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private Ponyville Fell RP


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OOC (Go to this thread for all OOC discussion. Do not use this thread to speak out of character. You can use the preface (ooc) before and (/ooc) after for a short message but no paragraphs and all posts must have character content in them.)

It is early morning in Ponyville. The mist from the Everfree Forest is heavy and chilly. The tendrils of the mist weave in and out of the streets of Ponyville and look as if they are searching for something. It is clammy and thick, and seems to whisper in your ear but no noise is heard.Suddenly the silence is broken, a town crier is walking through town yelling.

"Meeting at City Hall! All ponies must attend! Important message from the Mayor! All ponies must attend!"

What do you do? Edited by Tyoeman
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Shadow Chaser yawns and stretches, slightly grumpy that the crier had woken him up. He had stayed up far too late again reading, and now he was awake with only a few hours of sleep finished. "Oh well," he mumbles as he gets out of bed. He fixes his bed-mane enough to look presentable, grabs his hat and and an apple and heads off to whatever this "important message" was.


He always enjoyed the feel and look of mist so he let the cool air flow around him as he slowly made his way to City Hall. The apple was a little sour for his tastes, but he continued to munch on it anyway.

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Coal was sleeping rather comfortably in his bed when the yells of the crier drag him out of his sleep. He shakes his head once before getting out of bed and walks out of his house yawning to see what al the fuss was about over at city hall. "I wonder what could be so important?" As he continues walking down the street yawning on his way to city hall, he was not a morning pony.

Electrobolt: "You watch your back... You just watch your back..."


Coal: "Pfffft, my back needs no watching."

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Opening one eye at the sudden noise coming from outside, Blue let out a loud groan.


He had spent most of last night practicing some new music, and had barely slept much at all.


Rolling over, he attempted to get out of bed, but only succeeded in falling out of it, and landing on the cold, hard tile of his house.


Muttering under his breath, Blue stood up and shook his head. He looked out his window and saw the sun just barely rising over the horizion. It was early, just as he figured.


"I really hope this is something important..." He thought, grabbing his jacket from a drawer and throwing it over himself. "I was having that chocolate rain dream again too." A fond smile grew upon his face.


Grabbing his shades and putting them in his jacket's pocket, Blue rubbed his blue eyes for a moment and walked out of his room and torwards the front door of his house.


Opening it, he stepped outside to the gloom trap that was Ponyville.

Edited by GuitarGuru007


Made by: Vex3d (This dude is a genius!)

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She wakes up with a start from the sound of the crier. What a wonderful dream she had been having! Soaring through the sky, not a care in the world, birds flying above and below all singing their charming little songs... but now she was awake. Fantastic. What was this all about anyway? An important meeting? What could be so important as to wake up every pony in Ponyville- well, all the ponies left, anyway.


With a yawn, Hazey lifted herself from her cozy bed on the top floor of her home. With Ponyville so empty, it was easy for her to find and afford a large enough home that she somewhat converted to her liking. The top floor was more like a loft, and she spread her wings while stepping off the edge to gently glide down. The swift rush of air was a wonderful way to wake up.


There was no time for breakfast as Hazey opened her front door and peered outside. The eerie fog sent a shiver down her spine, it always did, but it was also nothing new. She stepped onto the cobblestone street, closed the door behind her, and headed over to town hall, noticing the shadows of the others as they trotted along.


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Spiritus Whitemane opened his eyes slowly. He found himself staring at the ceiling. He turned over on his side, away from the window next to his bed, and pulled the heavy covers up to his chin. Narrow beams of early morning sunlight poked through the gaps in the closed shutters, scattering small patches of light all over the sheets. He sighed, knowing there would be no getting back to sleep now. Spirit supposed he had slept decently enough anyway. The room smelled a bit musty, the mattress wasn't as soft and luxurious as the one he had back home, and the pillows were a bit stiffer than he preferred, but it sure beat the hay out of spending the night outside. And for three bits a night it wasn't anywhere near a bad deal. It was dirt cheap, in fact.


It was his first full day in Ponyville. Just yesterday he had packed up his things and sat his parents down in the grand living room of their East Manehattan estate.

"Mom, Dad," he had said calmly, "I'm leaving". They looked slightly confused, but not at all worried.


"You're moving out?" his dad had inquired.


