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Everything posted by Flareon

  1. @@Sterling Crimson Corona was sitting outside in the grass along the wall for the stairs crying. A black raincloud floated above her dumping rain all over her, it was nothing more than a rogue cloud that decided to misbehave. It was then that she heard the doors open and saw Sterling standing in front of her. "Go away Sterling...you don't want to be seen with a mare that has no color. *sniff* This was what I was worried about, just leave me alone." Corona covered her self up with her wings, no rainbow was on her face thanks to the cloud but she still didn't want anypony to look at her.
  2. @@Sterling Crimson (Lol thank you thinking of changing again though...I like Raichu but not my fave.) Corona looked back at Sterling, she had the look of the anime characters that got really dizzy like she had spirals for eyes. She'd obviously gotten lost int the technicality of what Sterling had been saying. Corona snapped back to reality and could see that he was a little worried, letting out a little giggle. Corona placed her wing on his shoulder, "Don't worry Sterling you look cute all paranoid and such, I like it." Corona smiled unaware that one of the students had messed with her potion, Corona turned her attention to her potion just in time for it to explode in her face. When the smoke cleared Corona had multiple colors all over her face and mane, the whole class started laughing at her. "Heh heh yeah bout time you got some color on that ugly coat of yours!" The pony that messed with the beaker yelled, Corona started crying and ran out of the classroom.
  3. @, @ AppleJack followed Rarity inside the weather factory, staring down at the floor as she trotted along. "Ah'm sorry Rarity I should be more trusting of Snow....I'll apologize to him but first we need to find him. You don't think he's been captured do you?" Aj had to admit even she was starting to worry about Snow he'd been gone way to long. Snow looked around at the changelings that had surrounded him. It wasn't the best situation and it was going to be very hard to get out unscathed. Snow took a deep breath and as he exhaled he started to breath out frost mixing with the air in the cave it started to make it harder to see but it had the same effect on him. Well this should give me a little edge but it hinders my sight as well.
  4. @@Sterling Crimson Corona watched as the teacher walked in "Hello class I'm your science teacher Professor Beaker and today we'll be having quite the fun first day." Professor Beaker used his magic levitating some beakers and test tubes to each pair. "Today we're going to mixing a few potions, and I hope you're comfortable with who you're sitting next to because they're going to be your lab partner until the end of the year." Corona looked over at Sterling and blushed slightly. I...I can't be starting to have feelings for Sterling I only just met him. But it's the only thing that makes sense especially why I'm blushing so much. Corona smiled as she started working on their lab to make a simple color changing potion.
  5. @@Sterling Crimson Corona's heart skipped a beat when she got the answer that she was hoping for. Corona couldn't believe that she had already made two friends and she was hoping to make more. "Well I'm happy that I could be your first mare friend Sterling. I haven't had many stallion or colt friends growing up. With you it feels different and I don't know why." Corona blushed lightly and turned her head to hide her embarrassment.
  6. @, @ AppleJack looked around the sounds of roaring could be heard in the distance. "Ah don't know Rarity but if you trust Snow this much ah'd wager that whatever made those sounds will have the answers." (OOC: Since Missingno is out of the RP I'm going to take Chrysalis completely out as a character and just have Nightmare Twilight in charge of all of the changelings.) Snow took to the air trying to stay out of the sight of any changelings that were inside the cave. It was covered in green slime stuff and poor ponies that had been captured and used as food. Not many of the ponies survived the first hive feeding, Snow could smell the scent of death down one of the corridors. Keeping to the shadows as best he could until he knocked over a hanging cocoon, eliciting a loud crash when it hit the cave floor.
  7. @@Sterling Crimson Corona followed Sterling and into the science room the tables were rather large and made for groups of two. Corona stopped in the center between all of the desks, shuffling her hooves a little and blushing when she looked at Sterling. "Um....would you like to.....um sit next to me Sterling? Perhaps we'll be able to be lab partners." Corona felt a tingling sensation inside her, for some reason she was getting all flustered around Sterling. Corona had to admit it, Sterling was pretty cute and she knew right then that she was really starting to like him.
  8. Hmmmm throw the link up so that we can see it and I don't really care. It'll be a chance for you to get some use out of that character so I don't really mind and the fact that you're letting him be used by everyone is very generous.
