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private My Little Deathlands (Post-Apocalyptic/Action/Adventure)

Rebel the Wolfgirl

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Hello, everypony. It is I, Renegade, back with a new roleplay. This RP is based on the Deathlands book series by James Axler.


"When all is lost, there is always the future."


During an important meeting to negotiate a peace treaty between Equestria and the Griffon Kingdom, a one-megaton blast of weaponized magical radiation surges through Canterlot, destroying the Royal Castle and the surrounding area. Subsquent explosions across both kingdoms trigger a war between the two powers.


100 years later, Equestria has become the anarchic and barbaric Deathlands. Civilization has started again, but it is brutal, short, confused, and crazed from mutation. Small towns called Villes dot the region, along with city-states known as Baronies. Life is a strange anchronism stew mixing ancient history and prewar technology. What is YOUR destiny in the Deathlands.


OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/103372-my-little-deathlands-sign-upooc-discussion/








3) KEEP IT PG-13.








Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Renegade was traveling the Deathlands inside his well-fortified caravan. He had recently heard reports of a pre-war stockpile of weapons located in the mountains, so he had set out to find it. He had a good reputation with both the Golden and Silver Orders, so if he came across any members, he decided to request help, if he needed it.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Skater crept in the shadows in her true changeling form. She was silently following a caravan in search of supplies. She was just waiting for the perfect time to strike. Skater had been living in shadows and feeding off ponies' love. She was a thief and stole from anypony and everypony, except the poor. She was also a bandit hiding in near roads ready to ambush any passing caravan by either using her charm in her disguise or by scaring ponies away with her frightening changeling self.


((Maybe you should PM the people who signed up so they know the RP is up.))

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Golden Dawn had been travelling for quite some time, on return from a mission given to him in looking into possible griffin activity at the partly rebuilt barony of Manehatten. Work from his commanding officer was that there were actually ponies willing to support such winged backstabbers. Yet searching the barony brought no results nor had the militia there been very helpful. As such, having turn up nothing in a week's search, Golden was heading south west towards the Foal Mountains.


It was sometime in the evening that the pegasus would see not far from where he was what seemed to be a caravan farther up the path. Always one to be cautious the stallion would approach slowly, but one he knew it was safe he would be willing to see where discussions may go. One things that would be clear is that of his status as an Order member, the Golden Order's emblem being emblazoned on his armour for all to see.


One he was close enough he would stop and call with a strong, loud voice, "Hello there, are you pony or foe?"

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Renegade looked outside his caravan window to see a pegasus stallion calling his name. What esd more, he observed the pegasus was a member of the Golden Order. If needed, he would ask for assistance. "Pony." the trader replied. "I'm headed deep into the Foal Mountains, to the Darks." (BTW, the Darks are a "promised land" in the Deathlands series.)


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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@@EquestrianScholar, @,

Skater sunk back farther into the rocks and shadows when she noticed the other pony. He looked rather strong and seemed like he would be a worthy opponent. Skater thought about how she would attack. She thought taking them both on probably wasn't a good idea. Then she wondered if she could turn into her disguise and manipulate them with her charm. She just decided to wait and see how the whole situation would turn out. Until then, Skater just watched, listened and waited in hiding.

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The stallion had heard of the Darks, but many believed it to only be myth and he says as much with the words, "You know many to not feel the Darks exist, that is it a false hope of foolish foals who cannot except their fate."


Yet after a pause Golden would add, "not that I put much stock in such words, hope I feel is important for many to keep strong in spirit and will. Though I have also heard the path to the Darks is very dangerous, with monsters and temptations that lead many ponies from the path needed."



The pegasus felt as if there were eyes on him and he looks around to see if any were near. Yet when he did not see anypony or anything he would look back to the pony that revealed himself from the carivan and offers, "I am heading in the direction of the Foal Mountains, though I am also heading beyond and not in. Still if you are willing perhaps we can travel together, there is always safety with more ponies."

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Renegade nooded, giving a small smile. "Sure, I'll travel with you. Safety in numbers and all." Popping his head back into the caravan, he opened the right-side door of the wagon from within. "i'm traveling to the Darks for two reasons: one, to find out if the rumors are true. The second being that there are treasure troves of prewar tech."