"Oh, that's great, honey!" his mother had responded enthusiastically, "See, Clyde, I told you Spirit would get that job at the hospital downtown. You know, the fancy one. With all that new machinery". She had turned back to face her son. "But you never told us you had found a place to live, dear. Is it nice?" A look resembling sadness had washed over Spirit's face, but he quickly regained his composure.


"No, mom. I'm leaving. Leaving Manehattan". It took some effort, but he finally convinced them that he knew what he was doing. Travelling Equestria is what would be best for him right now. At least, he was pretty sure he had convinced them. And then he dropped another bombshell on his parents. "And I don't want any more help. Financially, I mean". Again, they looked confused.


"But son, it's really no problem at all," his father had argued, "If you're moving away you're going to need some money to-"


"No," Spirit had simply replied again, "Both of you have given me so much. Take your money and use it for yourself. Take a long vacation or something. Help Rose out. She may act like she doesn't need it, but being a struggling artist isn't exactly the most profitable career". And so that was that. That night, after a final lavish dinner with his parents, Spirit had taken his luggage, along with enough money to live and find a place to stay, perhaps, and hopped on the first train out of town. Ponyville had been the first stop. He had heard the occasional talk about the small town. The fact that it was so close to Canterlot certainly gave it at least a small amount of recognition. He figured he'd spend at least a day or two there and see what happened. Maybe he'd even get a chance or two to put his talents to use for the first time since graduating from the academy. Not that he was hoping anybody would get hurt or anything.


But when he stepped off the train and onto the platform at the Ponyville train station, he had been surprised. The place seemed just one step above a ghost town. Sure, it was late at night, but the station seemed more barren than it should have been. He had even been the only passenger to get off the train. Regardless, he had casually trotted into the town proper and, much to his relief, found the cozy little inn that he was now staying at. He had dropped the three bits onto the counter without a second thought, unpacked his stuff in his room, and had promptly fallen asleep.


Spirit finally rolled out of bed, setting his hooves on the cold wooden floor. His stomach was grumbling. "Might as well head downstairs and see what they serve for breakfast around here" he mumbled to himself. Then he heard it. It was quiet at first, but gradually got louder. Perking up his ears, Spirit could make out what sounded like shouting, coming from outside. He grabbed his white coat, slung it over his back, and trotted out the door to his room. He gingerly made his way down the stairs to the ground floor, so as to not wake anyone else that might still be sleeping. If there are even any other guests staying here, he thought.


The common room was empty. There was no sign of the staff or the pretty mare that had identified herself as the innkeeper. He stepped towards the front door. "Hello?" he ventured. Nopony was behind the front desk, either. "Where is everypony?" he asked, this time a bit louder. There was still no reply. "Oh well," he sighed, and opened up the wooden front door. The sun was just rising, and Spirit was greeted by a blast of cold air from outside. Shuddering, he took the coat from his back and put it on. Stepping out into the street and shutting the door behind him, Spirit could make out the shapes of other ponies in the distance, slightly obscured by the fog. They seemed to be heading towards the center of town. What's going on? he thought. Shrugging, Spirit trotted after them, figuring he might as well find out.

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As you all enter the town square you see a small stage in front of town hall. The mist is still heavy but not so heavy as to obscure the stage. Many tired looking ponies are gathered around it and waiting patiently for the mayor to show. After about ten minutes of waiting and the assembling of everypony in town (quite a small number actually, about 70 ponies) the town crier walks onto the stage and clears his throat.

"We welcome the honorable Mayor Treetop to the stage!"


Ponies stomp the ground politely applauding the arrival of the mayor. A middle aged, short, stocky earth pony with a grayish coat and a green mane that is styled in a bad comb over waddles onto the stage. He waves to everypony with a broad smile that's a little disconcerting. He walks up to the podium and starts his speech.


"Dear Ponyvillians, you may be wondering why I called you at this early hour to the town hall. That question will be answered in good time. For the time being I would like to talk to you about the magic usage of you unicorns out there. Now remember you can't use too much of it or it will scare away prospective newcomers to the town. You have to remember the pact you signed last spring about that. Also Pegasi must remember to show their flying license to me or a guard in order to fly around town. We wouldn't want to scare the young ones in town now would we? Anyway I suppose I should get to my point, I am enacting a new policy today that will better help the upkeep of the town everypony here must pay a fee to me out of pocket the guards will come around and tell you how much it is. I hope you enjoy the rest of the day and remember all magic and flying must be licensed and used with caution. Remember why you elected me, to keep the evil from the Everfree Forest out of Ponyville. Alright boys gather the fee."