  9. @@Sterling Crimson Corona smiled when Sterling came over and introduced himself, she even giggled at his comment. Corona picked up her things and headed back to her locker with Sterling and grabbed her textbooks for their next class...science. "What do you like to do in your free time Sterling? I'm a really good cook thanks to my mom, I even make dinner at our house some nights." Corona chuckled at that, the prospect of food made her mouth water. She felt comfortable and safe around Sterling for some reason and she couldn't quite understand why that was but that didn't mean she wasn't going to find out.
  10. @ Corona looked over at Shirley and smiled, she didn't know why but this pony had the ability to make her feel better with ease. "Thanks Shirley." Corona whispered, before looking at the stallion two seats in front of her that she'd knocked his books over. Corona scribbled some stuff onto a piece of paper and looked it over really quickly reading it. Hey I'm sorry for knocking over your stuff earlier. I'm Corona by the way. I hope we can be friends. Corona folded up the paper and used her wing to hand the note towards Shirley, on the note it said "To the Maroon stallion from the Grey Mare." on it. "Hey Shirley can you give this to that maroon stallion?" Corona whispered. @@Sterling Crimson (OOC:read Thinkin' Inks post)
  11. Corona just sat at her desk and kept her face hidden behind her text book. She'd made a complete fool of herself, all be it that she wasn't the only one but it was still a cruel reminder from her other school. Corona tried to listen to Mr. Calc's words but she kept getting drawn back and soon they just became a slur of dribble to her. Why does school always have to be like this. There's always somepony picking on me. Corona thought to herself as she held in a sniffle, a few tears sliding down her cheek.
  12. @ AppleJack looked around and suddenly realized that Snow had been gone way to long. "Ah don't know Rarity, but something's not right about it. Things are just going bad quickly." AppleJack waited for somepony to pick her up and carry her to Cloudsdale to hopefully find Snow and the others. (Sorry for not posting in so long guys I'm really kinda waiting on missingno but since he's not posting I'm going to remove him when I get home tomorrow and control possibly leave it up to
  13. @, @@Sterling Crimson Corona smiled at Shirley's statement wondering if she meant that she made alcoholic drinks or something else. Her and her brother mix drinks??? She couldn't do that it's not legal...no don't be silly Corona she probably makes soda's or something. Corona giggled at herself for letting her imagination get the better of her. Corona excused herself and backed up a bit when she bumped into another students desk. Corona spun around seeing a maroon stallion right in her face, the bump knocking a few things off the desk. Corona's face turned crimson, not moving an inch and embarrassed when she hear a small group of mares snickering. "I....I'm...s...sorry I didn't mean to...oh......" Corona quickly picked up the fallen items and placed them on the stallions desk, before quickly moving back to her desk two seats behind him. Corona burried her face behind a book, it was then that Corona saw a small note on her desk. Reading it made her start to tear up a little and she just stuck her face in the book more letting the note fall to the floor. (OOC: I know it's very early but thought I'd introduce the bullies now instead of waiting till way later when I'm to lazy to do so lol ) (OOOC: Sterling please wait till until everyone's posted that way no ones falling behind. I would wait until late tomorrow before we start the class if at all possible otherwise I'll let you know when to start it ok.)
  14. @ Corona giggled at how Shirley introduced herself. "Well it's really nice to meet you Shirley, if I seem a little weird it's only cause my last school experience wasn't the best." Corona hid a little at the last bit of her statement. But her outlook on the new school year was getting better now that she'd at least made a start of a conversation with another pony. "What do you like to do in your free time Shirley? I like to hang in the clouds every now and then but star gazing is my big thing to do."
  15. @ Corona looked around and decided that it would be best to at least try to make some friends on the first day. It'd be better to have friends then to not have any at all. Off to her right was the pink earth pony from the hallway, Well Corona better start with somepony so why not her. Corona walked up to the pink mare and shifted her wings nervously before opening her mouth to speak. "Um...hi I'm Corona it's nice to meet you..." Corona smiled extending a hoof in friendship.
  16. @@repsol rave Corona looked down the line of lockers and could see a pink earth pony next to her, and going down the line was a dark red stallion, and a brown stallion. "Um...hi...." Corona smiled sheepishly, packing her things into her locker. She didn't know what to say to any pony on the first day she just wanted to make it through and get home without being teased. Corona pulled out her notebooks and pencils and pens sticking them in her saddlebag. Corona pulled out her class schedule and saw that math was her first class, closing her locker door she trotted off towards the class. Corona trotted into the class and took a seat in the center of the room.
