Summer Cloud
Not Cast
Young Adult
Body: Creme coat, light grey socks
Face: Creme face, light grey patch on muzzle. ruby eyes
Mane: Straw colored mane, with bright yellow highlights, Lose mane
tail: Straw colored tail with light grey mid section. Done into a long ponytail.
wings: standard, Creme
Summer is a witty, resourceful outside-the-box thinker, that just can't stand foolish ponies or those that are stubborn as mules. She is reluctant to socialize, preferring to be introduced rather than start a conversation herself. Has a abject fear of lightning not under her control, due to past trauma. Can work well enough, but can be slow to begin or sluggish when it's over. Loves singing, and has difficulty trying to keep herself from napping all the time. She tries to make a habit of cooking for her friends, using oranges or other citrus as her main ingredients. Once you get her into a debate on a subject regardless or what it is she'll argue with you... even if she has no clue what she's talking about! She idolizes the Princesses and her head weather pony, Rainbow Dash.
When Summer is not working, sleeping or socializing, she tries to constantly volunteer for other things that need doing or that somepony needs help with. She can bore quite easily, which leads to her pulling pranks and other mischievous actions... actions she will later regret, regardless of how big the consequences are. Summer can have a short fuse, and can lose her temper or composure when things get too intense for her. If she has to pass time, she has been known to sink her muzzle into a good book. will return to Orange Grove to visit her family via Cloudsdale. Otherwise, she tends to frequent the Crystal Empire for her best sales.
Summer was born in Orange Grove, a small orange farm south west of the Crystal Empire, to the Orange family - her mother, Sweet Orange and her father, Navel Orange, both of whom are Earth Ponies. To their surprise, they had a Pegasus; they named her Summer Orange, though later in life Summer dropped the Orange part to call herself Summer Cloud. She started life as any of her 3 brothers and 2 sisters would have, all Earth ponies raised then shown how to farm and help with the harvests. However to eveypony's disappointment she just could not buck. This failure filled her with determination and purpose to help her family, which led to her seeking permission to go to Cloudsdale and learn how to be a great weather pony. Her parents, though reluctant to send her away, were convinced in the end when she said that this is what she wanted to do.
Summer was sent to Cloudsdale to live with a family friend who had worked at the farm for many years and now had retired to Cloudsdale. Summer knew her caretaker as Sleeping Clouds, however everypony just called him Sleepy. Summer attended a flight school for foals, where she learned about everything to do with being both a Pegasus and a weather pony. She made many good friends and gained her cutie mark in her final year. That fateful day saw Summer's young life change when she hit a cloud with her hoof in boredom and a lightning strike shot out during an exam - a wave of knowledge came over little Summer as she gained insight into the inner workings of lightning clouds and thunder clouds and storms, while the strike itself gave her a cutie mark but burned a section of her tail dark grey, which never seems to dye correctly to cover it. Summer also gained an affinity to manipulate storm clouds much more effectively than most. She returned home to Orange Grove to help her family on the farm.
Summer was received with open hooves by her family. However, something was not right for Summer and as a few years passed, she decided that her place was no longer in Orange Grove. She wanted to help others who needed her, and her family, though they loved her, simply had everything so well covered, she felt as if she would have more of chance to help if she were elsewhere. "There are always a need for weather ponies." So, after a long farewell, Summer returned to Cloudsdale were she went to the Weather Factory and was given a location to go and work at. That fateful town was Ponyville, a small village that she knew nothing about and in fact took her a full day to find for the first time. Once she did find it, she talked to the Mayor and was given some cloud space to make her home to the West of Ponyville, where still lives to this day.
Nothing of note apart form living in a cloud house so inviting ponies that are not Pegasus home is a near impossible feat.
Summer is not related to the (cannon) Orange family she is part of another.
All my characters have accent (based of me) a mix between country Australian (think outback Aus films) and Geordie (sigh... you know like Geordie Shore)
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