And with that the mayor steps down from the podium and an orange mare unicorn casts a music spell to play official sounding music as the mayor steps off, following him back into city hall. A guard steps up to all of you (you happen to be standing close by to each other) and asks:

"The fee for the upkeep of the town is 100 bits each. You must all put that much into this container." The guard lifts a large bucket and gestures towards Shadow Chaser.

Edited by Tyoeman
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(I'm about to get off but here goes, I'm assuming that we're allowed to post now that the edit says as much?)


Coal looks down at the bucket with an impassive impression. There were numerous reasons why he felt reluctant to pay the sum they asked for. Including the facts that he for one hadn't voted for anypony to be mayor in the first place, He didn't bring any money with him when he came here, and he probobly couldn't scrounge together 100 bits even if he wanted to. There wasn't much somepony could do to get money in Ponyville these days.


With that he stares calmly at the guard who held the bucket out at him and his thoughts went off in a peculiar direction. He wasn't thinking of how crazy it seemed to be asking for so much out of the blue. What really got his brain going was how in the hay was this going to solve all of our problems? I mean if you take away everypony's money they're not going to be able to buy as much and the town'll probobly just sink farther than it already had. If this plan had made sense to him he might've wanted to work to get those 100 bits together, but seeing as the only thing he could really see this going towards was lining somepony's pocket he decided he wasn't going to pay this ridiculous tax at all.


He'd never say that out loud though, and from his face you'd think he was completely impassive about the subject.

Edited by Coal

Electrobolt: "You watch your back... You just watch your back..."


Coal: "Pfffft, my back needs no watching."

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OOC: here


, "Sorry, but I didn't bring any money with me, if you had wanted the payment you should've had the crier tell us about it."



The guard takes no notice of you, only staring intensely at Shadow Chaser.

Edited by Tyoeman
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(Alright, skipping ahead to Blue making it in time for the speech...)


Blue could only stare in disbelief as one of the mayor's gaurds worked his way through the crowd of ponies, and came to a stop in front of a grey stallion on his left.


His mind began to race. "Since when did Ponyville get a new mayor? Seems like only yesterday I just arrived and that other, nicer mayor was in charge..." His gazed moved torwards the stage where the new mayor had just stepped off the podium. His eyes narrowed. "Something's not right here...all these...permits and fees? I've got the feeling this is really gonna screw my chances of finding some friends..."


Looking to his left, he stared at the guard and grey pony. He waited to see what the grey unicorn would do, and was ready to back him up, if need be.


Blue knew that what was going on was wrong, and was determined to put a stop to it.

Edited by GuitarGuru007


Made by: Vex3d (This dude is a genius!)

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As the mayor finished his speech, the initial look of respectful curiosity on Spirit's face had faded to one of pure consternation. He was slowly beginning to realize that something about this place just didn't add up. Restrictions on the use of magic? Flying licenses? Sudden fees from out of the blue? Manehattanites would scoff at the very notion. Since when did Princess Celestia give mayors the right to impose such ridiculous- Unless... No of course not. The Princess would never agree to something like this, Spirit's mind raced. From the bleak appearance of the town in the morning sunlight, to the tired and downtrodden-looking citizens and the mayor himself, this town just didn't feel right.


One of the mayor's guards was shoving his way through the crowd, heading straight for where Spirit was standing. A large metal bucket hung by a rope from his side. Spirit's eyes shot from side to side, searching for an escape route. Perhaps he could slip away unnoticed. The guard was drawing closer. Spirit planted his hooves firmly on the cobblestone beneath him and tried not to look worried. This is silly, he reassured himself. I don't even live here. I've been in this town for all of one night, for Celestia's sake. Nonetheless, he reached out with his mind, levitating his coin purse towards a spot on the ground in front of him. He dropped it a second later, remembering the mayor's diatribe against magic, and chuckled worriedly. I don't want the locals to think I'm trying to cause any trouble. Spirit opted to rifle through it with his hooves instead.




