile. "I really enjoyed our time out together. I'd really like to go out again soon....um....that is if you're interested?" Corona blushed lightly.
  13. @@Sterling Crimson Corona got a vanilla ice cream cone using her wing to hold it before they took a seat at one of the tables. Holding the cone in her hoof Corona to a bite out if the ice cream giggling as she felt the cold treat slide down her throat. "I'm really glad you agreed to spend this time with me Sterling this is the most fun that I've had in a while." Corona gave Sterling the most sincere smile ever, every word came from her heart. Corona took another bite and looked back at Sterling unaware that she had some ice cream on her nose.
  14. @@Sterling Crimson Corona's eyes widened when she heard Sterling talking about being a pianist, scratching the back of her head with her wing. "Heh well that kinda beats me. I'm hoping to become one of the wonderbolts...I'm a big fan of theirs and with Rainbow Dash in their group now, I really wanna be a part of it." It was then that they came upon the ice cream shop and headed into the small line. "What's your favorite flavor ice cream Sterling? I'm a classic lover so I really love vanilla." Corona squeed a bit at the thought of a vanilla ice cream cone.
  15. @@Sterling Crimson Corona felt like there was more to the story but decided that it would be best not to question. Instead she just enjoyed the walk that they were having together, the hustle and bustle of the ponies doing their own things was staggering. Corona couldn't keep track of everything that was going on around her. Corona continued to walk with Sterling talking about their new school and a few light subjects, "Oh what are you going to be looking into for you're after school stuff? I'm thinking of going into the flight program and maybe one day I'll win our school a big trophy." Corona blushed in embarrassment at what she'd just caught herself saying, hiding herself behind a wing again.
  16. @@Sterling Crimson "My dad covers a lot of the major events around town. He was part of a small newspaper group back in Cloudsdale but the company went under. He was picked up by a new company for here." Corona gave a look of uneasiness when she heard Sterling mention that his father did sports. "Well I'll just warn you my dad grew up in Bitsburg so he's a big Pirates fan. I just hope our dads never talk about sports or I think we'd have to break up an argument." Corona chuckled. She was so engrosed by the conversation that she was having with Sterling. She had never had this much fun with somepony from school, sure she did have friends back in Cloudsdale but they never hung out with her that much. Sterling on the other hoof made her feel like they could hang out all the time.
  17. @@Sterling Crimson "Oh well we came here from Cloudsdale. My dad is a journalist and it has him moving from time to time, but this time he says that this was a permanent move so we don't plan on leaving. It's a good thing too cause I was always getting picked on for my grey coat at my old school...and I thought it would be different here." Corona lowered her head a bit at the thought of the bullies she'd encountered in just her first day of class. Corona and Sterling made it to the entrance of the park and she giggled when she saw a group of fillies and colts playing together. "Why did you move here Sterling? I've never met another stallion as kind as you."
  18. @@Snowy Storm, @, @@Snowdream, @, @@Ampharos (OOC: Sorry to all of you for making you wait so long for me to get back as I've told Sterling I've recently been moving into a new apartment and getting settled in with my girlfriend. This RP is by no means dead yet.) @@Sterling Crimson Corona smiled as she stood up and started walking with Sterling down the path that was in the park. "Yeah we just moved here a few days ago too. I remembered seeing the Ice Cream shop while I was in town with mom getting some groceries." Corona was happy to be spending time with Sterling her heart beat faster when she was around him. She couldn't deny it any longer, Corona was falling in love with Sterling. Corona only wondered if Sterling felt the same about her.
  19. Hmmmm I really like the Copper Metal one that might be able to play a big factor in the story for both Cheerilee and Copper. Thank you both for your input for my character, now I just need to get the plot line down into a set line and start work on it.
  20. Hey everypony I'm currently working on an idea to start a new fanfiction. This story will be a love story between Miss Cheerilee and my new OC. Since I don't know how old Cheerilee I will flush out major details when I figure that out. Anyway I also haven't gotten a lot flushed out for my new OC but he has two lives that he lives. He's a singer in a rock band but goes by the name Star Feather when he's on stage. He's a kind and sweet pony who doesn't like confrontation. I'm trying to explain all of this without divulging too much, but his makeup designer puts on a special dye that changes his coat color for when he goes on stage. Nopony knows who he is outside of concert since the dye can be washed off with a special type of soap. Anyway the version with the jacket is him as Star Feather and I'm not sure what to make his actual name, any help would be appreciated.
  21. Flareon

    Ask Luna

    Hello I'm new to this world and unsure how I came here. Not many of you ponies seem to have heard of my kind called pokemon. Anyway my name is Umbreon a denizen of the night, and I have two questions for you my lady. First would you be willing to let me stay here in your world. Secondly, do you think that we can be friends?
  22. @@Sterling Crimson Corona mover her wing away from her face. "Th...thank you Sterling. I didn't say it before but you're quite the handsome stallion." Corona smiled, fighting off a lump in her throat. She was happy just sitting under the tree with Sterling but she knew that they had to do something together. It was then that Corona got a good idea, "Sterling how bout we walk through the park? I know of a small ice cream shop just outside the park we can go to once we walk through the park?" Corona smiled standing up, she extended a hoof to Sterling.
  23. @@Sterling Crimson Corona turned her head quickly cracking her neck and gritting her teeth in the process. Ow...ow....ow Corona felt the pain vanish quickly and her heart start beating faster when she saw Sterling. "H...hi Sterling....I'm glad you were able to make it, and so quickly too. I only just got here myself." Corona smiled, but started to panic when she processed her sentence. "I mean....um....not that you're not fast or.....um.....ooohhh." Corona blushed deeply and hid her face behind her wings.
  24. @ Yeah I'm fine with it anything to move the plot along is always welcome in the thread just give me and everypony else a heads up and I'm more than ok with it. "GO TEAM MOM PARTY!"
  25. @@Sterling Crimson Corona got home and quickly started getting fixed up. She found a redish orange sun dress that she wore for fun and quickly got washed up. Corona put her mane up into a tail and tied her favorite red ribbon to the end of her tail. Saying bye to her parents she quickly flew out the door leaving her parents quite confused as to what had just happened and where she was going. Corona made it to the park fairly quickly taking a seat under a tree. I hope Sterling gets here soon. I can't wait to spend some time with him. Corona was smiling ear to ear, she then realized something. I.....I.....I couldn't be falling in love with him already could I....I mean we only met today and already I'm so excited to hang out with him.
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