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Spitfire's character 180


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I have been seeing a lot of people commenting that Spitfire in wonderbolts academy is so different from her in Rainbow Falls. In WBA you see spitfires preferential side she shows to outsiders when she is working. In RF you see here true self, the one that will do just about any and every thing to be the top flyer, even if it is not 100% honest. all you need to do is to look at elite athlete like lance armstrong. on the outside he seem great but IRL he was doping and black mailing his way to the top. I don't see any resin way a top athlete like spitfire would be immune to doing the same kind of stuff. I always thought that the number one athletes in a spot wore less interesting then the ones that never come in first but are always there trying there hardest (maybe even harder then the number one athlete in the sport) and never getting any of the attention. so what do you all think? did we see two sides of the same pony, or was one or the other episodes compactly out of character for Spitfire. (On a side note, I really liked how the legend did not meet up with the reality, as is the case in a lot of things in life)

Edited by SolidTwilight
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It's hard to ruin what's barely there


Personally I see WBA's Spitfire as the kind of person who takes their job seriously, but I'd consider Rainbow Falls(which is what I assume you actually mean, and not Games Ponies Play) to be closer to the "real" Spitfire

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It's my personal headcanon that she secretly IS her GPP self, and everything else is just a front or mask used to be more liked, to get more sponsors, to seem more like a great and perfect athlete that all the little fillies and colts can look up to. That wasn't an OOC moment, that was her real character showing.

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That's a pretty realistic take on celebrities. Her first appearances was her persona showing a good example of a celebrity, Wonderbolts Academy was her in her drill sergeant persona, needed for the demanding requisites of being a Wonderbolt, and finally, I consider her character in Ranbow Falls the most of how she really is. That's pretty interesting, since we got a secondary and recurring character who's not a two dimensional person, as in real life, applause for the staff :yay:   

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Yeah, I don't hold Spitfire in very high regard tbh. She really hasn't done anything besides getting knocked out and being an idiot. I hope they expand more on this with Dash and how she now perceived her former hero....but I doubt the show goes there. In all likelihood, she gets a mini reform

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Poor Spitfire is an excellent example of the worst possible scenario from the 'multiple writers work on individual episodes' setup that we have. Because she's a minor character, the writers already don't have her as a priority, so, her personality is bound to be inconsistent. Up until Rainbow Falls, I, and most people didn't have an issue with it. Her sudden change in character from being laid-back to bad-ass in Wonderbolts Academy is natural, it's something all Drill Sergeants do, it's their job. Unfortunately, the writers simply chose to make the Wonderbolts the antagonists of Rainbow Falls, pointlessly putting their characters in a bad light. Making Spitfire's even more inconsistent, and giving Fleefoot's first appearance as a speaking character one of being a bitch.


I remain a big Spitfire fan, and unlike most, who seem to prefer to blame the characters instead of the writers who make them that way, I chock up Rainbow Falls' depiction of Spitfire (and Fleetfoot) as a big fault on the writers' part. They could have made that episode work without pointlessly villanizing the Wonderbolts into Shadowbolts 2.0. Hell, most people will tell you that, they didn't like that episode in general, even taking Spitfire and Fleetfoot's depiction out of the equation. In a lot of ways, it was a cluster-fuck of missed potential and a bad way of doing things, imo. One of the few episodes of S4 that I agree with others, wasn't that good.

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I'm not a fan of Spitfire, per se; nor the Wonderbolts as a whole.  Though Dashie idolizes them, they haven't done anything (that we've actually seen in the show) that proves them worthy of the pedestal on which she's placed them.  But in a way, I kinda like that.  It wasn't just Dashie that learned a life lesson in WBA and RF; it was Spitfire, as well.  And she learned it from Dashie (doubly satisfying for me lol).  Anytime Spitfire made a mistake in judgment or her integrity was questionable was an opportunity for Dashie to ultimately make the right decision and demonstrate her own integrity.  Although this could all be considered speculation and headcanon, I can imagine Spitfire having once been a really all-around decent / admirable pony that was corrupted (or blinded) somewhat by celebrity and authority.  And if that was ever explored in the show, Rainbow Dash could be the pony that reminds her of her former self.  No, don't worry...  I'm not penning a fanfic about this. xD


P.S. The above could also be a workable springboard that could develop a real friendship between Dashie and Spitfire, I'm just saying.

Edited by PegaMister
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