Personality: Amber is generally very warm-hearted and tries to make herself useful when she can. She also has a tendency to shadow those she cares about and secretly uses her magic to manipulate things in their favour. <br /><br />While Amber has become a lot more confident after learning how to appear mortal for extended periods of time, she's still very conscious about being a ghost. She fears other ponies treating her differently for it or running away from her. She tries to keep it a secret, but she's a terrible liar and is often caught when someone grows suspicious.<br /><br />She likes participating in town events and mingling with random ponies. When she feels her magic start to fall though and notices her illusion starting to flicker like a broken projector, she seeks a way to slip away from the crowd to regain her energy.
Backstory: Amber Aura was a mailpony before she took a nasty fall during a dangerous delivery. Her strong will to live far overpowered her damaged body and she became a ghost from that day forward. After a few days unsure what to do, she reluctantly went back to her town to reacquaint herself with her family and friends. They all welcomed her back with open arms, more happy to see her back than scared of her new form. She enjoys visiting other towns and cities to explore and make new friends.
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