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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@, @@EquestrianScholar,

Skater heard the ponies talking about the Darks. She had heard so many stories about it. That everything there was perfect there. She had also heard many stories of ponies dying on the trip there. Skater had always been curious about that place. She had always wanted to go, but never found other ponies willing to take the trip. Maybe she could tag along with the two stallions in her disguise. They had the supplies. She then wondered what they would do if she found out she was a changeling. Skater decided she would take the risk and she cast a spell on herself to giver the appearance of a white unicorn mare with green eyes and a long, wavy mane and tail. She had on her long cloak and put on her hood. Skater started coughing and slowly made her way to the stallions. "Help!" she called out. "Help! please!"

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The stallion nodded before frowning slightly at the mention of prewar tech and says in a more serious tone, "Why would you seek prewar tech? For what purpose could..." Golden found himself interrupted by a call for help and turned to see a mare with a white coat and a horn, telling the stallion she was a unicorn, stepping out from the rocks. There was a moment of consideration at where she had come from but his training and need to protect come into effect as he moves quickly towards the mare.
"What has happened, are you injured," Golden would ask offering a concerned tone, offering his side for the mare to lean on is she so needed. She was coughing, though the question was from what. As he focuses of the mare's face he would notice her green eyes and wondered why their color seemed familiar.

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@@EquestrianScholar, @,

Skater leaned up against the stallion and looked up at  him. She noticed him paying attention to her eyes and quickly looked away. "I...I was running away *cough* from bandits. I *cough* lost them a while back, but I *cough* got lost and couldn't find water." she said while coughing and panting. "I don't...I don't know where to go now." she began to tear up.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Renegade saw this and scowled a bit. "Yeah, right. You're probably a bandit yourself." He accused, pointing a hoof at the disguised changeling. "Hell, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you just waynt to steal our supplies." Turning the Golden Dawn with a serious look on his face, he said "I call bullshit on her story. What do you think?"


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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@, @,  

Golden listens to Renegade's accusation before offering the stallion a nod and saying, "That possibility did cross my mind, but I feel we should gave her a bit of trust and offer her aid anyway. I have sworn to help any who ask for it, whether they can be trusted or not," the pegasus pauses before adding in a grimmer tone, "except perhaps griffins, after all they have done I find myself unlikely to aid any of their kind."


He looks towards the one disguised as a mare as he continued to offer his support for her to lean on him, despite his admittance to a thought of deceit on her part as he continues, "If she wishes for protection I will offering it, though I will keep watch for any who may try to attack or steal from us."


Offering a small sigh as he lowers his head a bit he looks back up and considers both with question, "Why take from ponies willing to give what they have and offer safety in such dangerous times? It is better to have friends and allies willing to watch your back, then to try and survive on your own. Sooner or later, your going to find yourself in a position that you cannot get out of alone."


Consider the ones with him Golden asks, "what is your name?"

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Renegade sighed. "Ponies all over the Deathlands know who I am. There are many ponies who use the title of 'trader', but there is only one who uses it as his name: me. I am Renegade, also known as Trader. In return, I suppose I may ask for your name?" The unicorn asked, curious as to who the pegasus was.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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"I am Golden Dawn, a guardian of the Golden Order," the pegasus says with an air of confidence offering that there was little doubt of his words. His stance and precense would also strongly suggest this was the case, as did his armour showing the symbols of the order. More it was severely punishable to masquerade as a member of the Order of the Sun or the Order of the Moon, death often being the judgement cast on any who tried.


He would offer the bow of his head as he continues, "I apologize, but I do not know of you. I do not often interact with ponies outside of my Order so recognizing you would be most a challange."

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@@EquestrianScholar, @,

Skater listened to the two stallions talk as she listened and dried her eyes from her previous tears. She wanted information on these ponies. Were they to be feared? Were they trustworthy and loved by all? After they introduced each other, Skater figured she should so the same. She lifted her self off of the support of Golden Dawn's shoulder and stood up shakily. "My name is Sparkler." She said with a dry, parched voice. "It a pleasure to meet you Mr. Renegade and Mr. Golden Dawn." she said giving a small smile. Skater then turned to Renegade. "Mr. Renegade, I assure you I am not a thief. I would never dream of taking from others. I know what it's like to be robbed." she lied.