Fifty bits was all that he had brought with him, in larger coins. He'd assumed it would have been more than enough for a nice day out on the town, and had left the rest of his money back in his room at the inn. He hadn't been expecting this. Spirit pulled out a couple of coins. I'm not even a legal resident. I'm sure they'd appreciate a nice donation of twenty-five bits, though. I'm not against helping out. They'll understand. The guard was now upon him. He didn't look like the type of pony who had much occasion to "understand". Before Spirit could say anything the guard turned to face somepony next to him. Spirit inched away slightly and turned to find the guard staring intently at a bespectacled grey stallion to his right. The kid didn't look much younger than Spirit.


"The fee for the upkeep of the town is 100 bits each. You must all put that much into this container," the guard growled, shoving the bucket towards the grey pony. Spirit tensed up, waiting for the unicorn's response. A dark blue unicorn stood further to the right, staring at the guard as well. He didn't look happy. Something told Spirit this whole situation wasn't going to go over very well. He strongly hoped things didn't get physical.


Then again, Spirit mused, I am a doctor. A few cuts and bruises would be wonderful practice. He almost laughed, shook the notion out of his head, and turned his attention back to the matter at hand.

Edited by MasterCombine
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Well that’s funny… Hazey contemplated the stage in her thoughts, pondering how it was placed there so early in the morning without any pony being none the wiser. But just because she had been caught unaware didn’t mean every pony else did… but she seemed to have a funny feeling in the bottom of her gut and it wasn’t something she could simply ignore. Whatever was going on, she doubted it was anything good. Besides, nothing good ever happened when the town crier woke the city at what felt like the crack of dawn. Ah, it’s too early to think about this. Maybe I should have taken my time getting here. It’s not like they- oh! The mayor!


It was only out of habit that the Pegasus even tapped her hooves for him. Hazey held no respect for the mayor. How could she? How could anyone have respect for a colt who took away their basic freedoms in order to make himself richer? Even so, he had duped the poor citizens of Ponyville, in her eyes, because they were a desperate bunch. Down trodden and broke, after Ponyville fell into its depression he seemed to come out of the very fog that dispelled from the Everfree Forest. Ever since that day she had decided to stay in Ponyville; there wasn’t much she could do to protect it but she felt she had an obligation to try and fix it. Heck, it’s small and broken, but it’s still good.


A heavy sigh escaped passed her lips as the mayor began his opening speech about licences and a new policy… wait, a new policy? What? Blue Haze decided to perk up her ears at this point. The mayor seemed to give absolutely sound reason as to why this new tax was being implemented but Hazey knew that she didn’t have any bits on her. Who calls a town meeting and expects every pony to just have their wallets!? Madness!


Blue Haze was contemplating slipping through the crowd and going back home until she overhead a guard close by talking to some civilian. The only thing she really caught was the part where he asked for a hundred bits… she felt a bit faint at that. Does the mayor honestly expect each of us to pay up RIGHT NOW!? Jeeze! I mean… there isn’t even enough… I don’t know if I can… Her mind was racing and there was a lump in her throat that throbbed with the intense pounding of her heart. She didn’t have a hundred bits on her at that very moment and the money she had at home in her savings was partly for her mortgage payment at the end of the month and partly so she could live without starving to death. It wasn’t much, but it was something and now that was about to be taken away.


What do I do?... Though her brain was screaming, her countenance was entirely calm, save for her eyes that darted this way and that.

Edited by SkySong


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The guard pushed Shadow roughly to the ground and turned to Blue Sabbath. He walked hastily toward Blue and shoved the buket into his face.


"100 bits now!"

Edited by Tyoeman
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Blue's eyes widened in shock as he watched the guard roughly shove the grey unicorn down to the ground. Before he could say anything, the guard turned to face him. Marching right up to Blue's face, he dropped the bucket in front of his hooves.


"100 bits. I haven't got all day, unicorn." The guard grunted rudely at him.


Blue blinked at the large stallion. He had expected that the guard would have come to him next, but not so suddenly. He had left all of his money at home, not expecting that he would need it so early in the morning. Not only that, but what pony wants to pay a fee of 100 bits?!


Mind racing, Blue smiled slyly at the guard. "100 bits huh?" He responded in a kind voice. "Yea I've got the money you want!" He began to reach a hoof into one of his jacket pockets.


"Its right he---Oh wow! Is that the mayor being attacked by a rabid duck?!" He faked a surpised look and pointed a hoof behind the guard.