  17. OOC Link:http://mlpforums.com/topic/70106-hoofstomp-high-romancesol-reboot-yep-its-happening/?p=1749245 Corona stood outside her new school Hoofstomp High, located on the outskirts of Baltimare. The school was big but not as big as the mane school located in the center of the city. Corona had moved here just a week before school was set to start. Unfortunately she'd left all of her old friends, what few she had back in Cloudsdale. Corona looked at the red bricks that made the walls, for a small outer section of Baltimare the town was very big so it was logical to give it a good school. Swallowing a rather large lump inside her throat Corona checked her saddlebag and headed inside towards her locker and to start the first day of school. She knew that this was going to be a new learning experience for her, since she'd never been around other ponies except for pegasi. Corona walked through the halls seeing some girls in a small group staring at her and giggling. Oh, I hope this doesn't turn out like it was when I was little. But maybe they aren't mean at all, I can't go assuming the worst in ponies. Corona thought as she reached her locker.
  18. Posting to say that all slots are filled the previous player messaged me last night so now we have a full set to play. I'll get around to posting the thread up later today when I get home from work so be on the look out for it.
  19. I'm not saying that you aren't accepted there was one person that played in this RP before and she still wanted to play. If you can hold out until tomorrow then I can give you a answer then. I just don't want to say no to either of you or be a jerk to the other person that still wants to play in the RP.
  20. Currently here it's 9:47 according to my laptops clock so me and you are in the same time zone Furnoone.
  21. Lol I know exactly how many you've been in Luna I've RP'd with you before and I'm just waiting to see if Snowdream messages back re-applying to play if not then I'm gonna open the last mare slot again.
  22. Thinking of a new name but torn between Vulpix and Raichu. What do you guys think?

  23. I would prefer just one OC per player so it gives fair chances to anyone who wants to join the RP. But you're more than welcome to switch the OC's if you feel like doing that before the RP starts. Anyone else who wishes to join there is only one mare slot open and for the sake of being fair I'm holding the slot to a former player who wants to join back up but if I don't hear from her in a day or so I'll open the slot again for anyone who wants it.
  24. The only restrictions are no alicorns and mary sues but other than that I will allow him in if you're willing to keep him as a earth pony. I'd prefer to keep it to one OC per person just so it's easier to keep track of but if you can give me an age for Shirley then I'll take her in cause on her profile it says mare for age lol. I would prefer you just play one please pick one and get back with me. Only 4 slots for each gender and one slot is gone frome mares with my OC.
  25. RP Link:http://mlpforums.com/topic/70189-hoofstomp-high-rebooted-romancesol/ It's the new year of high school at Hoofstomp High wether a freshman or higher, school has started back up. You're classes are posted and your saddlebags are full with textbooks and notebooks. Seeing your fellow friends and having a good time. This year however is the fabled Starlight Ball, an event that Luna herself started that goes to a different school each year. The one dance that takes place under the stars. The romance that bounds in the air during this event is unimaginable. The event will be happening this year so each Stallion needs to find a mare to go with. Normal highschool issues ensue up to the point of the dance, hoping that love will blossom for all the couples. School is located in Baltimare my little ponies. Rules: No Godmodding Have fun. Keep it Pg-13 rated No Alicorns Don't control other players characters without their consent If you wish to add something make the suggestion to me. Swearing is limited to pony swearing. No mary sues. Please follow along what someone else has posted for a teacher. Don't go completely off tangent from the last post or I will take disciplinary action. I'm looking for serious players for this RP which means at least 1-2 posts a day. Also Don't post and then be gone for a week! I can't stress this enough. Mares: Corona-Me Shirley Temple- Furnoone Bass Cannon- DJ Alicorn Snowdream- Snowdream Stallions: Sterling Crimson- Sterling Crimson Regal- Snowy Storm Repsol Rave- Repsol Rave FlareBolt- ~Dishonored Luna~ classes: literature, algebra, science, history, Music, Art, Clubs: Art, Music, Band, Swim, Flight, Culinary/Cooking any sports activities you can think of feel free to suggest them. Places: Cafeteria and outdoor eating area, library, anything else that can be thought of add it please. this will be like a normal-ish highschool. Flight area,and a field for general use or school activities. Teachers can take multiple class subjects and are controllable by everyone but Stay in line with what was posted before don't do a complete 180 got it. Bullies are playable by anypony who wants to add some drama cause let's face it there's always drama in highschool. IF I BROHOOF YOUR POST YOU'VE BEEN ACCEPTED. ALL THOSE ACCEPTED I WILL UPDATE TONIGHT. SO DON'T FREAK IF I SAY YOUR ACCEPTED YOU'RE IN.
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