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crossover ~ The Best Adventure I Ever Had ~

Miss Wolf Link

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A Note To The Reader:

  Warning! If you don't like the idea of two fillies at war with untold evil from anther world, then don't read this no matter how friendly the first chapter seems! The interesting stuff about the war with evil starts in chapter 2! This is a My Little Pony and Legend of Zelda crossover. Nintendo owns all Legend of Zelda characters and, as you all know, Hasbro owns My Little Pony. I only own my o.c.s (Cherry Hoofbeats and Shyfly). This fanfic is written in Link's point of view. It dose not take place after a specific LoZ game. I know Link doesn't talk in any LoZ game, but this is fanfiction, Link has to have a voice in this. I hope you all enjoy! I will try to post a chapter or two every week, but I might post more than two chapters or be to busy to post some weeks! Enjoy! I love you all!  ;)




  I'm in the finale fight with Ganon, and all have to do is land one more hit to defeat him. Then he attacks and I dodge leaving him open for attacks. I land one last hit knocking him to the ground with such force that I fall to ground and hit my head. I must have hit my head really hard considering how weird what happened next was!


Chapter 1:  

  I woke up and a pink unicorn with a rainbow mane and tail was standing over me. "Who are you and where am I?" I asked. "I'm Cherry Hoofbeats! We're in AJ's apple orchard. What's your name? And you have pretty eyes!" said the peppy unicorn. "Thanks, and my name is Link." I replied. "That's a nice name!" chirped the unicorn. Cherry got off of me so I could I get up. When I tried to get up, I couldn't! Then I looked at my body and realized that was a pony! A pony! How the heck did I become I a pony?! I tried again to get up and finally succeeded. I was about the size of the unicorn, but her horn made her a little taller than me. "OMG, you don't have a cutie mark yet! I've got to take you to the other Cutie Mark Crusaders!!" yelled Cherry. "The cutie what crusaders?" I asked. "Come on!" yelled Cherry right before she dragged me away. She dragged me to a farm and stopped to talk to a large orange mare with a blonde mane and tail. The mare had some-sort of tattoo of three apples on both of her flanks. Cherry called me over to her and mare. "Howdy there, little filly. My name's Applejack, but you can call me AJ! Cherry here tells me your name is Link." said the orange mare. "It's nice to meet you, AJ!" I replied. "OMG, I almost forget what I brought you here to do!" yelled Cherry. She has to stop yelling so much, it's starting to hurt my ears! While I was dragged away, I heard AJ say before she dashed away, "His eyes sure do shimmer. And is that....... no it can't be. Who ever head of a pegasus with one wing, unless......... I must go tell Twilight and Princess Celestia! I think the old prophecy that was said to happed around this time is coming true!"   


  She took me to a small club house with a regular pony, another unicorn, and two pegasi. The pony hopped up and said "My name's Apple Bloom. What's with the one wing?" "Hhhuuuuhh, what?" I replied. "You have one wing on you right side, but not one on your left. Of course, your right is my left when I'm facing you like this, so, since the side your missing a wing is on my right, you're missing your left wing." Then Cherry said, "Everyone, welcome our new member, Link!" Then the pegasus with the blue mane and tail said, "Hi, Link, my name is Shyfly." Then the pegasus with the pink mane and tail said, "Welcome, my name is Scootaloo." Then the other unicorn said, "Hi, I'm Sweetie Belle." Then they gave me an official Cutie Mark Crusaders cape. "Where are you from?" Sweetie Belle asked me. "Cherry found me passed out in the middle of the apple orchard. When she found me, I knew almost nothing from this word. And I still don't know much!" I replied. "Do you remember what a cutie mark is?" Sweetie Belle asked me. "Cherry explained to me what one was while she dragged me here." I answered. "I have an idea! Let's try karaoke! And I know a good place to do it! Maybe one of us can earn their cutie mark!" exclaimed Scootaloo. "Then come on, let's go!" replied Cherry. We all got into Scootaloo's wagon that her dad fashioned into a passenger seat for six other small ponies for her scooter. In fifty-nine seconds we were at a Japanese buffet with an area for karaoke. We ran over to karaoke area to pick a song. "Hey, they have the song 'Demons' by Imagines Dragons! I love that song." exclaimed Shyfly. "I love that song too!" I said, surprised that they had my favorite song. "I don't think I know that song." replied Apple Bloom. "It's the song that goes like, ummmmm, I forgot how that song goes! One of you sing the chorus!" replied Cherry. "When you feel my heat, look into my eyes, it's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide. Don't get too close, it's dark inside, it's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide." sung Shyfly and I. "Oh, that's that song we all like that plays on the radio a lot!" replied Apple Bloom. "Let's do this!" yelled Scootaloo. We set the karaoke machine to the song and sang. After a finale burst of song, there was a small flash from Cherry's flank. Her cutie mark appeared! It was of a blue star with a pink microphone and two music notes. When she noticed it she was soo happy.


*Chapter 2 will be posted tomorrow by the earliest!*


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Chapter 2

 The next day, we all (except Cherry) were almost-bored-to-death trying to think of something to do. Sweetie Belle and her older sister Rarity let me stay with them for the night, and now Rarity wants to use me as a model, but Sweetie Belle and I would never let that happen! So we're stuck here. "I wish it wasn't so boring here!" exclaimed Scootaloo. Just then two royal guards from Canterlot Castle came running at their fastest gallop. "Link, Shyfly, you two have to come with me." said the royal guard. "But what did we do?!" questioned Shyfly. "Nothing, but Princess Celestia must see you before the next six moons are up!" answered the guard. The guards dragged us to Canterlot Castle where Princess Celestia was waiting.


  "Have you noticed how dark the sky has been lately?" asked Princess Celestia. "The sky was this dark when I was found in the apple orchard." I replied. "A terrible evil from another world has come to invade. It can not be defeated by Equestrian magic. But you two, have an uncanny shimmer in your eyes indicating other worldly magic. An old prophesy states that 'thirty moons after the blood red moon, when evil from another realm takes over, two fillies from another world will find their true power and vanquish the evil.' You two are Equestria's last hope." "Which is why I must train you two in combat and prepare you for battle!" said a shadowy figure in the corner. "For I am Princess Luna, Princess of the night! We only have six moons left to train you for battle." said the shadowy figure as she stepped out of the darkness. "Come with me, and let the training begin!" said Princess Luna. She put a green hat on me that just like the green hat I normally wear. And then she put one just like it but purple on Shyfly's head. Then we were given swords unlike any I've ever seen before. And thus, our training begun! 


Chapter 3 will be posted sometime soon!


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