The guard, obviously not the brightest of ponies, took the bait perfectly. He turned around, mumbling in a confused tone of voice. Blue took his chance--while the guard wasn't looking, he silently slipped away into the crowd.


Taking out his sunglasses, Blue slipped them over his eyes. His trusty shades, aside from making him look that much cooler when he would preform on stages in Phillydelphia, would now serve to help disguise him.


He weaved his way through a large group of unicorns. Taking a quick look, he saw that they all were opening up coin purses, or searching for bits in their clothes pockets, all trying to pay the insane fee the mayor had unjustly demanded. Blue felt his anger rising. This was just plain wrong.


"I'm going to get to the bottom of this. No low down, dirty scum of a mayor is going to oppress these already desperate ponies." He quickly pushed his way through the group. "Looks like finding friends is going to have to wait. Somepony needs to take a little action."


He made his way back toward the guard that he had tricked, and stopped a few feet away, hidden in a group of unicorns. The guard, finally realizing what had happened, was angrily looking around, hoping to spot Blue. But Blue was too well hidden. He looked toward the grey pony that had just been knocked down. Beside him was a white unicorn, who was looking at the guard with concern.


Blue smirked and waited to see what would happen next.

Edited by GuitarGuru007
  • Brohoof 1


Made by: Vex3d (This dude is a genius!)

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Coal watches in mild and silent disbelief that the guard would actually try and use force to get the payment when there is almost nopony in town that'd have that kind of money on hand in ponyville. He starts inwardly boiling, this wasn't just a mayor who was bad at his job, this was outright coruption and he planned to do something about it.


Not now though, making a scene here wouldn't do him anypony any good. He'd wait until after this idiocy before getting the ball rolling and after seeing that other pony's reaction it looks like he might be able to get some help in that regard.


All he does though for the moment it give the guard a look saying You try that with me and I'll buck you're teeth out.

Electrobolt: "You watch your back... You just watch your back..."


Coal: "Pfffft, my back needs no watching."

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The guard was visibly angry, he looked over to some other guards (6 in all) and they came to where he was.

"I think that we should arrest this group of ponies don't you?" The other guards nodded and smiled wicked grins. They inched close to the remaining ponies Shadow, Coal, Spirit, and Hazey.

"Looks like your friend seemed all too comfortable with leaving you to pick up the tab. We're raising it to 200 bits per pony. Either all of you give them to me, or we'll throw you in the Everfree Forest." They inched closer and closer to the four ponies, ready to pounce.

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Shadow had been enjoying the cool morning air, but with all of these other ponies around he was insulated from the breeze. He had finished his apple earlier and placed it in a rickety old garbage can before coming up to the stage. He yawned, and from the looks of it the other ponies assembled shared his sentiments about lost sleep. He was trying to write his first research paper on a famous Equestrian poet. He thought that since his own poetry wasn't coming along very well, perhaps studying his favorite poet's poems would help him out of his slump. He had spent the entire night poring over the poetry, but everytime he went to take notes or begin outlining the research paper all he could think of was his own writer's block.


As he waited for more ponies to assemble and the mayor's "show," his name for the mayor's speeches, to begin his mind wandered. He started reminiscing about days gone by. After discovering his love for writing poetry while in school he worked hard to develop his own style, while still learning a thing or two from the greats. He remembered moving to the University in Canterlot after receiving a scholarship for his writing. While there he was able to get a job in the castle library, which also helped pay off some of his debts. He double majored taking both psychology and teaching, while adding some antrhopology on the side although not earning a degree in it. His nights were long and full of study, but he perservered to the demise of his social life.


He never had many friends in Canterlot, he knew the teachers better than the students really and rarely left the castle or university. He had originally moved from Manehatten where his mother, father, and younger brother still live. Most of his free-time was spent organizing books at the library, and reading them while off duty if he didn't have work to do.


He had taken leave of Canterlot after he payed off a good portion of his debt. He had worked many long nights of overtime at various jobs to make sure that debt would not hang too heavily upon his shoulders after leaving. He wanted a fresh start with his new found knowledge and degrees, so he searched far and wide for a new place to call home. His parents wanted him to return to Manehatten, but he never cared for the big city. Too much hustle and bustle, he wanted a quieter place to call home. As he was taking the train to a new place to look into he looked out and saw a small town, when he inquired as to what town it was another passenger replied "Ponyville." He remembered hearing about Ponyville in some of the books, for a while it was a fairly well known town. He had left the train that day, and has not left ponyville since other than to see his family on occasion.