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Renegade narrowed his eyes at "Sparkler" and gave a small scow. "Really? Because I do not believe you.I am a trader by profession, and IN know when someone is lying. Would you like to tell me the truth about who you are?" He asked. Turning to Golden Dawn, he said, "I am known by a large amount of communities. I was exaggerating."


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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  • 3 weeks later...



Golden Dawn would come to stand between Skater and Renegade, keeping his gaze on the stallion as he spoke softly, "This mare, whoever she may be, has done no wrong to either of us. Though this land is dangerous and filled with hidden threats, we as Equestrians should not be so quick to accuse our own."


The pegasus would sigh before moving his gaze to consider the one calling herself Sparkler and say, "I am willing to offer my trust and an offer her companionship... as I have towards you Renagade." she says this last bit while turning back to the trader and countering his words with his own, "as it is possible you are not who you say. Any one of us could be a liar, yet instead of living our lives with suspicion and distrust I suggest we allow each other a chance to prove ourselves.


The guardian of the Order of the Sun would turn to Renegade and say, "Is this not fair? If I am wrong and she steals from us I am willing to compensate fully for your lose."

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"..." Renegade said nothing for a moment before sighing. "I am not lying when I say that I am known by a number of communities. Ask any of the nearby trading hubs, for that matter." the unicorn said, looking at both the mare and Golden Dawn. "We are not Equestrians. Equestria is dead."


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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  • 2 months later...



"I am not calling you a liar, merely pointing out that you could be," Golden says with and sigh, his gaze still steady and piecing as he looks first to the merchant then to the mare before adding, "I still consider myself and Equestrian, keeping the fire strong within myself as I seek those willing to believe in their home and the Celestial Sisters. Blessed be their names."

Speaking to Sparkler, as well as offering the mare his canteen, Golden says, "I am placing my trust in this mare, whoever she is. I will take responsibility for any trouble she causes." With such he would finish with the words, "Will you allow her to travel with us, with me guarding your caravan and then find her a place to stay before heading my own way?", to Renegade.

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Renegade sighed. "I guess so. Though I will tell you this: the Deathlands are a dangerous place, full of vile barons and mutants. It would be safer if you traveled with a group, like I tend to do from time to time." Turning to Skater, he said, "We are heading towards the Darks, in the Foal Mountains."


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Skater took Golden's canteen and took a few gulps before handing it back and thanking him. "You ponies don't know anything about me, but you trust me anyway." She looked at them both with a sweet smile. "Thank you." She then turned her attention to Renegade after he spoke of the dangers and where they were heading. "Well, I guess I'm along for ride." She said.

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  • 3 weeks later...



"Well I am putting my trust in you dear" Golden would say in correction, before pointing what he felt should have been obvious given the conversation between himself and the trader, "but Renegade here I feel will need more convincing before he trusts you." The yellow furred pegasus, with a coat muchy like the sun itself, would smile as she found himself glad to see three ponies that did not know each other or fully trust each other would be willing to stand together as travel companions. It brought him to this of his princess, and all she had taught her little ponies.

He would turn to face the direction they would travel, knowing the journey would take at least a few days if not a week of good walking. Offering a nod to both the stallion and the mare, Golden would say, "Tis good to see three ponies in such a dangerous land willing to walk together for a time, though later I and Renegade will be parting was as we each take our own path. If you wish Skater when this moment comes you may continue travel with me. The Golden Order is a safe haven for all willing to show loyalty to them and to Princess Celestia, though if you decide there is also the Silver Order if you wish to serve in memory of Princess Luna."

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"Ok, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you." Skater responded. Although, in her mind, she had her own plans. "I'm sure Renegade here will come to trust me." She smiled as she put her hoof around him. "You can trust me right, buddy?" She looked at Renegade with nothing but innocence and joy in her eyes hoping to gain his trust.

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