After doing some odd-jobs in Ponyville he was able to put his new-found knowledge to work, becoming Ponyville's new resident teacher. Although the students could be troublesome at times, he loved his job and the fun times it brought with it. That feeling of excitment as the students finally understand a new lesson, or discover a knack for something. He couldn't ask for a more rewarding way to spend his working hours, although he also had plans to open Ponyville's first Psychological Clinic as well when he saved up enough bits.


That felt so long ago now though, he had given up the idea along with other goals as the town slowly died out. He even felt his time teaching was losing its same sense of fullfillment, very few students remained. Now he teaches a class consisting of only three young ones, who although bright, don't make much of a class.


He currently rents his house from a pony in town, not able to afford buying his own yet. When he had arrived a year and a half ago Ponyville was already starting to lose its luster, but now things were getting really bad. The population had been greatly shrinking and when he wandered about after work it felt like a ghost-town sometimes. The streets weren't kept clean, the abandoned buildings were in grave need of repairs, and overall the town just felt overcast and gloomy. Then there was the mayor...


The mayor always irked him, as Ponyville's teacher he often faces "cuts" to the education program and his own salary. Not only this, but the very air of the stallion bothered him. He could smell "small town politics" oozing off of his smile. This now was going too far, this tax increase was obscene and the new permit requirements stood against everything Equestrian. Also it didn't add up, since when were young ones afraid of flying Pegasi and newcomers scared off by magic? The comment on the Everfree forest greatly annoyed him as well, the mayor had based his campaign off of protecting Ponyville from the encroaching forest. What has he done though, not a thing, where all the bits went is anypony's guess.


He had been slow to answer the imposing guard, not wanting trouble but definitely not about to give the Mayor his few bits he saved for food and rent. This indecision earned him a painful push to the ground, his glasses fell off and he quickly snatched them up with his magic. He stood up, brushed himself off and instead of turning to the guard he yelled after the mayor, now too angry to care what he was saying "Mayor, you come back here now! I want to know where you plan on spending our hard earned bits before we simply fork them over. I may be a fairly new face around here compared to some, but I'm sure the othes would like to know as well. I am tired of your foolish political games. Your election may not be what killed Ponyville, but when future generations look back they will say it was the finishing blow." He yelled this the whole while that the guards were encircling him and the others nearby. He wanted some straight answers and by Celestia he would get them or be thrown in the forest trying. The volume of his own voice surprised him after yelling this, and he backs off slightly ready to bolt if neccesary. He waits anxiously to see what the others do, looking back and forth for any openings he could use to evade capture.

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The yelling amused the guards, and they chuckled. The orange mare looked back in disdain and disgust and surprise, she looked around and then turned up her muzzle and trotted snobbishly after the mayor who had seemingly paid no attention.

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Coal looks at the guards and considers it, 200 hundred gold or the everfree forest, not much to consider there he'd been the forest a few times and knew the edges weren't so bad. "Alright then, sure take me to the forest, I haven't taken a good walk in awhile anyway." He most likely baffles the guards by his calm demeanor, most ponies are terrified of the place but he just talked about it like it was like buying groceries.


He thinks for a moment before adding "But I don't speak for the others, I'll go to the forest just to get this over with but I can't say anything for them"

Electrobolt: "You watch your back... You just watch your back..."


Coal: "Pfffft, my back needs no watching."

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Coal looks at the guards and considers it, 200 hundred gold or the everfree forest, not much to consider there he'd been the forest a few times and knew the edges weren't so bad. "Alright then, sure take me to the forest, I haven't taken a good walk in awhile anyway." He most likely baffles the guards by his calm demeanor, most ponies are terrified of the place but he just talked about it like it was like buying groceries.


He thinks for a moment before adding "But I don't speak for the others, I'll go to the forest just to get this over with but I can't say anything for them"


"Looks like we got a brave one on our hands boys." The guard says to the others, his face stern and unsettling.

Edited by Tyoeman
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Blue slapped a hoof to his face. Thanks to his antics, the guards had raised the price and were about to arrest a smaller group of ponies. ALL because of him.


Suddenly, he watched and listened as the grey pony who had been knocked down before got up and began to yell at the mayor, who was already well of the stage. He turned around and saw an orange mare standing behind the mayor make a face and continue to follow him.


"She must be his advisor or something. I bet if I followed them I could get a clue about what's going on..." Blue thought. He looked back at the guards who were getting closer to the group. "But, its all my fault that these innocent ponies are about to get thrown in the...what did he say? Everfree Forest? That doesn't sound too good." He gulped due to indecision. "I haven't been here too long but I've heard other ponies talk about how dangerous it is. I can't let these innocent ponies pay for my mistakes..."


Finally letting out a loud sigh, Blue stepped forward out of his cover. Looking at the 6 guards, he addressed them.


"Stop! Its not them you want, its me. I'm the one who tried to avoid pay not them. Don't take any anger out on these innocent ponies. Take me instead." He said.


He didn't know any of the ponies personally, but he knew he wouldn't be able to live with himself if they all suffered because of him.

Edited by GuitarGuru007


Made by: Vex3d (This dude is a genius!)

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Spirit watched with growing anxiety as the situation escalated before him. The guard had lost his patience. Rearing up, he knocked the grey unicorn to the ground with his front hooves and turned to face the dark blue unicorn next to him. "100 bits now!" the guard yelled. Spirit cringed and backed up a few steps further. Nopony was looking at him. All of the other guards were occupied, arguing with dozens of other ponies who seemed just as reluctant to pay the fee. The idea of slipping away unnoticed was starting to sound more and more appealing.


Spirit turned his attention back to the altercation in front of him and found that the blue unicorn was doing just that. Muttering something Spirit couldn't make out, the unicorn pointed frantically toward the mayor's stage, a look of fake concern plastered across his face. When the dimwitted guard took the bait and turned around, the blue unicorn darted off into an adjoining crowd, slipped on a pair of sunglasses, and turned around to observe the events from afar. I guess that's my cue, Spirit thought. He tossed his coin bag into his coat pocket, spun around, and started to gallop away. I'll get my stuff from the inn and hit the road. Screw waiting for the next train!


He had barely gone more than ten yards when something stopped him in his tracks. His conscience had started to kick in. Spirit remembered a night long since past, when he had been but five or six years old. He had still been a wide-eyed, curious colt, and his father had tucked him into bed and read him a story. The story had been something typical, a tale of knights, evil wizards, dragons, and adventure. The sort of thing that any young colt would enjoy. When his father closed the book, though, Spirit had just frowned.


"I don't get it," he had muttered, "Why do the good guys always want to fight the bad guys? Don't they ever get scared?" His father had just laughed, a knowing smile crossing his face.


"Because they know what will happen if they don't try," his father had responded. When Spirit said nothing, he continued. "A wise stallion once said, that 'all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good ponies to do nothing',". Again, Spirit had not responded, instead staring into his father's eyes with a confused expression. His father had leaned in and given him a kiss on the forehead. "If you're ever confronted with the opportunity to make a difference, the last thing you want to do is sit back and hope that somepony else is going to seize it".


Snapping back to reality, Spirit sighed and wheeled around. He wasn't just going to leave these ponies to their fate. The grey unicorn had picked himself up off the ground and was finishing an angry rant against the mayor. Spirit bounded back towards him, sliding to a halt when he reached his side.


"Are you alright?" Spirit asked the unicorn. He took a moment to take inventory of his surroundings. Everything was happening so quickly. He was situated between the unicorn and a grey earth pony to his left, who appeared to be no older than his teens. Further to the right was a light blue pegasus, wings clamped tightly at her sides, doing her best not to look worried. The earth pony made a bold remark and received only laughter and taunts in return. Looking up, Spirit noticed with dismay that the guard had called for backup. Five more were closing in on him and the three other ponies closest to him, now demanding twice the original fee. What had started as a minor scuffle was now being treated as full-blown civil disobedience.


Spirit became aware of the dark blue unicorn stepping forward, yelling at the guards and admitting his guilt in the matter. An intense feeling of irritation and disbelief welled up inside of him. This had gone on long enough. He was determined to inject some logic into the situation. Without waiting for the grey unicorn to respond to his question, Spirit stepped to the front of the group.


"Enough!" he yelled. He looked to the ponies beside him and then returned his gaze to the guards. "I demand to know the meaning of this! Are you all not subjects of Princess Celestia? Does this town not abide by her laws?" Spirit clenched his teeth and continued, "What have these ponies done wrong, other than refusing to pay an unlawful tax? As a visitor here, I have to say you've succeeded in making a terrible first impression. Now explain yourself!" Spirit's heart was beating faster, and he scanned the six guards in front of him once more. He swallowed hard, and awaited the inevitable response.

Edited by MasterCombine
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Hazey never thought she would ever see the day so much dysfunction and corruption would wrap itself around Ponyville in a suffocating embrace. She could handle the mayor putting licences and restrictions on her flying and unicorn magic, she could even deal with random tax hikes so long as she could keep her home and continue to live in genuine peace. But the mayor had hired these cronies, some of them that she couldn’t even place having originated or even been seen around town until the mayor took his spot in the chair. For all she knew, they could have come from the very forest he sought to protect them from… but it was no matter, it was nothing that needed to be thought of in this moment.


The guards had insulted and harassed the ponies around her while she stood, paralyzed with fear and unsure of what she was supposed to say or do. Her legs and wings trembled, and, when the guard knocked the grey unicorn to the ground, she let out a gasping shriek of surprise. What is going on here?! Blue haze took a couple of hesitant steps back, surveying the surrounding area. Though she wasn’t looking for a way to escape anymore, especially after having watched the others attempt their own only to find themselves coming back, she was looking for some pony that could help.


A couple of times she opened her mouth as though she were going to speak, but nothing ever came out. It was safe to say she was a bit of a coward. “H-hey!” she called out so suddenly and paused as though she didn’t even know it was herself who had spoken. One pony was trying to take the blame and another, a visitor, was confronting the guards as well. If she threw herself into this anymore than she had been put into the group, she could wind up in a heap of trouble… and the Everfree forest was not some place she wished to be.


“This isn’t very fair…” she coughed to clear her throat, repeating herself louder. “This isn’t very fair!” with a stomp of her hoof, she seemed to pump herself with a bit more adrenaline. “You can’t up the price from one hundred bits to two! What would the mayor say to that?” Hazey got a little bit closer to the guards, ignoring the other ponies for now. “And you don’t even have the rights to boot anyone into the Everfree forest! You’re nothing but a glorified collection agency! Do you think the mayor is even going to let you slide? If he wants money, he’s going to take it from everyone and just because you work for him and you bully us to no end, you are not off the hook! Go ahead! Send us ALL to the forest! Then your precious boss won’t have anyone to pick the pockets of and you’ll all become broke!”


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The guard looked at the three ponies who were standing up to him and his fellow guards with an evil look on his face. He looked at Spirit, and sized him up looking as if her were about to buck him. The other guards started to encircle the group. Hearing Spirit talk about Princess Celestia seemed to make the guards much much angrier.


"Princess Celestia is an old worn out hag. She can feather a tree for all I'm concerned. I think it's time to raise the fee to 400, and if you don't give it to us in the next ten seconds your little Pegasus friend is going to lose her wings."


The guards seize Hazey and grab her wings and roughly splay them out. Then two guards descend on Coal and one on Shadow who gets pushed onto the ground again (they don't seem to like him very much), the head guard gets in Sprit's face and says:


"As for you doctor boy, I'll find my knife and preform some surgery on that horn of yours." One of the other guards (the one that just pushed Shadow down) looks nervous and talks to the head guard.

"Uh sir, I thought you said we was gonna throw them into the Everfree Forest not hu-" The head guard bucks him in the face as hard as he can and goes to his stunned and bloody face and gets down and yells in his ear:




The head guard turns and goes back to Spirit and says:

"I saw you take out a coin purse from your bag. I know you have bits. You have five seconds or I will break this pretty little filly's right wing."

Edited by Tyoeman
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Coal's face remains impassive as he rears up and goes to buck at the guards coming down on him, if it was just him they were after he probobly wouldn't resort to open violence but now they were threatening the others and even going to break aHazey's wing. As he swings his legs out at the guards and says, "Alright, then you asked for it let's see if the hospital bill is worth 400 bits when I buck your teeth out."

Electrobolt: "You watch your back... You just watch your back..."


Coal: "Pfffft, my back needs no watching."

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